The Struggles of Fighting Obesity | My Obese Life (Full Documentary) | Only Human

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20-year-old Shannon is a size 22 who celebrates her curves by selling lingerie to larger ladies, and Jess tries to lose some of the pounds she has put on through comfort eating.

Documentary examining the body image issues of three overweight women, including Shannon, who runs her own business making lingerie for larger women.

Director Mark Beech
Director Kayleigh Smith
Executive Producer Kerry Brierley
Executive Producer Elaine Hackett
Producer Mark Beech
Producer Kayleigh Smith
Series Producer Ruth Binsley

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Just wanted to say as a person with a healthy weight, when I see a larger person out walking/running or working out at the gym all I’m thinking is, “good for you!” I’m not judging you, I’m in inspired by you.


I can say with 100% honesty that when people are at the gym almost everyone is too busy dying to notice anyone else. I had that exact anxiety back when I started, now I make it my mission for people to know that it’s fully internal, no one is judging you or even watching.


I must have been watching too much Foodie Beauty and Amberlynn because the first thing I thought was ‘these women don’t seem that big’


Omg its sad to listen to Naomi, she is beautiful and seems kind and still doubts why someone would be with her. It's ok if someone wants to lose weight but dont lose your confidence, you are worth of love!


I'm not even halfway through but listening to Naomi, it's just so heartbreaking. There is more going on there than just her weight -- I hope her boyfriend is truly loving towards her. Relationships should have more trust.


People like to believe bullies are often misunderstood and bullying because someone bullied them or their just "hurt people" the truth is some people are just rotten to the core and they often run in groups. Poor kid x


"My school had a no bullying policy but I was getting bullied and they did nothing about it so what was the point" i felt that so deeply.


I really love how there was no judgement in this video or commentary. Just 3 overweight women sharing their personal stories and living the lives they want to live. So refreshing to see different perspectives.


Naomi, he’s with you because he loves you, because you are beautiful, because you’re kind, compassionate.... I could go on. If YOU want to lose weight to feel better, you go for it. But nobody will think any different of you if you didn’t.
I don’t think so anyway.
A pretty soul and beautiful heart, are much more important ❤️
Don’t put yourself down. Do it because you wanna do it, or because you’ve chosen to make that healthy choice. Who you are will not change either way. X


Shannon's parents are both big - I think a common problem with being overweight is when you grow up with both your loving parents are overweight, it really normalizes it for you, solidly in your subconscious. There's far more to it than that of course, I'd guess that obesity comes from multiple factors incl. the western diet and the copious amounts of sugar we eat


I’m Shannon from the documentary and I’m fat, I’ll stand up and say that. There’s a lot of things that the documentary didn’t show. I’m happy whatever size I am, I’ve been smaller and I’ve been larger and I honestly couldn’t care less. Happiness comes from within not from how I look 💕


I'm curious how Shannon will feel about being bigger as she gets older. She's really young so it seems the health issues associated with obesity hasn't become a problem yet. I say this because I have people in my life who, like Shannon, were very happy being bigger and had no problems with having more curves. Then, they either got old enough (usually in their 30s) or big enough that their weight started to severely affect their quality of life i.e., lots of difficulty and pain walking and moving, sleep apnea, internal organs not working correctly, not being able to do anything without being exhausted quickly, etc. My bigger friends ended losing a lot of that excess weight so they could enjoy life again, instead of being mostly immobile and in pain. It became more of a necessity than a vanity issue. They're still on the bigger end and still love their bigger bodies, but they're a lot healthier now and more full of energy to do things that they want, so we're all happy with that. There is no perfect body size or weight, but there is an ideal range of how your body should function and that looks different on everyone.


Don’t understand why people say they suffer from anxiety and darent go to the gym….but go on film on the telly.
Naomi is so beautiful. Wishing the best for these three lovely girls


Shannon seems to confuse "enjoying life" and "eating oneself to death"


I really hate the way diet culture has turned deciding to turn eating healthier into this “miserable” thing you have to force yourself to do. At the end of the day it’s about learning how to cook healthy and delicious foods and portion control when it comes to high calorie foods. I still have things like cake and pizza once in a while but I’m not stuffing my face with it. You don’t have to deprive yourself to live a healthy lifestyle you just have to be careful not to over do it with dessert and junk food


For anyone wanting to achieve a thigh gap- some people's bodies just won't do it. I'm 5'4 and at one point I weighed 7.5 (105lbs) stone and I still didn't have a thigh gap. I really wanted it back then but now I realise it's not possible for everyone. Don't hurt yourself to achieve something that's not possible.
I didn't have an ED I was depressed and wasn't eating. But I saw it as a good side affect it definitely wasn't


While I do not agree with Shannon's POV on weight I do appreciate the fact that she was given the chance to have a platform to share her views.


My heart breaks for Naomi. I am a recovered anorexic with serious anxiety issues. My lowest weight was 89 pounds ( I am 5 ft. 7 inches tall.) It literally destroyed my health. I am now 160 pounds and I am so happy with my body size. I eat healthy food and exercise but if I want a chocolate bar once in a while I eat and enjoy it. Shannon is an inspiration to women of all sizes everywhere. I wish all these beautiful women every happiness in their lives.


Naomi is so sweet and the way she talks about herself is so heartbreaking 💔 Wanting to lose some weight and improve your fitness is great, but I hope she also eventually sought some counselling to help build her self confidence ❤ And I hope her boyfriend showers her with love and affection everyday no matter her size ❤❤❤


I have lived with a for 32 years...what a total sweetheart he has been ! !...I feel like the luckiest woman in the world ! Do not judge a book by its cover ! ! Love only see's the heart ! ! All physical beauty comes from the heart ! Just be kind ! ! !
