Are you CLAIRAUDIENT? Develop your psychic skills with these easy steps || Intuition & Witchcraft

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Part #3 of the Pyschic Development series looking at the ‘clairs’ those being clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizence and using your intuition with witchcraft. This video helps you become or develop your ability to be clairaudient which means being able to hear what others can’t, and is something that everyone can do and is so easy to learn. My top tip - DONT think it your imagination. Leave me a comment on how you get on.
Ginny x

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Being clareardient is one of my strongest ability had it ever since I was younger.


It was good to hear your words say, "chest or heart". I thought maybe I was wrong because I heard it from my heart. Thank you for the reinforcement. I have truly benefited from this series. Blessings 🧙


So I am Clairaudient. Sometimes its a loud distinctive voice, sometimes it's more subtle, like random thoughts. I used to think I was (also) claircognizant but I now think that I just hear something on some level and that's how I know, because I'll wonder about something and feel an emotion, sorrow or pleased, and it seems as if someone answered me and I reacted, but I didn't hear it on a level to know what was said, I get my answer thru the emotion evoked. But when I was 9 and the phone rang, I knew someone was calling to tell us Gramma died. And before caller id, I usually knew who the caller was. I've had a few clairvoyant episodes but they were always someone I was with was having a visual memory and i saw it too. Thank you for this series and the suggestion. I'm going to try to remember to practice listening.


Hi Jenny,

I hear it top of shoulders and sometimes the gut, only rarely in my heart.
Like you, I trust the heart messages. 💚

I noticed my gifts (physically) are usually the things that trigger the most annoyance or stress in my body or mind.
Here's an example, I moved from a house, in a quiet neighborhood (which I lived for many years), to an apartment in the city.
A inconsiderate neighbor would pull up to my bedroom window, and rev his truck engine for 5 minutes. This would immediately spark rage in me, not annoyance, not anger but pure white hot rage.
The good side of this gift is, I can hear a hummingbird trying to get my attention. I feel so elated when I hear that sound. Sound is either trigger for good or bad for me.

I'm also an Empath, learning how to shield.
I have caught glimpses of spirits mainly cat spirits out of the corner of my eye. And I have a tactile sense gift, that I can feel spirit cats rub up against me when I am in bed.
I feel then just like a physical cat, until I turn on the light, and there's no one there. I'm not sure what's that gift is called or it's part of being an Empath. It's not an emotional feeling. It a physical sensation feeling.

Sound turns out to be the greatest annoyance. 🙉🦻🎧

As a teenager, I could hear my mother yelling my name, when I wasn't at home with her. 🙄
Do you have any courses or suggestions for developing and shielding these special gifts. I need to carry ear plugs wherever I go, but it can't block out hearing in my body.

Side note, I think I might be some kind of forest or animal witch.
I haven't figured it out. I don't fall into the set categories.


Thanks for the videos, they have enlightened me more on some Clairs have been trying to unfold. Big up


i've only ever heard it in my ear, have yet to hear it in my heart. going to keep working on it. thank you! <3


Going thru these tests are very helpful to me I struggle with racing thoughts and never being able to center myself fully but walking thru this one I feel I really grounded myself and at the end I remembered times when I I could hear pictures or the sounds that I’m familiar with or have heard before they just kinda came back to me and I got that confident awareness feeling and it was amazing thank you so much 😊


This was great. Thank you! I only wish it was longer! More examples… because it was so good.


I am claraudient. It’s taken me 10 years of getting these messages before spirit convinced me that my gift was in fact very special and not schizophrenia ( not really but I did wonder sometimes)


I’ve been Clairaudient my entire life and I absolutely love it. My grandparents are my spiritual team (their words) and we talk almost every night. I’m also able to converse and hear other spirits. Of course it’s only if they want me to. 😂


Example was via audio. This was not a voice or English but I could understand perfectly. The warning told me that there was about to be a shooting. I told everyone that someone is about to begin shooting. Several moments later, a shooting occurred at the gas station. Everyone asked how did I know that the shooting would happen. I replied that I felt it. Feel free to comment what you think. I’m not a witch or psychic but I can see.


I found this video because I have been hearing my name at random points through out the day for the past few weeks, and at first I thought maybe it was signs of early schizophrenia but then I looked up why do I keep hearing my name out of nowhere and the internet brought me here! So thank you for sharing this video and making me feel a bit more confident about it happening!


Thank you so much for sharing this series! It's so interesting to learn about all of them and to understand what my strongest ability is.


A couple of years ago as I was lying in bed trying to drift back to sleep, I heard a strong deep voice say "HUMAN!" in my right ear so I popped open my eyes and the clock read 5:55. The thing is that I am deaf in my right ear. However, today I felt it in my tummy. I am going to be using this method often. Thank you for the video.


I... think I had a break through... Thank you. I've neglected this skill for too long.


Great video I don't know why I just wanna hug you you look huggable anyways brightest blessings to you sis ❤


I’m clairiaudiant and I have been able to only tune in enough to hear 👂 my name and usually I don’t understand anything


I'd love to hear videos on the other "claires.'


I heard birds and felt the texture of the rocks i also smelled the smell of the beach.


Im so happy I have found you. I have a question or experience I would like to share. I was driving to work one day. It was a busy traffic day and I had let a couple of cars go in front of me in line because nobody else would. So, I was waiting my turn to go through the intersection and I heard a voice, clear as day, say "help me". It was so clear and loud I looked in my back seat, even though I knew I was alone. Seeing nothing I looked around me at other cars, all but one had their windows rolled up not paying any attention to me. And the couple with their windows down we're 2 lanes away having a conversation I could not hear. It shook me because of the message. I didn't know what to do. I drove on to work. A friend there asked how I was doing and I told her of my experience. She felt something had happened in my car and the energy remained. She suggested I smudge my car, I did not. Too busy and other excuses. Well, recently my engine blew, now I need a new car. What is your opinion? No judging, no expectations, just curious. And anyone can answer. Thank you in advance.
