The Gym of Life

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I used to write other stuff in the description that introduced the video, but hardly anybody reads it anyway, especially now that YouTube has made it even harder to find in the new UI. At least you can come here for references if you're really determined.
NJB Live (my bicycle livestream channel):
Credits, References, and Additional Information
The part of "My Brother" was played by my brother.
Large-scale physical activity data reveal worldwide activity inequality
Nature, 10 July 2017
CIA World Fact Book
For this video, "Developed Country" was considered any country with a Human Development Index over 0.9:
What can we learn from the COVID-19 pandemic about how people experience working from home and commuting?
University of Amsterdam Centre for Urban Studies
People are missing their daily commute in lockdown – here’s why
Walking and cycling to work makes commuters happier and more productive
Global views on sports: 58% globally would like to practice more
Do the Health Benefits of Cycling Outweigh the Risks?
Epidemiology, January 2011
Includes licensed stock footage from Getty Images