Coping with Hearing Voices, Auditory Hallucination | HealthyPlace

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Elizabeth is hearing voices more often. But she's finding ways to cope. Read how she's coping with hearing schizoaffective voices at HealthyPlace.

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I hear voices all the time. It's a constant stream of negativity. I've recently started meditating and doing breathing exercises. It helps calm my mind and helps me to sleep at night


I suffer schizophrenia and I constantly kept telling my voices to fuck off and make them ridiculous etc. in my head and now they are mainly gone. Be carefull. Give your voices a mental breakdown (it can take a while) and some other voices you must make alliance with. Good Luck!!


You have sensory issues, too. They'll never know why, I swear. I've had every stressor for schizophrenia and then some, including strong gentics. When I was a kid, and they'd have to separate it from fevers and way too many antibiotics (they didn't know when I was little not to do this), I saw a man in the garden that came to me in dreams. He said he had killed himself, but I couldn't trust him because sometimes he'd be angry, just like the man who creeped toward me out of the television. Things would talk and glow. I also saw muppets under the couch and had some weird part-sleep hallucination of heads rolling out of the fireplace singing. It came and went. I didn't have healthcare later on when my mom wanted to commit me and get me help for what happened at dad's and other stressors. I'd been after my sister for years. She takes care of me now, ironically. Stressful events used to bring it out more. When I was younger, I only heard a voice trying to get me to jump or kill myself when I didn't even know what suicide was. He told me I'd be okay, and my grandpa saved me seconds before I was going to jump off a roof. I also tried to jump out of a car and other odd things that would have gotten me killed. They were mostly visual, and I did various hand things to make them go away, an arc followed by two swishes. And yes, if I put on my glasses, they went away but would be there when I took them off again. My mom once asked me who was there, and I said, "I have to get rid of them." As a tiny kid, I'd wake up with scratches all over my arms due to them, not deep. In the army, I had real and strange things going on, but I got a new round of them and delusions, too. When I heard voices the most, there was so much pressure, and I lost control of my body and will. And my voices weren't always bad, probably since I have had this since childhood. They were often playful. I talk to things now due to isolation now. I have severe cognitive problems, but I'm not as retarded as most schizophrenics. As I'm sure you've seen on the ward, most schizophrenics are mildly retarded. My IQ is only 116 with issues, but I'm lucky like you. I do randomly laugh. That is annoying. It's like a hiccup. I think the series of hypnogogic hallucinations I had before serotonin were childlike half the time. There was a little red-haired leprechaun with a giant mallet who would hit me with it, and I'd get up. I've had some seriously bizarre half-sleep hallucinations. The one challenges me but has given up because I'm not afraid of him anymore. I told him to do his worse. All he did was my nervous system light up as I awakened. I used to think that was a forcefield, but it's just sleep-wearing off.


I love you! There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain, turn to him and believe In him and call yourself a child of God, the Bible says “God is Love” know you are loved! God bless you.


Such a brave soul, hope you’re managing your symptoms. I’m diagnosed ptsd but hearing voices and visual hallucinations too. Finding out that people experience the same things as me really does help.


I'm 32 and I just started hearing voices 4 days ago. Very strong voices including all my neighbors and my mother. 2 of the neighbor voices are extremely mean and want to kill me and the rest are nice. It's driving me nuts though


I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia for hearing voices and being severely depressed, spent a few months in hospitals and meds but Ayahuasca has helped me the most.
Recommend it for anyone suffering from it or hearing voices.
Wish you the best and much LOVE.


My voices are half amazing compassionate voices and half mean vicious voices… the vicious ones are the ones I want to get rid of I don’t mind the nice voices. If I had to choose I’d have nice voices than none at all probably cause now I wonder how weird silence would sound. I pray one day they do go away though because I took for granted days of silence. So I guess I’m on the fence about it, but on depressive days the voices do NOT help.


My voices are like usually a mean voice talking about me to someone else sometimes I know the voice sometimes I don’t, it’s like gossip mean things - I play music all the time etc white noise like the ac or my bathroom fan make them louder- scary the things they say are realistic and usually somewhat true it’s hard to sleep meds aren’t helping


I keep hearing voices, it’s not everyday, it usually happens before and after anxiety attacks. I really don’t know how to get help, because my parents will probably think I’m lying. It’s just a whisper, can’t even hear what it says, writing this comment helps a lot.


This has been the best 2 minutes of my life. Thank you. I’ll definitely subscribe


My wife hears voices, I wish I could take her place.
It gets to her


It's tough, because wether it's positive or negative, it's frightening, because it's hyper real.


And don't forget we disabled folk who they try to take out as well. They totally stirred me wrong. The only satellite voice I got when I was little was, "You'll make it through." Later, they told me that my parents were making me sick, but my mom would grow wise, and I'd say sorry to them. The way they put that during my teenage years was inappropriate. It was a family problem. I did, but maybe the state should give us healthcare. I'm a pretty princeness for needing meds. Really? The princess and meds... They tried that line again when I was in Virginia because I was the cause of all their problems. It's like, I hate you, golden jaw. I'm not killing myself. How do I get a better master? Is there a form? Are we able going to make contracts or are you going to hunt me down for kicks and giggles. I hate you. The satellite people also told me not to go into the military. Well, they can kiss my ass because I couldn't do anything else. If orphans and foster care children get free college, why can't the disabled get 2 years free at a community college? I'm totally entitled, right? Now I'm dead from moves of desperation. They didn't like that I kicked them while in Hell with a fireball. Back to being disabled ... It's very difficult to work when you have issues and study. Damn, are you trying to make us all fail?, and then I remember what they taught us about as fast as possible, but not until you go straight to Hell in society. You show them how being a loser is fun. It's part of your past life ;) Yeah, I figured that one out. they also said that I would be a good wife, and I was like??? You haven't noticed, have you, that boys hate me and think I'm trying to get in on their good when their parents are doctors and such? The ones in the middle class wanted women who would earn a lot of money. Boy, do I hate Springfield. Which hobo shall it be? I also get into fights with middle-class men who go up a rank or two. These satellite people give the worst advice.


I've heard whispers for there are a bunch of people in the other room and I know they are talking but I can't understand them. I listen for about half a minute and then ignore them and they go away but the other night as I was laying down to go to bed I heard them so loud and clear...I was so scared and stated like yelling for my Dad to help and I was trying to yell over them so he could hear and I was covering my Dad said my eyes where terrified...we prayed and it went only lasted a couple minutes but I am terrified it will happen again...I am so scared


I am what you going through. I am going through same. Some times it’s doesn’t work voice are taking over my body


I bet she was hearing voices while recording the vídeo ... 😢
Love to all of You ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


I focus so hard on something and try to do something relaxing but it’s super fucking hard to stop the voices


It seems that they may feed on scattering my thinking process even harder when I ignore them. So when I am alone away from people that when they come at me hard while I am trying to handle my business like school work.


Listen a white noise instead .
It mutes them better than music.
