Bye Calvinistic Christianity

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Dr. Leighton Flowers plays a clip from former Calvinistic Christians who are now unbelievers talking about why they left the faith.


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Just received a copy of your book Dr. L. Flowers. Im reading 'The Potters Promise'. It's a great easy read. Highly recommend it! Had to let you know I can't put it down. Thank you. My family is praying for you. Keep doing what God has determined you to do for the glory of His Name. I believe the Lord will use your platform (and others alike) to keep true the better interpretation of Gods sovern grace and will for our salvation. After this video, Im praying with you for all who struggle with being elect or not, drawn hopelessly to believe that God may not have mercy on them or their loved ones. God bless.🙏


I came out of Calvinism in Nov 2022 and I’m still unraveling the effects of the belief system, including how I now have to re-process serious hurts from others. But I feel like my relationship with Christ has grown in leaps and I feel free.


I left Calvinism a month ago. After opening my mind up to the possibility that it could be a lie, it turned out it was. Logically and philosophically it doesn’t make any sense at all


Thank You Dr Flowers for your ministry...I was struggling with calvinism to the point of depression and loss of hope when I found you here on hope is now alive and well thanks to your teachings.


I almost lost my faith due to my former Calvinistic theology. Luckily I had some real encounters with God and knew what scripture said about him, so I continued to push to see who God is, and what he showed me through the Old Testament was truly incredible. He was so full of mercy and kindness and wants all people to repent and turn to him. I then read the New Testament letters in full, and was able to see the falsehood of Calvinism much more clearly. Your ministry as a whole has been so helpful, so thank you.


This is helping me. I am leaving the Calvanist church i have gone to for over a year. It is so toxic for me. It has damaged me and I am praying for God's restoration.


The interview with Derek Webb reminds me of what I was told about my great-grandfather. His father was a Calvinist preacher (they called them Primitive Baptist or Hardshell back then). My great-grandfather lived in rebellion against God his whole life, and his excuse was that he was predestined to do so. I’m glad that my grandfather was able to break free from that doctrine and come to faith in Christ.


Hearing the deconstruction stories based on Calvinism was heart-breaking. Appreciate your persistence in sharing these truths.


Left it 4 yrs ago. Dr Flowers and Kevin Thompson/BTF were such a blessing.


Man. Love your heart here, Dr. Flowers. It really is about souls!! My heart is very sensitive to this topic… Because this Calvinism doctrine would’ve so easily jacked me up long ago. I see myself in so many of them. Praying that our loving gracious Lord, who LOVES each and every one of them, will work on their hearts and draw them to Him… what a testimony that will be!! Praying! God bless you, Dr. Flowers!!


I left Calvinism last Sept 2022. No one influences me just reading the scripture plainly, I thank God that I am across this channel to grow.


Just listened to this again on Spotify and it just breaks my heart. Calvinism is NOT a harmless doctrine.


This is interesting because for me as a teenager I was on the fence. My dad was pretty much a Calvinist and he argued against the Arminian position but not in an arrogant forceful way. At college it was Romans 9 that convinced me that Calvinism was absolutely true and therefore I stuck my stake in the ground with my church. It was a few years later that Romans 9 convinced me that calvinism was a lie, because I started to cross reference. But it was Jer 18 that undid my calvinism, like it was the one knot when undone everything unravelled. It is painful to go through that transition because Calvinism is not a doctrine but a theological grid through which you see everything and therefore everything needs to be re-examined.


Our new Calvinist pastor told us God doesn't love anyone because we are sinners. We left about 6 months ago. The teaching was depressing.


This was so wonderful. I saw your heart and I pray that others will also. And yes, if any one who believes that Calvinism teaches what is true about determinism and if that person thinks about it and draws it down to its logical conclusion then they will know that all it leads to is despair and hopelessness. I was in that place and had to leave my church of 23 years. I went to a church that I knew God would use to restore my faith and my hope in God. It has been a gift and blessing from God.


It really is about the concern for the souls impacted by these doctrinal discussions. That is a huge deal. 💕


I left Calvinism officially years ago but didn't realize how much Calvinism still influenced my Biblical teaching. It has been a process for me. Learning to read the Bible in context and interpreting it as it says, literally has been life changing.


I often hear Calvinists use "consistent with the text" and it just blows my mind. 😞


I still have so much to learn... But I am slowly coming out of the calvinistic theology, thanks to a friend who started sharing these videos with me.


Everyone needs to STOP and pray right now for these two young men. I am right now, join me.
