Family Health Minute - High-Protein Diet Linked to Increased Risk for Heart Attacks

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High-Protein Diet Linked to Increased Risk for Heart Attacks

Welcome to this week’s Family Health Minute.

This week’s minute looks at the link between a high-protein diet and an increased risk for heart attacks.

A recent study in mice showed increasing dietary protein from 15% to 46% of total calories created 30% more arterial plaques than in mice on a normal protein diet.

The mice on the high-protein diet were also at very high risk for heart attacks because the plaques were unstable.

Unstable plaques contain dead cells that must be removed or they can accumulate, break off, and are one of the leading causes of heart attacks.

To prevent the dead cells in plaques from accumulating, your immune system produces cells called macrophages that eat the dead cells and remove them from plaques.

A high-protein diet, causes the macrophage to die, which leads to the accumulation of dead cells in the plague.

Today many popular diets encourage an increase in high-protein foods like meat, chicken, fish, eggs, or dairy products.

High-protein weight-loss diets may actually increase the risk for diabetes and heart attacks.

The healthiest way to lose weight and improve your overall health is to consume a nutritious diet, regular exercise, quality sleep, a positive attitude, and regular chiropractic care.

Remember your best source for everything health is your chiropractor.

Make chiropractic a regular health habit for the whole family to ensure your spines and nervous systems are working the best they can.

And that is this week’s Family Health Minute.

This information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the practitioner that you received it from. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice of any kind. Family Health Minute assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information only. Brain Based Wellness News encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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