How to Develop Your Spiritual Gifts & Psychic Abilities (And Where They Come From)

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In this video I share where psychic and spiritual gifts come from... Once you are consciously award of where they originate you can clear and activate latent gifts from your past lives, DNA - ancestral lineage, and other origins. I share how to awaken these gifts of telepathy, empath sensitivity, and clairvoyance (and other "clairs") for your spiritual awakening journey as a lightworker on the planet right now!


On this channel, I share info on personal development, the law of attraction, health, how to raise your frequency, balance, empowerment, indigo children, high vibration, spiritual development, and spirituality.

#SpiritualGifts #PsychicAbilities #SpiritualAwakening
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Love it. Checks out for sure. My mother was psychic when it came to me. Every time I was ever in trouble she would pop up out of know where, like why are you here, where did you come from. But she defiantly had a spiritual skill in nurturing and protecting children and now I have it! Which is kinda weird me being a male but hey I absolutely love kids and taking care of them and it is what it is


As a kid I had such leadership skills and imagination it’s time to reignite them


Lately the universe is communicating with me with music. I will think about something and a song will pop into my head. Those song lyrics will have an answer in regards to what I was thinking about. Squee, I love it! That was awesome, thank you! 😊


I just went through a huge traumatic event as an adult but I think it’s actually opening up more for me than I thought. My chosen practice is yoga and I think I’m more ready to embrace the calling and do the work


Totally! I feel this. My mother line is a live of wise women decended from Mary Magdalene. I have had a lot of lives to develop my gifts. My soul contract in this life consisted of a ton of experienced trauma. In this life, since I was 4, I have talked to 4th and 5th dimensional beings, I have been connected with my guides the whole time, people who have passed speak to me. I feel others emotions so intensely I have to be so careful about even what I watch. I can see energy fields and energy moving thrift things. I'm a healer. And every night I have intense lucid dreams. It can all be overwhelming sometimes but permanently connecting to my mother line has helped immensely.


Thanks for the video Bridget. I myself feel that I am a starseed so it means a lot to hear you talk about it. I hope you're doing great and keep up the good work!


Thank you for this video, I am connecting and communicating more with my angels, via tics on my body, tarot cards, chakra cards. I am grateful for this 🙏


Hi Bridget, Excellent video! The information you deliver is consistently good, useful, & applicable to everyone. I really appreciate your YT videos & Podcast. Thank you! ♥️


You are absolutely correct! I’m so so glad that people are talking about these things!


Omg that makes sense! My initial awakening was next level - I had been on a detox (lifestyle change) from a woman who was a monk - was through… but I had wild stuff as a kid too.


Love you Bridget! I’m so excited for your series on WHY we are here 😍


So amazing that you mention we have cell memory from previous lifetimes of having certain abilities. I’ve always had this knowing and at times I get frustrated that I cannot tap into my abilities as easily as I had in a previous life. I believe I may have written it in my journey this lifetime as to take a break and to focus on other healing modalities for others. However when I step away from tapping inwards I’m brought right back to the yearning after a few weeks. It’s been this way my entire life starting in my young adolescence. I feel like a yo yo of continuing to develop until I’m happy with where I want to be or just giving up. It has to be in my genetic make bc I’m turning 40 and still have the pull towards chakras, mediumship/psychic work, card readings, meditation, etc


I felt you yesterday, and it came to mind you have not done a video. Viola... You posted a video today. How synchronistic of you to do one. Thank You I missed you, please keep them coming. Your a beauty to look at, nice to hear, and pleasant to relax too.
Yes, you need to tap into your past lifetimes and retrieve you many abilities to not repeat. Also there are many abilities obtained in this lifetime lost due to conscious blockage that can be removed.
To rely on your consciousness not your mind or physical body abilities. The consciousness will make you remember, see, do, and manifest. The consciousness is the key, the body is just a tools to use as other lifetimes were true.
Many issues in life can trigger awakens of abilities is severe enough and precise in the correct direction.
Trauma awakens the consciousness not the body. The body separates from the consciousness and this act makes it possible for the body to sense the many past, present, and future gifts. It is real and beautiful to see all you paths you have taken and use them all. It is possible to use all, but for some it is only available several.
Thanks Again beautiful for showing yourself and being you, keep up the good work, be available for some. helpful for many, complete for a few.


You are such a beautiful soul and so animated and alive. I needed this vid, I to cant seen to just sit down and meditate. Thank you Bridget The Beautiful


Everything you have shared makes so much sense to me! Thank you 💗


Thank you friend. You've got a real deep message to share for humanity and I'm real glad I found you a while back.


I feel you are going to be my next teacher, love how divine timing works, thank you and Yes, I'll pay for courses and really dig in....yay


I've been getting this message for the last 2 days. It's been information about the subject that I've been ignoring. Now, your video popped up, and I can take a course to help develop my gifts. Hmm, I should stop ignoring the message and give it a try. It might be fun. Thanks!


Long time no see you but lm back and I always love your videos. Excellent. Love from Puerto Rico.


Trauma activates the abilities! This makes so much sense to me omg!!
