How To ACTUALLY Become A S+ Total CARRY Jungler! (Get MVP Every Game ft TEEMO JUNGLE)

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Use all these Challengers tips to climb and win in Season 14 League of Legends solo queue in this jungle carry gameplay guide! I take a look at a HUGE carry game that gets you a S+ in the client and a 10/10 score! This includes early pressure, double scuttling, farming well, ganks, counter ganks, great map reads, good teamfighting, and more!
I am also a voice for Mobalytics!

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Teemo got 3 free kills early, his botlane secured the first drake themselves which never happens to me in 95% of my gold elo games. No offense but he had a good team and no top laner that died twice before you managed to make your first full clear or a 0/7/0 adc at minute 10. Show a game like this where you get invaded by enemy laners as they are bored on lanes, where enemy support roams and puts vision deep in your jungle etc, that’s a game type I’m more familiar with…


Teemo had a better team tbh. Let’s see a 1v9


ye ok but this doesnt go that well in low elo where every lane is inting and they don't care about pings or objectives or macro.


Hey Virkayu and chat, do you think Naafiri jungle can be viable in low elo? Been trying it out a bit in normals and its been fun and seen success. Clear is extremely health with Q heal and dogs tanking hits, Its maybe on the slower side but can still full clear by the 3:30-3:40 mark. Ganks feel strong if picked into a relatively squishy team, sure she's got no cc but if you rush Cyclosword then you got a long range gap close + 99% slow. I understand its very off meta so likely not too reliable for most comps, but curious what her main weakness is as to why she is not seen as a jungler rn.


A yordle in the jungle and it ain't Rumble


Why everyone bitching that teemo has the better team?
Sup 2-6
Adc 1-2
Mid 0-1
Top 3-2
Teemo isn’t even smurfing that hard 7-2 . Yeah teemo is doing good, but this is guide to do what teemo is doing.

If you keep getting invaded, stop being a dick knob and learn to clear more efficiently. A 3:30+ clear(normal for gold) and a 3:12 leashless clear are VERY different. You will be a minute ahead by your second clear, every game.
Sit in practice tool for 14 hours, I did it, everyone has done it.


Too bad teemo is almost always perma banned
