Discover & Develop Your Psychic Abilities Sleep Meditation

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We are all part of the source energy of the universe and share that connection. You can discover your connection with the universe in the form of what could be considered your psychic abilities. And we all have our own unique abilities. Some people never realize that. Others, just like you, can not only discover your psychic abilities, you can develop them. It all begins with the 5 concepts shared within this sleep meditation:
1: Understanding you can easily let go of any expectations about your psychic abilities...
2: Realize how you can allow for your ideal abilities to manifest...
3: Experiencing yourself as an energetic being...
4: Focusing on the energy of your every moment...
5: Understanding how you can easily focus on the energy of every moment and feeling grateful to fuel your power...
6 Bonus Concept: Attracting other high vibrational people with their own unique psychic abilities.

Simply listen and you'll relax and drift off to sleep. As you do, your mind will drift down and open up within that powerful state between wake and sleep. It's here you'll receive insight and ideas through the guided meditation that will allow you to develop understanding as to how you can best connect with the universe and allow for you to discover your abilities.

After you drift off to sleep, gentle and quiet dreamlike music, composed specifically for this sleep meditation will play on, relaxing you even more and allowing you to continue to sleep. Best of all, not only will your body relax and you'll wake up feeling energized as you begin to notice a difference your awareness of your reality, in the form of your psychic abilities.

What exactly are your psychic abilities? Enjoy experiencing this sleep mediation as you find out, discover them and develop them!
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Here we go for about the 10th time! 💜 I absolutely can't get enough of this one!! This is probably much too long of a story, (I apologize!) but my psychic episodes began before I can even remember; I wasn't even 2 years old! My Grandparents were my only "babysitters" and had a beautiful 55 acre farm. I loved cooking with Grandma & doing chores with Grandpa. Grandma told me that it started when she had misplaced something in the kitchen (rather, Grandpa had misplaced... 😊). As I was sitting in my high chair eating cheerios I said, "Grandma, the mixer is in the bottom cupboard, over there." She thought I was being silly because that was the "junk drawer, " where odds & ends were kept. She nearly fainted when she opened it & there was her mixer! Grandpa said he'd ran out of room & just stuck it there for awhile. 😆 I did things like that constantly, but then they became serious. At almost 5, I wouldn't go to sleep one spring night. I cried & cried and kept begging my mom to stay in my room. My Dad was a police officer and came in my room to see what was wrong. I said, "Daddy, the house is catching on fire tonight!" He explained how the oven was off & it was too warm for our wood stove to have a fire. Then I said, "No, Daddy, a cigarette!!" Now I am an only child & always a Daddy's Girl, but even he was getting frustrated. My parents never smoked! Finally they calmed me & I fell asleep. Hours later, Dad heard the firetrucks & police. He ran to our neighbors. The elderly man had been SMOKING A CIGARETTE in bed, fell asleep and it nearly burnt the entire bedroom down!! My worst experience was with my beloved Grandpa with the farm. He & Grandma were like 2nd parents. One night I had a detailed dream. My uncle called at 3:04am. I'm the night owl, even though I was only 16, and answered. He sounded upset & said he needed to speak with my mom. I ran upstairs & told her to pick up the phone (this was in 1989). Then I went back to my room & could hear her crying when I hung up my phone. I immediately got dressed. Then my Dad came to my room & told me Grandpa was in ICU and in a coma. We raced to our ONE hospital (town of 19, 000). I saw my Grandma, my Aunt & Uncles & 3 cousins - and what each was wearing. Then I went in with Grandpa. I was studying medicine, even in high school - taking college courses. I knew it was really bad, only showing 1 number for blood pressure. I just grabbed his hand, then couldn't help laying easily across his chest and telling him I was with him & loved him sooo much! THEN, I sat straight up in bed, covered in sweat! I wrote it ALL down in my journal, there was many more details. I told my mom that morning that I wanted to go see them as soon as I got done at school & work (I worked for the Sheriff's Office 4 hours after school). When I got home, Mom was so excited because her long overdue cousin finally had her baby (who was raised like Mom's sister - their moms were sisters & Tammy's tragically died when she was little, so my Grandparents took her in). We went to the hospital to see the first girl; there had only been boys so far. When we left, I said, "Mom, we HAVE to go to Grandpa & Grandma's!!" I was hysterical. But she said they would have been asleep long ago & promised we'd go the next day.
That night, the phone rings at 3:04am, it's my uncle, I get my Mom, I hear her crying, I get dressed, Dad comes to get me. I felt like I was in a dream!!! Everyone was wearing what I'd written. Grandpa's blood pressure was exact. He'd had a brain aneurysm. I went and stayed with him every day. Then they moved him to a nursing home & I got sick. He passed the one day I couldn't come, when he was alone. I turned OFF my psychic ability and wanted nothing more to do with it. But some things would still sneak in. I STILL have horrific guilt about my Grandpa and it's been 33 years since he passed! Luckily, I had my sweet Grandma until 2006. But I lost my beloved Daddy 5 days after he turned 58, on 071205. So losing those 2 back to back was terrible!! I decided now I want my psychic ability back. And it's already working!!! You are helping me SO much, John!!! Sorry about the long message, but I really wanted to show you how hard for me it was to come back, but how much I needed to. Like you say, it IS a gift. I've been to psychologists, priests, friends, family but I don't think I'll ever get over "knowing" about Grandpa and not acting on it. But you are really helping me. Thank you!! 💜🙏💜


