5+ Decisive Signs You're A Born Clairvoyant Psychic

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5+ Decisive Signs You're A Born Clairvoyant Psychic.

Psychic abilities differ from each other in so many ways. People have tried to gather information on these magical and psychic abilities to tame and possibly use them quickly, but this has proven to be abortive. The word Clairvoyance means precise vision. This means that a person who possesses this power can get information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception, also known as ESP.

Many witches and wizards are said to possess this power, but how do you know you're one of such or that you have this power?

Well, the following are five signs you can notice from a person who is a born clairvoyant psychic.


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"Empath: A Complete Guide for Developing Your Gift and Finding Your Sense of Self" by Judy Dyer :

"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :


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If you've ever had dreams that later came true, even in part, you most certainly are a clairvoyant psychic.


1. You’ve always felt different ✅
2. You have vivid dreams ✅
3. You have imaginary friends ✅
4. Constant daydreaming ✅
5. You see random flashes and shadows ✅
6. You quickly spot the aura around a person or animal as smoke or light ✅
Definitely resonated with me....I’ve known I was gifted since I was a child.


My dreams are awesome and realistic. I love them; it's my only social life.


I just went to a clairvoyant to make sure I was going ok in life, she did a card reading and then just looked at me and said your not mad, I know what’s been happening to you All your life, she said your a clairvoyant but you haven’t learnt how to control or use your ability, all I could think was thank god someone who understands me


Dreams are the origin of the deja vu sensation, and more. When i kept journals i not only realized i was dreaming my own future, but if i took entries that were more like i was observing strange ppl and places from the outside, and showed them to others, they would know those ppl and places.


Yes I have all.. its hard to tell someone about it when they don't
have it..


Wow thank you for this video. I check mark all the boxes. This is liberating because I’ve been taking so many courses on focus and productivity, trying not to ‘trance out and have a vision’ in the middle of the day so I can get a boat load of stuff done. However, I’m realizing that it’s important to allow myself to have the visions, then go right back to work. I’m going to start writing them down. I’m going to allow myself the freedom to let my Mind do what it does naturally. Just need to figure out a happy balance. May be I’ll even take out one day out of my busy week for all of the visions, write them down and then get back to work!


In theory you can see the future AND the past.. - Because:
Sleeping is the absence of consciousness.
The absence of consciousness means : The mind does not interpret 'time', nor 'space', at that moment.
If in that state of being (sleeping) the mind is 'free' from time and space, the mind could exist anywhere in 'time' and 'space'.


Yes to all & I see shadows constantly but it’s frustrating because j don’t usually know who they are...


I definitely have dreams about the future, I’ll trance out and have a random vision in the middle of the day, or I’ll just intuitively know that something‘s gonna happen.
I also recently figured out that I’m also a bit of a CLAIRSENTIENT as well
and I’ve even learned how to use telepathy, which is really fun to use for some reason


I always see random flashes and then images of random things in my mind. Or random thoughts and then I see them later on


I recently started to notice flashes, and figures move with corner of my eye. I feel like i am going crazy than having some psychic abilities.


I get flashes, of people, places, and what seems to be random information. But, with a short time, that information reveals itself to me. In a very accurate and surprising spot on way! I've learned to write things down and inform others of the information that I've received. This helps to validate that what I've been experiencing is real.


Great combination of being an empath and clairvoyant psychic👌🏾


All my life I have known things about people I should not know. I've known of deaths prior to them happening, I've seen houses fires, and there are times when I walk into a room or building its overwhelming. Is that same thing?


When I was a kid I saw spirits and had dreams that had a message in them or that came true and I still experience these things


Almost everyone does/has these. I’ve always said that I believe everyone is clairvoyant to some extent, some people just naturally know how to control it & some have to learn.

Maybe, except people with aphantasia.. Those poor souls😞


I'm 41 and have had so many years of occurrences I don't question it anymore. Usually an event will occur in a dream first and then in reality. That happened so many times to the point I started to pay attention.

Around age 16 I dreamt for 2 weeks that I was stuck in the attack of my house and it was on fire. It literally burned down from and electrical fire.

Then I started knowing things before they'd happen like family members passing away, or a car accident, or the electricity going out, or a close friend's mom having a heart attack and going to the hospital just moments after I call to check on her. That actually happened recently and my friend got upset and screamed at me demanding I tell them how I knew. They still act weird about it.

A few years ago I started hearing people talking which was new. Around the house I would hear things that sounded like a person. I'd just blow it off assuming it was my daughter but then I'd check and she wouldn't be home.

Two days ago that happened again. I heard a girl several times over the course of an hour. I was working and paid it no mind until I got up to refill coffee and heard it and remembered my daughter was at work. I froze.

I then asked almost jokingly "what was that?" And damn if she didnt respond an entire sentence as if she was standing right there!! I couldn't make it out. I couldn't make out the words but there were breaks in the sounds like words. I have never been so stunned.

I also had no idea about the lights, and shadows. I've seen small (sharp in contrast) white dot fly by in the guest room twice now.

All I can say at this point is wow.

I can't believe this has been happening my entire life and am just now getting answers


This is why I write down my dreams because I constantly get deja Vu.


It has gotten to the point for me that to be honest, I get scared to where I’m crying because every time I have dreams something bad always happens. And I have zero clue as to what I’m doing. I’m barely starting to even comprehend what has been going on with me for as long as I can remember as a child carrying on to adult life…
