How to actually become productive.

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Why I lose motivation after some days of doing work


Your video is something I wished was made a few months ago. I've been the guy who tried to do more without removing things from the already fixed schedule. I Never made progress. It took me 4 months of failure to realize you can't improve before removing the useless stuff you do throughout the day. Your point is 100% accurate I've been both guys the one you speak about in the beginning and the one after the music's changed. It took me 4months to realize and now I'm making progress. It would've saved me 4 months if this video was made earlier. If anyone is reading this trust it. You first need to remove thing from your list than you should add thing you may have a lot of empty space on your To-do list but you don't have empty time in your day.

And another point to mention, watching these productivity videos and motivational video may feel good but you don't make progress until you start working. That's the difference between motivation and discipline.
Be disciplined and start improving


I genuinely feel like social media is bringing more harm than good. You not only mindlessly scroll reels or posts from time to time, but also get insecure from seeing how successful and ideal other people are (at least how they seem)
It's definitely good advice to spend less time on social media
For entertainment I'd prefer watching videos like this to not only relax myself but also be inspired


I’ll argue that ; doing a little progress on a lot of things isn’t necessarily bad.

It’s true that it require a huge amount of dedication and obsession to specialize and actually become the best at what you do.

But it also means a very unbalanced life, where the most of what you do goes to that special thing you want to undertake, and it can leads to a lot of negativity in your life if you delay some important aspects as your social life, your relationships, and some things you may like.

You may need to put your all in a endeavor from time to time (especially when you’re young) for it to work, you may need to focus for years to get where you want to be, but don’t forget there isn’t just one path to a better life and if you don’t want to spend your energy on only one thing, you can find happiness in balancing all your interests within your life.

I actually find it better to live this way


This is incredibly true. Those "self-help", "daily productivity" videos do make good points but they miss the sheer effect of overwhelming yourself with tasks and trying to micro-manage your day-to-day. I've recently taken the approach of having a set list of things I'd like to do in a day (hobbies, study, etc.) and allocating a few minutes to these things. That way they remain fun, stimulating, and my learning and effort compounds over several days/weeks.


It's not about focusing on one thing, but its to focus less and not overload yourself.
For ex: you make 1 goal and do the things to achieve that goal


After a heartbreak I tried to become extremely productive, to fill all the hours of every single day and not think about that person. During the first weeks it kinda worked (although I thought about that person even while I was busy and I had trouble focusing), but then I started to feel that I was overstretching and actually not advancing in anything.

I was trying to learn Italian, gym, studying, 8hr work shift, boxing, dancing, dating...aside from the usual stuff such as shopping, cooking, which also takes its time. That's when I learnt how precious is time and that unfortunately we probably won't be able to learn everything what we are interested in in our lifetime.

I decided to drop everything aside from the things which were really important in terms of my future and happiness. This was about two weeks ago and my performance and overall satisfaction is much higher than before.

Don't overstretch in terms of time and capacity, don't ask too much to yourself.


I found myself doing better by writing 1 thing I know I have to do tomorrow before I go to bed.

It made me more relaxed because I got stressed whenever I filled a todo list and never filled it.


write down everything that you think needs to be done, you'll end up with a to-do-list. Then think about the one thing you'll know by heart is the most important thing on your list and remove everything else from the list. You've transformed your to-do-list into a success list. It's kind of liberating too as you remove all the clutter from your life you were just trying to get done to feel productive which didn't bring you any closer to your goal. In order to achieve extraordinary results in one area you must be brave enough to accept chaos in other areas.


This video really speaks to me. It's so true how we're being overstimulated and believe in the idea of working more to achieve more. That idea isn't very clear in the first place. It's amazing how much we can even do in a day but being able to focus on certain goals and areas of life can really help to produce a lot more than trying to do more of everything. Quite ironic. This very much helped to reinforce discipline and a sense of control with life. Thanks very much for these videos, they are truly helpful and refreshing in today's world!


I don't disagree at all, but I'd like to point out that it's not just the question of how many things you do. Like you mentioned, it's social media and entertainment that's a big time-waster, so if you cut that out, you're already doing fine. You can have multiple goals you're striving towards or you can focus on only one. I think that depends on the person and their situation. For me, since I struggle with creating a sense of urgency for myself, it is super important that I'm working towards multiple goals: with no deadline, making any progress is good. If I focus on a single goal (which I've tried), I get bored of it and revert back to consuming entertainment. But if I have multiple goals, I always have something meaningful to switch to. And I've found that wanting to do a lot of things in a way substitutes the sense of urgency since I want to do everything. Could I make more progress if I focused only on one goal? Of course, but it's not worth the risk in my case.
I understand that in the video you're arguing that people should quit the numerous time-wasters, which I agree with, but I feel like this nuance got lost when you combined the two ideas (quitting social media and focusing on one goal). :)


I like how he actually gets his point across, unlike most of the other people wanting views and likes make 10 minute plus videos about some yap. I thank you for the video. I really needed to hear this. ❤


My current daily life consists of practicing my hobbies like drawing/guitar/reading, and my chores like studying or working out/doing cardio. I do plenty of things all things considered, I still have time for playing video games or watching a video or two sometimes. Though I think the advice 'Remove time wasters from your day' is great, I think working on multiple things and progressing slowly on them is not bad. It is true if you focus on one thing to get good at it, you will most likely get better faster. But let's be real, there are very few people that just want to do *one* thing. If studying is important for you, but you want to learn to play the guitar, or become fit. It's totally fine to do those things. Just make time for them, I found out that as I slowly fell in love with the process of doing the 10 or so things I do daily, I became less likely to waste my time doing other things.

If this comment ended up getting anyone's attention, I highly suggest reading the books Atomic Habits and The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. These books gave me a lot of insight on my own journey.


He makes good points. Just remember though that whatever you do, make sure you maintain social connections with people. I can tell you first hand that you don’t want to become lonely. Trust me, it sucks


I have been doing this for the past few months and i have to say it really works great. My mental health has improved significantly and i made great progress in my studies. I think it is way easier tho if you have a clear goal in mind. If you dont know your purpose, you cant work towards it. The disstractions become the purpose then.


This is great advice and straight to the point. No big production, no 20 minute plus video filled with fluff or unnecessary details. Thank you.


The music gives me a relaxing vibe. And the pictures really express the points. Contents are no bullshit. A high quality video as a result. This is one of the best self-improvement channels I have ever seen.


I think it's a good point, that you should less use social media in your daily life, but for me personally it was hard just to focus only on studying, when i have let myself to do things, that not really productive i've became much happier


good advice man, thanks
it's a good reminder for me since i do try to do too many things which ends up just making me not do anything at all, or very little
but instead, it's true that i could focus on a specific thing instead for some time, before switching to something else


This is really what a lot of people need to know. Productivity doesn't mean do a lot of things
