Hearing voices & Auditory Hallucinations

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Hearing voices & Auditory Hallucinations

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00:00 - Introduction
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One time when I was in the ER there was a guy there because he was hearing voices and it was sad seeing him sitting there uncomfortable obviously distressed he kept asking for help but still had to wait so he was just sitting there uncomfortable muttering but trying his best to hold it together and then he suddenly jumps as if he had been slapped stands up and looks at the empty chair next to him and says in a very calm but stern voice "you're not real so don't fucking touch me" then sat back down looking really embarrassed and like he was about to cry it was sad but profound made me really have empathy for what people must go through can I commend his efforts to keep it together while experiencing symptoms and also dealing with a rude receptionist that was pretty cruel to him when he obviously needed help


I started hearing people talking badly about me because I stayed in my room for years, dropped out of school, and had severe anxiety. I thought random noises I could barely hear were people talking about me, and it eventually lead to me being able to hear them clearly. As well as other random hallucinations, isolation and extreme anxiety did a number on my mental health.


Literally everyday when I go to sleep, I’ll hear indistinct whispers, talking through the wall, game music, and just distorting the actual sound of my fan.


I appreciate your insight as it helps me understand the symptoms of my wife's schizophrenia. Please continue to share your work. Thanks for sharing


I sometimes (okay, very rarely) hear REALLY loud bangs (like explosions) except there is no echo and no after ringing and it consistently only happens when I'm tired and almost asleep. Fun and harmless lil' hallucinations. :)


this is me, i am in NZ and the mental health system is broken...can relate 100% to everything youve said...i heard voices of pople coming to gt me and took off pyshcotic, too much too explain ..please keep these videos coming, can get more help from youtube than NZ's broken system. cheers


A few months ago I heard a voice yelling at me it sounded like it came from the front door but it was in my head can’t explain it but it was at 2 places at once


When I was a young kid, I would sometimes experience a slowing of time where I would experience everybody around me going fast and I would be going very slow. I also would experience me shrinking to the point of all of my surroundings would be huge and I would be very small. During these times I would wonder why no one around me saw what was going on. Back then I had the ability to do this on demand. The older I got these things went away which I was kind of sad about because when these things were happening it felt very euphoric. The only time I experienced visual hallucinations was when I was sick and running a high fever, I saw dog heads coming out from the wall which I guess was a fever induced experience.


Living the same thing but i don't know how to explain it, but the voices are so real to me, i think that they are real people playing with my mind can't know exactly what they want but really need to discuss about it


My voices would tell me that the cops were outside, and that I'm going to jail. I'm strong enough to know better. Some people can be week to this... I originally thought my voices were my neighbors and that we could telepathically communicate with each other. They were telling me to come over to introduce myself, but I was like, no, come to me. I was in an apartment and I told them to bang on the ceiling and I heard the bang in my head, but not from my floor. I then asked if they were demons and they got offended. That's what made me realize that they are really demons!!! God bless to those that suffer this!


I hear "auditory thoughts' all day long. Sometimes it gets disturbing. When I am having an episode, they are not auditory thoughts, they are evil evil things. They say I do terrible things, which is not true. Thanks for your videos Dr Syl :)


I have twice heard an audible voice saying just my name, “Maya.” Both times were frightening and both happened in the same hallway of the same home.

I am a full time professional psychic medium going on my 10th year of this work. I have left these incidents unexplained.


Not an auditory hallucination but I used to see smoke a lot when I was really struggling with insomnia. It would be dancing in the corners of my eyes pretty consistently and was a sign to me to get to sleep. When I'm really not in a good place, the thoughts get really loud and messy in my head. It's been enough to force me to lock myself in a room alone because it's overwhelming.


I always thought the voice in my head that said horrible things about me and criticized me was not a hallucination because I knew it was not real. It sounded like my mom's voice but I knew it wasn't and it wasn't actual things she'd said just what she implied. I've wondered if I had complex PTSD. This is just another indicator that I do. I did get rid of it tho. I started yelling back at it telling it to "shut the f*ck up". That along with therapy eventually worked. I still have criticizing thoughts about myself sometimes, but it's not her voice and they don't impact me like they use too.


My wife is hearing voices, she says that it is one of her nabers and my self talk to her, when I ask what is being said she becomes very angry and upset saying that I know what I was saying, she says that she can hear my voice in her head constantly, she is not willing to get help and believe that hearing voices is a normal part of life, it is destroying our marriage and I'm at a loss on what to do I truly love her but I'm not sure how much more I can handle, it's heart breaking seeing someone you love go through this and not be able to convince them they need help.


I find your videos very interesting, and can personally relate to many things mentioned here. Voices didn't go away, I still hear um but being medicated I'm less likely to act upon them. What helps me is writing down the chatter until it subsides. Sometimes hearing things inside as well as outside make the line blurry and reality gets distorted. Psychosis is like a living nightmare... running from something that just follows me everywhere, and everyone becomes an enemy. When unwell I felt like I had no integrity, no boundaries, nothing to hold me together. Like I didn't know where I begin and where I end, I could become anything or nothing.
It is a lonely illness when it's hard to trust people, and easier to avoid. Only that life becomes meaningless and that's when sometimes people start feeling suicidal. Not wanting to accept facts or face cold hard reality. I saw it as an easy way out but got helped and am here still. It's a battle but we learned, got insight and educating myself also helps in separating myself from the illness.
Best of luck with your next videos, keep them coming, you are a great speaker.


I have bipolar 2 and used to hear music quite often. Either instrumental music or music with voices that couldn't be understood. All very soothing and beautiful, though. My psych put me on abilify and upped it and now I don't hear the music anymore.


haha you made me laugh! gedankenlautwerden, yes! good pronounciation. german here with my final psychotherapy exam tomorrow. i didn't know it was a thing in english. awesome channel and information, thank you!


that's really good content and it helps me understand hallucinations. I am clinical social worker and sometimes will encounter youth patients with auditory hallucinations. It is critical to differentiate between symptoms with insights or not, as well as it is induced by post trauma or part of psychosis. Thank you Dr Syl!


Elliot, Hi, I’m a system member for the Nexus system, a Dissociative identity disorder system, who has taken on more than an academic interest in our own field of psychology. Smiley, this was most helpful for evaluating clients today. Would you feel comfortable doing a video on ways health professionals can spot the difference between auditory hallucinations and OSDD/DID and recognizing alters/system members? We are finding it difficult to word the differences we are spotting with clients who may be having auditory hallucinations verses those with dissociative disorders. For reference we are doing some volunteeer work at various crises hotlines, where you are forced to make rapid decisionss based on limited timing to gather patient history/s on top of stigma with regards to dissociative disorders.
