My Thoughts on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

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Dave you are so right. Spock is one of the oldest and smartest people on that ship. He’s treated especially by the buzzed cut helmsman/woman/person like he’s a 20 year old newbie human. I’m currently watching season 1 and hopefully unlike Star Trek Discovery I don’t check out after the second season and rewatch Star Trek Enterprise.


Regarding the lack military discipline on the show and on the Enterprise, most of the people that wrote on the original Star Trek were military veterans, serving in uniform for a time or during World War II or Korea. You may come across one or two veterans on writing staffs nowadays but most have grown up watching shows like the Office which subverts authority.


Chato said Discovery was like being locked in a cage, starved and beaten daily. SNW was like being rescued, locked in a room, and having meals and a mattress and only getting beaten occasionally. You're still getting beaten but you're grateful for the change anyway.


I've worked in IT Support for 25 Years for Giant Global Corporations and in my career I felt it was always important to be professional, punctual and well presented at all times. What put me off Strange New Worlds is the lack of Professionalism in the characters. If Strange New World was real; the behaviour and insubordination of the crew would eventually get everyone killed. I have a feeling the Writers have never had a real job or responsibility.🤔


Remember when Starfleet personnel would act professionally flying state of the art space craft exploring space? Now it's like a group of college friends and someone's cool older uncle going on a little road trips and having a blast and doing cookouts at his absurdly large restaurant/living quarters.


I think the tempo of the Bridge crews respect of the other Trek's was usually set by the first officers of that series. This was especially apparent with Riker and Chakotay with their "is there a problem?" The Captains command the leadership but the subordination of the crew, in my opinion, was usually a first officers role in Trek.


I can imagine Paris talking that way to Janeway. However I can also imagine, and think I've seen Paris spending several subsequent episodes in the brig on a bread and water diet brooding on what a mistake he made.


Good thoughts. The writer's room needs more people with actual military experience. Lots of great work in art direction, VFX, acting... being wasted on bland scripts and painful dialog.


SNW is better than the average modern Trek, but that isn't saying much.


There is no way in HELL Ortega would've been allowed to graduate from the Academy with her mouth let alone on any ship handling the helm. She would've been destroyed by her instructors and in the private sector; fired. She would've been either be demoted from helmsman to janitor cleaning up everything or get dishonorably discharged for her refusal to become disciplined. Either way, she would never be on a starship, let alone the Enterprise.


Yes. Making flippant backhanded remarks to a superior is incredibly unprofessional and in the real world would get you a reprimand or worse. Even in civilian companies it wouldn't fly. It is part of my job to take direction from my lead. I can at times suggest something different; or a modification to the instruction. But at the end of the day it's my duty to follow instructions to the best of my ability.


With you on the casting of Kirk. The only person I have ever seen get it pretty much spot on is Vince Mignogna in the fan series, Star Trek continues. He has the tics and deliveries that William Shatner gave in TOS down to a tee


Ever since Feminist hack writers took over, Comedy, Sci-Fi and the Arts in general have gone to Hell. Entertainment is no longer entertaining, and I refuse to go back to the same store that has been serving this crap...CONSISTANTLY...for years now.


Uhura was infuriating in that first episode. "AND I HAVE A JOB TO DO."

Right, cause the guy was there to play videogames using the comms station.

Oh wait, no. He was *also* there to do his job ... which was to install a *security* patch.


My father served in the US Marine Corps in the early 1950s. He told me stories about boot camp and his time in the service. If anyone then had dared spoken to a superior officer in such a disrespectful & casual manner they would’ve been severely disciplined, as in “you wish you could die” disciplined. The fact that she doesn’t start with “Sir” before speaking tells me none of the writers know anything about the military, the chain of command as well as the expectations of subordinates & superior officers. This is not to say someone of lower rank can’t give input or question an order. Captain Decker from the first Star Trek movie (Original Cast) argued with Admiral Kirk on several occasions but he did it in a respectful appropriate manner. He always said Sir, then pointed out the flaw in Kirk’s idea saying it was his duty as second in command to point out alternatives. The only time he openly defied Kirk’s order was when they were in the wormhole about to smash into an Asteroid that got caught in the worm hole. Kirk ordered phasers, Decker yelled “no belay that phaser order” and ordered photon torpedoes. Deck didn’t do this to show up or disrespect Kirk. He did it to save all of their lives. And when Kirk went to reprimand him afterward Kirk took him into his office to do it privately rather than do it in front of the crew. Once Decker explained himself Kirk knew Decker was correct & he was wrong & admitted it. Mutual respect.

As far as I’m concerned Star Trek canon stopped after TNG & all the contemporary spin offs. The Picard series, the Reboot, aren’t TREK canon.


I really like Strange New Worlds overall. I look forward to it every week since it came back. I do agree that the writing is lacking at times and is a bit too much of a stretch. I’m willing to overlook the fact that the Enterprise is much more advanced looking now, but I wish they’d at least brighten up the color scheme on the bridge so it at least calls back to TOS, and probably they should make it a little smaller and less cavernous.

I certainly don’t think the show is bad by any means. It’s trying to stick to cannon for the most part, but we’re reaching a point where after 60 years of this stuff, cannon starts to hold writers back or otherwise becomes too difficult to navigate while not sacrificing the story. So I give this series a lot of leeway in that respect. Unlike Discovery, it’s at least trying. I think that’s the right approach.


I didn't like the JJ movies but at least they had the sense to make it a separate timeline


I get the impression that a LOT of writers have never seen the content they're writing for. That's why it doesn't begin to match cannon. Sure they could go watch that stuff to catch up but then they'd rather write what they want to write and be lazy and they can't be bothered. I've long gotten the impression these days writers are hired for franchises or series or sagas that they've never even seen before and really don't care to. And it results in very a very sloppy cannon that goes all over the place.


They don't want to say this show is in a different timeline, they want to say their show is in the real timeline. Just another way for them to degrade true trek.


If had gotten that "mouthy" with a superior would have been given the opportunity to memorise every square inch of the floor, close up memorisation,

All can say is this show is special...needs.
