Hearing Voices Others Can't: How A Growing Movement Fights Mental Health Stigma | Think | NBC News

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What is it like hearing voices that others can't? For Jeannie Bass, hearing voices is her daily reality. The medical term is "auditory hallucinations." Jeannie is a leader in the Hearing Voices Movement, which aims to re-frame and destigmatize the extreme mental experiences that society labels as "crazy."

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Hearing Voices Others Can't: How A Growing Movement Fights Mental Health Stigma | Think | NBC News
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Your not crazy and don't let them think you are


Thank you taking the time to share your story. This took courage and strength. I tried reaching out to family and they reacted in such a harsh way I just said forget it. It was easier for them to say “you need help” then to take one moment and research what I said. I thought I came from a family of faith. My entire mindset is different now. I don’t want to believe there is a God who would allow this harassment to happen. Slavery is still here, just in a different form. I’m so frustrated because we don’t live in a world of democracy when someone has the ability to control or harass others with microwaves. I am still pushing forward by exercising, focusing on sleeping and studying when I can. I worked in IT for over fifteen years. I have no faith in the industry anymore. I provided support and loved it. How can I honestly provide support, which came from my mind and heart, if I don’t believe in it anymore. We are moving one step forward and five steps backwards. We’re designing and building things for a better world only for criminals to use it for the opposite. We will never succeed. I’m afraid for the next generation. They are going to have to make a choice in how to use their education and talents. I have a feeling most will choose a different path when they find out their dreams and goals will hurt more than help, because of the cyber terrorism. People are just ignoring the fact of what technology can really do. If I had my choice…. I would go back to a time where none of this existed. At least the slave owners could look you in the face. Now they are hidden. Everyone really needs to wake up before it’s too late. The only thing remaining will be technology all by itself.


I started hearing voices and also seeing quick glimpses of situations where my family is in danger when i reached adulthood. Years back there was a day where i just got off work and walked in my house, and out of no where i heard my mom struggling for air and i heard water splashing. It shook me to my core so i called her phone, but no response. I drove to her house which wasnt far and when i went inside i heard water splashing upstairs. I ran up screaming her name but nothing, so i kicked open the locked bathroom and discovered she had a seizure and her mouth was partly under water. Called an ambulance and she ended up okay. Up until this point i had been in and out of mental hospitals because of schizophrenia, was an outcast of the family, but this situation brought me and my family closer. If i didnt hear what i heard or wouldnt have acted on it, my mom might not be here today.


Sometimes even the best medication will not keep you from hearing voices. The kind of trauma that I had after the loss of my sister last year the stress and loneliness I believe caused me to hear voices. But I know what they are and I know where they're coming from which is a step in the right direction.


stigma has a lot to do with the actual fear of losing your rights and being subjected to all kinds of violence by those who are supposted to help you; the fear to be tortured, to lose your job, to lose your kids, to lose your freedom and wellbeing.


REMOT NEURAL MONITORING / V2K- Voice to Skull. This Technology can be used to talk with people through their own skull


My boyfriend's uncle hears voices that are telling him to do things that aren't good.... he tries to fights those voices by talking back to them.. he spends hours arguing with them about bad things they are telling him to do.


Thank you!! I have been dealing with this for almost. 18 years!! I have learned that i have to be happy with my life choices i am making! I had to deal with my inner child, my trauma to go on in this world.. But i also feel i am this way for a reason.. I also sense things.. Its hard to explain but thank you for doing this interview!


Thank you. Thank you so much. I don't think I have ever been able to completely relate with anyone or any experience like me and mine. As I listen to her describe life for her as a "listener", I literally broke down and said to myself.. Finally. When ive tried to explain to people that I hear voices, its usually assumed I'm talking about dead people or I'm just crazy but no. When she told the interviewer she may hear his voice always, I got that! I actually relate to everything she says. I'm 39 years old and this has been a lifelong alienated issue for me. Anyway, thank you for this show. I appreciate this story so much.


National Security Agency - Signals Intelligence - Remote Neural Monitoring - V2K voice communications -


I thought I was only one in the world who is struggling with evil and ungodly thoughts.
its hard to tell because I feel like something grabs my mind and heart at the same time evil and ungodly thoughts just pure out of no where, I mean things i would never ever thought about in a million years


I was trained in part by Dr. Kimhy. It is WONDERFUL to see this made it to a major network's news!


I am looking to speak with someone who is literally experience auditory Hallucinations. I want to know when they first learnt or first was aware that they heard voices. I haven’t watched the whole video but I can 100 percent relate to what she is saying. For example, I can hear my family members voice and distinguish it is a family member voice. However I do not suffer any mental illness and I cannot disclose what it is that has caused me to start hearing voices. I would like to speak to someone who has been or is recognised by a Mental Health service to have a mental illness such as psychosis ( hearing voices)

As I have mentioned, I hear voices as well. Sometimes loud sometimes quietly. I can be speaking to a family member today and months later I can hear their voices in my head and even outside of my head as if their is a ghost in my home who is speaking right in front of me. As I mentioned I do not suffer any mental illness and how this has happened to me to be able to experience such similiar experiences I am unable to disclose that information.


I've always been a very spiritual person and I'm definitely hearing spiritual people talking from like a far distance. I can't make out what they're saying but I keep pausing my TV and listening and I it's like in the wind


Thank you so much, I don't feel alone. The stories get out the more support can be reached. This is never normal, something out there is making us hear voices that mean, cruel, want us to hurt ourselves our others. This is a phenomenon and we need help. We are being attacked out here and people are dying.


Genie, I admire your fortitude being able to manage hearing voices and be a mother support a child and work in Mental Health and lead this MA Voice Hearing Group!! I live in Santa Barbara and just finished presenting on Zoom to the NAMI Family to Family. I found this video through searching YouTube to send links to others in the Zoom meeting this evening. Prayers to you and your family hope your staying well. God bless!


Nothing, so far has worked for me except that I am not alone.


People are realizing these voices are not internal these are external. That's why it sounds like it's a full conversation and doesn't matter who it is the voices always say the same thing in the end. People suffering from this need to realize that again these are external voices not internal.


I learned to record the unheard voices. Often the voices are an undertone of ambient sound.


This is happening to me for so many years...
