Awaken Your Psychic Abilities: Intuition, ESP, Clairvoyance, Psychic Power | Theta Binaural Beats

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Awaken Your Psychic Abilities: Intuition, ESP, Clairvoyance, Psychic Power | Theta Binaural Beats🟣JLSGV24 by Good Vibes - Binaural Beats.

Looking For Royalty-free Meditation Music?

🔆Awaken your psychic power to explore the spiritual realms and open your third eye chakra. This meditation music session is composed of 416hz frequency (carrier frequency) which is associated with Psychic Center Chakra and theta binaural beats frequency (4hz). It enables psychic power within you. You can listen to this music while you sleep.

🔆(Note: To experience the best sound, Use a pair of headphones. Listen to this music in a quiet place for at least 20 minutes "If Possible". If you are a beginner then don't try to fit too much at once)

Love From Good Vibes❤
#goodvibesofficial #binauralbeats #awakenyourpsychicabilities #clairvoyance #intuition

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The impact of Hidden Pineal Gland Activation on Shirlest has been profound for me. I’m experiencing a newfound sense of peace and balance in my life.


Try to never be in a hurry and do everything quietly and in a calm spirit Never lose your inner peace for anything, even if your whole world seems unsettled. Much love to all of you


To everyone who reads this comment...there’s something so special on the inside of you waiting to be expressed. Stop hiding! Stop hoarding your talent. The darkness in this world is ready for your light! Be safe, prosperous and joy filled! Love, April


If you’re seeing this right now, this is a sign that everything will be alright, that you’re protected and loved. You are being called to come into your higher power. I wish you all nothing but love and light on your journey on this planet and onward. 💙🥰🌻


Looks like I found my tribe, I wish I had known earlier that all of you amazing people were here. No coincidences just progress 🥂


Let us raise the vibration on this planet!


To the reader - You are an amazingly powerful healer! You came here at this linear time to heal yourself, your family and the planet. It is now time to step into who you really are!! You have all that you need within you to heal yourself. Raise your vibration and heal your life! Blessing to you my Beautiful Soul Family, in LOVE and Light. 💖💗


You are soul with a body, not a body with a soul. Remind yourself daily of who you are and why you're here. I'm psychic I know youre here reading this and you can feel confused. I just want you to remember you'll never be alone no matter where you are in this world. No matter how far you feel like you fallen. There will always be a hand out ready to pick you up. You only lose when you decide not to get back up and try again. Never give up. Never succumb to the weakness of the human mind. You are more than just this physical form we call a human body. All is one and one is all my friend


I have dreams that show me the future. Meditation is the gateway to unlocking legitimate psychic abilities, its a long journey but it is well worth it. I honestly can't believe what I've experienced. I don't tell people about my experience because ik how it sounds but for those of you who are curious and open minded, I promise you we are more gifted than you may think. Join me on a quest through the cosmos! Namaste!


To everyone that ends up here on this video I want you to know you are awesome and you have everything you need to be exactly who you want to be! You are perfectly you and if it take listening to videos like these every day to help you find your gifts so be it dont let ANYONE discourage you from what you know is meant for you! Stand in your truth always💜


This seems to work. My dreams returned last night after nearly 10 years of them being blocked out. With it came a vivid dream and really positive message from my recently passed cat!


To all you wonderful beings. I am in a difficult place mentally, emotionally, physically, and feel blocked spiritually. Please send some healing vibes. I love you all just for being you. Namaste.


Damn. Haven’t seen this much love from people in a very long time. God bless all of you and everyone 🙏


With these higher vibrations, whoever is listening to this music session is a divine being on this planet, prepared to welcome other divine beings with love and light and create a new, prosperous planet. Divine light exists within each of us as light workers, and we are all coming together as one.


To whomever comes across this message. May I wish you success in achieving enlighten abilities 🥰🤙🏼 peace & love to all. Remember you are love~ You are a source of light!


my psychic abilities are heightened more and more everyday, and i appreciate who i am becoming <3 everyone who reads this, know that you can be whoever you believe you can be, trust me, i know from experience.


I am sending so much peace, love and light to all that read this message. I wish you nothing but abundance in all areas of your life Namaste.❤


I’m certain that I have never met any of you, however just reading all of the positive, loving & spiritual posts on here makes me believe that mankind does have heart. Thank you all for your existence and positive post 🙏🏼We vibe the same tribe.


I played this before going to sleep a few nights ago and I was amazed how much 💭💭💭🤔 clearly I was thinking the next day.
It was like I knew what my neighbor was going to say to me before she spoke it.
So I answered her question first and she said " how did you know that I was going to ask you about that, "
I just smiled and said, " intuition" and left it at that.
So I am going to go lay down for awhile and put this on while I rest.
Our mind is the most powerful tool we have.
Take charge of what you put between your own ears and you will be amazed at the positive changes taking place in your life.
