5 Easy Ways to Start Journaling 🖊️

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#journaling #jetpens

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0:00 Intro

0:29 Use a line-a-day journal.
1:33 Write in smaller notebooks.
1:59 Simplify your entries.
2:34 Turn your journal into a visual diary.
3:02 Collect journal topics for inspiration.
3:31 End summary

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Do you have any tips on how to keep up your journaling habit? Let us know in the comments!


"Are you a serial notebook abandoner..."

Me: hides behind a stack of unfilled journals


When you are lazy but at the same time perfectionist 🤷‍♀️


My tips: 1. You don't have to journal every day. 2. A quote, verse, or lyrics are also journaling- you usually pick one to jot down because it's speaking to you in some way. 3. You don't need every picture and piece of ephemera from a vacation to tell your story. 4.You don't need to stick to a decorative theme in your journal-if you tire of it halfway through, make a change! It's your journal. Conversely, if you want to decorate every page the same way (or not at all)-go for it - it's your journal.5. Don't be afraid of the blank page. If you do something you don't like, you can use pretty paper to cover it up or just leave it in its messy imperfection. 6. The sooner you use up a journal, the sooner you can get a new one!


Tip: the first diary you write will probably be very ugly compared to your expectations, So take it easy, it takes time to develop an aesthetically pleasing diary. If you keep thinking "that book its too nice to my hand writing" you will never start a diary.


My bullet journal has become a hybrid of planner, traditional journal, and scrapbook. I've learned to love its messiness as an aesthetic of its own.


I’ve never had blank-page anxiety, but I have had first-page anxiety. The first page of a notebook is always so intimidating because it sets the tone or topic for the whole journal. I’ve learned to overcome journaling anxiety because really, all that matters is that you write something. If it’s just a journal for your feelings or whatever, that’s perfectly okay. All you need to do is write whatever you feel. Some entries of mine are 5 pages, others are 10 lines. It doesn’t matter the length or content, all that matters is that you wrote something down.


My "diary" is just a thought dump inside a composition notebook. The only formating I have is writing the date, then boom, I dump a whole bunch of my thoughts and events into the book


I've been journaling for the last 13 years and it's something you can never grow tired of. It's relaxing and it's rejuvenating. Your writing needn't be perfect, your pages needn't look aesthetic and always remember, IT'S YOUR PIECE OF MIND ON THAT PAGE AND THUS, IT'S DISTINCT AND DAZZLING ON ITS OWN !


I write in three journals. One is strictly for my panic and anxiety attacks. One is more along the lines of a brain dump journal so I can make room in my brain for more stuff to dump. My third journal is where I write quotes, song lyrics, recipes, etc. I am art challenged and not so fond of washi tape or stickers so they are very plain.


I end up opening my journal more when I literally feel like my head's full and jumbled up with thoughts. I don't use my journal as a planner or recorder or anything. I use it mostly to "untangle" my thoughts and ideas. Or map out what I have in mind, regardless of whether I'm going to act on them or just write then down and only imagine doing them. I use it as a reflection notebook and a little tracker too. I gave up on "bullet" journaling a long time ago since it just doesn't suit me and my lifestyle.

I use it as a dump notebook/learning notebook basically 😂 just with a little more aesthetic to it. (And sometimes not at all)


Who else is afraid to start a diary because you're afraid some family members will see it?


I would say don't force yourself to write everyday when you get started. Write when you are inspired to write will associate journaling with positivity.


I like to brand the notebook as mine and ready for writing by “ruining” before starting the first page. I bend the corners a bit, spill a bit of coffee/water on a page, or just throw it across the room. This keeps me from feeling like it’s too precious/beautiful for me to write in it. There is no ruining it if it already has character.

Also, I am not afraid to end a notebook early based on life stages. Moved across the country: new journal. Or started a new job, got married, whatever was monumental enough to mark a new chapter in my life begins a new journal that suits the change.


"Are you a serial notebook abandoner"

Are you spying on me??


It’s okay to skip a day, week, or month. Do not feel like you have to do it everyday. That’s the beauty of it being YOURS, don’t force yourself and make it a chore. ☺️


For me, what finally got me to keep up with my journal was when I decided to do only one entry per week on Sunday's night. I just usually write one/two pages of my week highlights and I decorate with stickers. Easy and therapeutic.


Tip: Use minimal supplies. A black pen works magic. Maybe 1-2 accent colours. Don't plan too many pages ahead, you might leave them empty. Be open for change in your journal!

Love your videos as always<3


As a serial "diary" writer since high school, my first reaction seeing this was "What's a do and don't? there shouldn't be donts. No, don't use smaller pages. Wait, wdym 1 line? nooo" I'm used to either not writing at all, or writing pages on pages in a single day :P
But then realised that this video is mostly for those who want to but can't write a journal. Coz once you start enjoying it, you'll find your own, unique way of doing it. But these tips can be a great way to keep you coming back to it.

Good luck with sticking to journaling, guys. You'll get into it soon <3


I’ve been journaling for 23 years… since I was 12 :). Biggest thing- just write in it, just write whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want. No rules. You will find your own pattern. It is fun to try new things some times and what you enjoy will stick, others will just be a trial run and you’ll go back to what you naturally enjoy.
