how to *actually* be yourself

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I'm Jade Fox, and welcome to my LGBT Lifestyle and Entertainment channel where I make LOADS of comedic content surrounding pop culture, entertainment, and gay culture. This is a safe space, but you CAN get roasted. Stay awhile!
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I once heard someone say that instead of "becoming" yourself we might just start with unbecoming everything that's not us. And that's the key I think


being yourself was never to be liked by other people. being rejected for who you are actually feels so good in a way


Tbh, getting off of Instagram helped me a lot with being myself again. I felt like my choices were mine again and it was not being dictated by the thought of posting on social media.


i'm with all this, but i don't understand the disdain for wallflowers. i genuinely enjoy going out and chilling and watching folks, and i feel like the "be yourself" crowd doesn't recognize wallflowers as people who are being themselves just because it isn't exciting to them.


I feel like out of all the YouTubers I follow, you're one of the few who always feels like they're prioritising being themselves in their content, and I love that about you as an artist. Many YouTubers will prioritize what they know is trendy, which isn't a bad business strategy, but the fact that you follow your joy rather than ours keeps this channel feeling fresh. As such, you're one of the few for me who've lasted the test of time. Keep being you Jade!


4:08 "care what you think more"
I love this so much


Loved everything about this video. I turn 30 this year and you realize that a lot of things/opinions don't matter. You are who you are.


To the wallflowers tho, if that's what you like to be, then embrace it.
Don't feel like you have to be a super outgoing and social person to be happy. Listen to your body 💙


“I like to live my life constantly experiences my own decisions and not somebody else’s” YES! SAY IT AGAIN! ONE MO TIME! KEEP GOINGGGG!


I needed to gear this today. I got called crazy my whole laugh just because I am goofy and have a lot of energy. At my new job, im slowly starting to be myself and now I'm making friends and getting invited to there group outings. They think I'm funny and sit next to me at break. It feels good that I'm being myself and its working out😇


The “just have fun” and respecting yourself more was spot on. All of your advice is the exact opposite of click baiting videos, it’s so true and original. Thanks again Jade! Wish my younger self could have heard that advice 10 years ago


Damn! Ok universe sending Jade as reinforcements. You make it sound so easy...this work is hard. Worth it, but hard


This is so honest and so true. Thanks Jade. Keep spreading those positive vibes


"ROSA - bring it to the front" had me falling out and praise stepping not gonna lie


“I was watching, a very queer program…” lmfaooo


I think, for me, a component of figuring out my authenticity was realizing I had to get queer community narratives of selfhood out of my head just as much as mainstream ones. That I’ll never fit in a box labeled “butch” or “femme” or “lesbian” or whatever, my story will never be a Butch Self-Actualization narrative or a Femme Self-Discovery Story - or even a typical trans narrative - and that’s fine. I don’t need a script.


“They be on me. Clank clank. I’m fully committed.” 😂 I can’t get past 3 mins without the giggles. Prime Jade humor this upload. Love to see. Love the salmon/coral vibes the hoodies given and the cozy homey vibe.


Thank you for this video! I've been in therapy on and off for over a decade, consistently going with a great therapist the last 3 years, and I've recently realized that I have very little idea who I am. I was taught as a kid that my responsibility was to make the people around me happy, so I spent my whole life reflecting what I thought others wanted instead of learning about myself.

I've loved your videos immensely since finding you, especially the glow up videos. But those vids also always made me lowkey sad bc I still feel so far away from finding myself the way the amazing people featured in those videos seemed to.

But this video is very reassuring that I'm on the right track doing the work I'm doing every day to get to know myself, and as always I just need to give myself a lot of love and a lot of patience and I'll get to my destination eventually. Much love to you and this wonderful community you've fostered.♡


Oh how I needed this. Next week, I'm hanging out with a girl, who as far as I know has no clue I'm interested in her. She just seems so out of my league, but I know that's my own lack of confidence talking. Thank you Jade for this reminder to just be me and not overthink everything. At the end of the day I just want to have a fun time with her, and maybe kiss her if she's interested. Vibes!


jacket sponsored by the bisexual community with that double zipper fit 🤣 it goes both ways!
