“What do your auditory hallucinations sound like? 🤔”

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I have auditory hallucinations due to psychotic depression and it feels so much better to hear another regular human being describe going through it, too ❤


Thanks for sharing. I have OCD and it's similar, but instead of hearing voices, you hear your own voice in your thoughts saying stuff.


That’s really interesting! I love learning about phycological conditions like this and this helped a lot! Thank you for posting this :)


Your amazing Kody .I heard one of these clips that you did to show the audio and it was terrifying.i never admired anybody the way I admire you


I am not schizophrenic but i have a seijure disordor and with that cones with hallucinations. I see some stuff but It mostly voices and just hearing shit. Like i be sitting and all a sudden hear someone yell!! Makes me jump. And noone around. Hear doors open and shut. And im home alone! Ill hear people talking some things i cant describe. If im around people i have ti ask if other hear anything or what i describe to see if its real. I have a new dr now and ny others didnt tell me this.... depending on where seijure occurs it causes visual and auditory hallucinations. Honestly thought i was possibly schzo. But hallucinations cones with so many diffrent things and not just being schizophrenic. Glad ur putting urself put there to teach people and adress it. ❤


I was recently diagnosed schizoaffective depressive type, and my main thing was visual hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. Though for me it's difficult to tell if me experiencing my symptoms is actually real or not because my auditory hallucinations are very quiet whispers usually outside the walls of my house. Which makes it seem as if it's people having a conversation with one another.

Where as my visual hallucinations don't feel like I can reach out and touch them. Rather it's as if someone took a transparency layer on a digital art program and turned their transparency down to around 5-10%. It's like they're there, but not really "real"

I always appreciate hearing other people's experiences, it helps me understand myself a little better each time


I learned a lot from this video! I didn't know auditory hallucinations were even a thing.


My fiance has schizoaffective disorder and hears voices and I've been trying to learn as much as I can about his disorder so I can help him. The things I learned from videos like this actually really help a lot and he's doing really well, he's still hard to deal with sometimes but I've created an environment where he's seriously thriving very well and has held down a good job for a while and is eating healthy and getting enough sleep and maintains a routine. Those simple few things have made such a huge difference.


I remember experiencing hppd (over 5 yrs ago after doing acid or fake acid, drugs of which I will never do again!) And I remember the buzz from running refrigerators or any noise like that would sound like a crowd of ppl talking. Do things like that trigger you? White noise or brown noise?


My brother was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. He didn’t have that diagnosis until he had a breakdown. It took FIVE police officers to subdue him. Eventually they were able to stabilize him on a medication called Haldol. He was mandated, by the state, to have to take it. It did WONDERS for him. He will still have rare, minor setbacks, but for the most part has been medically managed for years.


I can tell my auditory hallucination experience.

Like a week ago i was sleeping and all of a sudden i hear someone saying "can u help me get up please i need help" and i though that i was dreaming about it but then i hear the voice saying the same thing again and i remembered that my parents were right next door and i got oit of bed and went to my parents room and i asked my mom and dad if they were okay and why were they talking to me and they said " i didmt say anything" and im like yes u did i heard it 2 times but they said that they didnt say anything so i was kind of scared bc im hearing voices when no one is their but i went back to bed and i couldnt sleep anymore.


Nah idk if I have any schizophrenia but istg I just heard Irish music on a harmonica outside my bedroom window, I don’t listen to either, but the second I put my ear plugs in it stopped


Like a storm it's all like SSSSGGWHHWJJJW in my ear with two people arguing in simish


Every day I get up and get ready to go to school and when I’m getting out of bed I always head a carnival like piano and I always think it’s my parents or sisters alarm clock but I asked them if their alarm clock has a music setting and they were confused and they just asked me what I was talking about. I ended up hearing more stuff as I got older and I was getting out of bed constantly thinking I was about to fight someone and it got to the point I had to go to a doctor to talk to them about it and it turns out I have a similar condition but it’s not schizophrenia. I have something that causes my senses to go into fight or flight mode along with auditory hallucinations.


I get alot of bass in my hearing, and the voices? Well... I cant understand any of them because they all tall over eachother- and they are all thru the concrete wall next foor


It’s so interesting to me that list of the time the hallucinations are negetive..I just wonder why..my grandma had paranoid schizophrenia so I’m very familiar..but it’s a condition that still has so much mystery to it.


Bro can you please be the first intelligent human to please use a DAW digital audio workshop or track layering to please put together a sound clip of ehat you hear. I dont understand, i hear my voice when i shouldnt. Never another voice only mine. I want to know if im ill


I mean no disrespect but have you ever actually tested getting rid of them in Jesus name? I am a believer and I believe His name has power.
