The Everyday Horrors of Obese People | ENDEVR Documentary

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Too Fat to Fly: The Everyday Horrors of Obese People | ENDEVR Documentary

Being overweight isn’t easy. 65% of the UK population is now overweight or obese. So what happens when you have piled on the pounds and have an embarrassing incident on holiday? From being thrown off the plane because you didn’t fit the seat to being too large to ride the rollercoaster, or unable to get out of a sun lounger or getting wedged on a water slide, in this show we hear the holiday horror stories from Britain’s rapidly growing population and send plus size tourists to road test flights to investigate the problems facing the larger flying generation.

This is a warm look at how difficult it can be to holiday when you are a very big and the people who changed because of it.
#FreeDocumentary #ENDEVR #obesity
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Being overweight isn't easy. 65% of the UK population is now overweight or obese. So what happens when you have piled on the pounds & have an embarrassing incident on holiday? From being thrown off the plane because you didn't fit the seat to being too large to ride the rollercoaster, or unable to get out of a sun lounger or getting wedged on a water slide, in this show we hear the holiday horror stories from Britain's rapidly growing population and send plus size tourists to road test flights to investigate the problems facing the larger flying generation.

This is a warm look at how difficult it can be to holiday when you are a very big and the people who changed because of it. ini


If you’re as big as two people you have to buy two tickets Why is he surprised?


You rent space on an airplane. We all rent space and if you take up double the space, then you pay double the price. If you are infringing on somebody else’s comfort because you’re taking up part of their space and you think that’s OK then you are definitely the problem. It’s on you to check with the airline about the size of the seat and letting them know the size of yourself. People who are extremely tall always call ahead to see if they can be accommodated people with babies call ahead to see if they can be properly accommodated people in wheelchairs call ahead. So it’s your responsibility to call ahead. It’s not fat shaming, it’s called reality. There were some people that are twice the size because they are professional, wrestlers, and weightlifters. They have to pay extra.


I’m obese but love to travel so I make sure to include in my travel budget money for a 2nd seat because I want to be comfortable. It’s about being realistic, accountable, and respectful of others.


I've taken 2 nightmare flights where I was sat next to morbidly obese people. I am 5ft 7in tall, weight 132lbs.
Both times I was crunched into my seat, and couldn't even get MY tray down because at LEAST a quarter of my seat was being spilled over into. 1/3 with the back seat with her arms. I couldn't use the armrest at all of course, so had my arms a bit crossed in front of me, as I felt pushed into the poor passenger next to me. The obese woman was acting like I was inconveniencing HER because I was trying to get my tray down, but it hit down on her spilled over fat, so I couldn't get it in place. That flight was from New York to Portland, OR. Packed flight. I couldn't take it. About halfway through the flight, I felt like I was suffocating. Had a full blown panic attack somewhere over the Midwest

The wonderful Stewardess got me out of the seat, and sat me way up to the front, by a small galley, on the aisle facing a wall, where I could finally move and breathe. Morbidly obese people need to pay for the seats their body is occupying. It's not JUST the fat, but the attitude toward us because we would like to relax, and use the tray in the seats we bought for that flight.


It's NOT the airlines' problem.


I literally had a panic attack after being squeezed between two passengers who were taking up a quarter of my seat on either side. It was a 4 hour flight! I’m not anti-obese but deserve to occupy the seat I purchased alone.


One thing I heard from someone who was overweight was that after realising they needed the seatbelt extender on subsequent flights, they ask for it as soon as they board to make it less embarrassing. That man who "pretended" to have his belt on was unbelievable. If someone his size goes flying through the cabin, that could cause himself and others some nasty injuries.


As much as it’s uncomfortable - if someone told that kid in Orlando he was too big to ride he would still be alive


I hate hate *hate* getting stuck next to a clinically obese person on the plane. Happened a couple times and having someone else's sweaty fetid body mass being forcefully pressed up against me is just utterly revolting. It's like being molested, so damn gross.


True story, I had a seat on American Airlines, en route to Dallas, TX. When I arrived at my seat (middle), I immediately noticed that the person occupying the aisle seat was well over 400lbs. I squeezed past him and sat down. The window seat was also occupied, so I was being squished. The Flight Attendant quickly noticed my dilemma, and assured me that a solution was being considered. She found me a seat in the rear of the plane, where the Cal swim team had sprawled out; not much better. So, I told her I would use the bathroom first so I wouldn't disturb them. When I exited the bathroom, she said: "follow me." I had been upgraded to first class, at no additional cost! The other passengers quickly took notice, and some began offering their seat in exchange for the upgrade LOL. Nile Rodgers, of CHIC was also in first class. I luxuriated in my good fortune.


I was on a flight from JFK to Seattle that was packed. I boarded first, window seat, and two huge people tried to sit in the aisle and middle seats. I was crushed against the wall and asked to get out. I took my roll on bag and backpack and as the last of the people boarded, I left the airplane. The flight attendant was upset, the gate guy was upset but, they ticketed me on a later flight and gave me a $400 voucher.
People need to stick up for themselves if this happens.


I think they should pay extra. You have a baggage limit and pay extra for more. Also, if you encroach onto another seat, you need to be asked to leave! How is it fair for normal people?


I was on a flight and an overweight woman was complaining that she had to sit next to another fat woman. Unbelievable!


You’re paying to rent a space on the plane, if you don’t fit in that space, purchase more. If I pay for a seat I expect that I alone should occupy that seat. Pretty simple.


I think we gotta stop beating around the bush and tell people they are too big or they need to lose weight. I think if people would have been blunt with me and stopped normalizing obesity then maybe I would have lost weight a long time ago.
There is nothing normal about being overweight and it shouldn’t be considered offensive to tell people that truth. There’s a difference between bullying or taunting someone vs. being concerned for them


If those two ladies on the plane are uncomfortable just think how a regular size person feels sitting next to them. Be aware people.


I’m bigger as is my husband. We decided to buy an extra seat between us. It took hours with a ticket agent and her supervisor to buy it. At the airport we had to prove to the ticket agent, telling her why. Again on the plane, air hostess tried to sell our seat. We had to have over and over, we need more room, look at us, we’ve paid, let us have the extra seat and leave us alone


Respect works both ways. I was in the middle seat of a 5 hour flight. Every seat is filled. I had a lady on each side of me that weighed at least 250 lbs or more each. It's a good thing that I only weighed 125 because I was left with the middle portion of my seat available. These ladies encroached five inches into my space from each side. Neither had the decency to even apologize for squashing me.


I lost 60 pounds by not eating as much, eating better foods and getting off my bottom and doing stuff.
