Understanding Psychic Abilities: 10 Signs You Are Clairvoyant 👁

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Everyone has psychic abilities. It’s just not what you think it is. Hollywood has created an idea of psychic abilities that is not very accurate to how they actually work. Intuition is part of the human experience. It’s an internal compass that is given to us, the problem is we typically are never taught how to use it. The key is to figure out which psychic abilities you possess, and how to work with them so you can harness their power. Using your psychic abilities will help you to navigate through life. It will help you make decisions, know which direction to go, how to stay away from danger, and how to live in a way that best serves you.

This is going to be a mini series on my channel.
Understanding Your Psychic Abilities: 10 Signs of each psychic ability. Today we are focusing on Clairvoyance, AKA, Clear Seeing. It’s WAY more common than you think, and there’s a good chance you have the gift of Clairvoyance and you don’t even know it!

The first step to understanding how your psychic abilities work, is to determine which abilities you have in the first place.

I’m also sharing with you guys my journey with my psychic abilities, and these signs are based off of my own experience.

Are you Clairvoyant? 👁

#Clairvoyant #Clairvoyance #PsychicAbilities

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10 Signs (7:55)

1. You don't do well with crowds (easily overwhelmed & drained)

2. Very vivid dreams (symbolism, messages)

3. See through people's words (sense hidden emotions, know someone is lying)

4. Feel tingling or warmth near 3rd eye chakra (cracking noises at back of head, ringing in ears)

5. You are a day dreamer (visualization comes easy)

6. Can see auras, orbs, & flashes of light (seeing specks when casually looking around)

7. Natural sense of direction

8. Naturally drawn to aesthetics, beauty, and art (drawn to careers with visual skill, visual learner)

9. Trouble sleeping (wake up around 3 am or early hours)

10. Imaginary friends as a child

My added signs:

11. Seeing spirits (ghosts, orbs, elementals)

12. Seeing repeating numbers (like...333, 1111)

Thank you for making this vid, very helpful ❤ ✨️ 8/10 signs for me plus 2 extra


I spent most of my Childhood alone in an imaginary world lol. I used to think there was something wrong with me for that.


To continue. Very introverted, big empath and I isolate myself and am selective of who I entertain bc it’s draining.

All this time I thought it was my anxiety


I was almost 30 before I quit bullshitting myself and quit brushing stuff off as a coincidence.


Im born clairvoyant, its in my bloodline. I discovered that when I was 7 years old. Someone stole my backpack at school, and my world fell apart:) The following night I saw where it was in my dream/vision. Went there the next day and dug it out from the snow and thought that this is normal and that everybody could do this. My dear ol Mother have been my mentor on this and she is way more clairvoyant than me:) bless her, she had a very rough start in life. It once saved me and my sons life from a horrible train accident (Åstad-Norway)
I know when certain people are going to die. Neighbours, people I meet on the street (I live in a small village)..they get extremely beautiful with very peaceful faces and I just know it. Thats very strange. I also pick up on peoples dark secrets, that is if u stand in front of me. I would see flames come out from your mouth and it would be `dumped` into my consciousness right after that


The A&E series "Psychic Kids" has been ground breaking. Kids being taught that they are not crazy, weird, or possessed by the devil. Taught how to use their abilities.


My "meaningful" dreams always occur early in the morning, after I have woken up and then gone back to sleep. I can always feel when it's an important dream and can usually interpret the dream immediately, to some extent. Recently I had a dream that I was sitting on a baby crib mattress and was folding baby boy clothes and putting them in a box. Well, that one wasn't hard to figure out. A few days later, my best friend said she had a secret to tell me. I told her, "Your daughter is pregnant". She laughed and asked how I knew. Her daughter found out today that she's having a boy. This happens to me a lot. That's why I always immediately share my dreams with someone, so people don't think Im making it up.


I denied my ability because I was terrified of it but in the end my visions or intuition was always right!


You validated my clairvoyance. Coincidence is the Holy Spirits way of staying anonymous. Thank you for not just using your voice (&third eye) chakra but for helping me find and use mine. A true Soul Sister. XO


You are the first person I’ve ever heard explain the fuzz floating in the air! Almost like wherever I look, there it is! And I can direct them too. I’m in my 50s and have never found another person that knew what I was talking about! ❤️


Finally I understand the feelings and emotions I’ve had my entire life. Thank you very much for taking the time to produce your video.


When you were telling your story, it was like you knew my story. My dreams started when I was a young child (my mom would always say, you’re just like your grandma) but when I was a teenager is when I noticed my dreams were coming true and I started to fear them. I get dreams and visions but I also feel other peoples emotions very strongly. Most of my life I just it off out of fear. I just decided to stop fighting it.


The picking up lies is a gift and a curse. I know everything my partner lies about and it drives me crazy


I'm 38 and always known I'm in tuned with the spirit realm. I've one out of body experience which happened every 10 years since I was like 15. I did a medium reading for a lady randomly and was correct so I'm trying to hone in on these skills finally and listen to them.


When I was a kid and I realized I was able to see shadow people, then at one time where me and all my cousins were playing in the patio at night I realized all of us were able to see the shadow people that would just move around the bush in the outdoors in the next lot where we would play. Since then I had prophetic dreams 10 to 20 years before things happen and been visited in my dreams by my best fried who died of covid.


Anyone must have open doors in the house? Can't sleep in a closed room.
And can't sleep in nature like in a tent or camping. Outdoor energy is so overwhelming you feel movements around you especially at night?


Always lift up and encourage one another. Don't allow anyone to be mean to you or someone you love. Talk it over. 😇


I get messages all the time from my old childhood friend who passed away to give to his best-friend who is still alive. In the dream he is always a spirit, and I am the only person that can see him.


I’ve always felt I had the abilities and clairvoyance and now you made it much more understandable and clear. Thank you


This is so me. I saw my mother pass in my dream and she passed away two weeks later the same exact way. It was scary but then I really learned to pick up on the energy