First time coming to this meditation I hope anyone reading this & using this meditation I hope you find what you are searching for love korinthius


Good morning,
I have committed to your sleep meditations for the past two months. I can absolutely tell you that you and your wife have helped me clear out the old, and refresh each day with with a higher more focused sense of self and an increased ability to hear source more clearly. It is amazing what is stored in our subconscious that can block or slow down our ability to achieve our highest vibrations. 🙏🏻❤️


Been using the Meeting Spirit Guides, Shield Negative Energy, and Achieve Higher Consciousness . For person who is coming to terms with the facts of why I am how I am . Most of my life emotional turbulent, and unrested all the time. Since I started 2 months ago till now is unreal. This morning I'm rested, and can say to who ever I like that I am a highly sensitive empath, with a smile on my face, and there is no right or wrong response that exist, coming back from that, that I will be effected by. John Moyer, you have helped me, find me. Thank you. My gratitude for you is now internal, timeless.


Another night of not being able to sleep, so listening to my favorite person, John, and one of my very favorite videos. And at 32:47, I was reminded again of all the things I'm so grateful for. This time of year is a wonderful time for that. This always reminds me of you & your wife, John. I'm so very grateful for you! My life has changed so much for the positive because of you! Now, back to listening... have to get to sleep before sunrise. It's early in Phoenix!


I'm speachles...all i can say is thank you. 🙏

I'm GRATEFUL for this experience.🙏🙏🌟


These are the best meditation videos on YouTube. 👏 🙀amazing...I can finally sleep like a baby at night, something I haven't done for years. THANK YOU SO MUCH❤


Thank you for sharing your gift. I find myself waking up earlier to have enough time to do your meditations each morning. My sleep is one of my highest importance so this is really saying something. So much love for you!


I believe I am too closed for something like this. I think I locked up due to a situation I had years ago. But, ill give it a try.


Thank uou John. Without your uploads there would be no way I would sleep. I don't wanto rely on meds for that. You have changed my life


This is the absolute best explanation of the ‘now’ concept of achieving our energetic power EVER! I heard of it before but not explained how you did. This is powerful! I am so grateful and it IS so right NOW
Thanks 🙏🏽


I have to comment again!! John, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ❤️😊❤️ I know my third eye has opened once again!! Since faithfully listening, I've had 2 VERY CLEAR and DETAILED premonitions. The first was about my childhood home (1100 miles away) having a For Sale sign with SOLD on it with construction workers tearing down the rotted white picket fence as well as the horrible tiles on the roof, etc. It has been deteriorating for DECADES! It breaks my heart each time I drive by (it's been 11 years now). Also, near my childhood home is the Catholic cemetery I would have been buried in, had I not permanently moved to Phoenix over 17 years ago. I had a premonition there was major construction happening - for more burials. I REALLY questioned that one; it's been nearly full for decades, as well! Here's my news: someone drove by and they are both exactly true!! My house has the sold sign & construction is in progress, fence torn down and everything! And my cemetery, they are installing a "columbarium;" a structure for urns to be held! Even more strange, the unveiling was JUST printed in this week's church bulletin!! So again, THANK YOU!! ❤️ I have my ability back and I'm so grateful to you! ❤️❤️❤️


I know I keep saying this but this one is my new favorite! Smiling while I sleep 😴.


Thank you for sharing 🙏🏽 ❤️🦋🌈 I send you and everyone who is listening to your meditations so much love and appreciation from Germany 🇩🇪❤️🌞


If your reading this you are special in amazing ways.🙏


I can only listen 2 you on sleep meditations. All of the meditations u do help me. You are the only voice i can listen 2 . I guess its the perfect tone and frequency. And you can feel that you truely were born 2 do this and soothe the soul and that you care. Thx man. You're awesome ❤


Wow my first try and I found my gift to be "creative", "unconventional", and on my way to growing my spirituality n knowledge. ._. with a dual personality. Lol I guess that is why I'm going into acting now as a new career 😊 hope things work out


This is wonderful. I have noticed so many things happening. I need to learn now how to know when something is a premonition vs just random mumbo jumbo in my brain.
Thanks so much for this, and all of your amazing work ¤


I actually drove a semi truck in Texas
I-10 listening to this. I had to stop I got so tired. LoL. I use this to
Sleep. It’s amazing. Love it so
Much. F U Suzette for leaving me!


I knew you were going to post this tonight. I'm psychic.
