My Thoughts on Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

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McCoy's scene with his dying father is some of the best acting in Star Trek and the best acting in DeForest Kelley's career.


"What does God need with a Starship?" Has got to be the single ballsiest move Captain Kirk has ever made. "Oh, you're an indescribably powerful incorporeal energy being pretending to be God... I've seen your type before" Type vibes.


I thought Kirk saying I need my pain was on a par with him saying let them die in the undiscovered country. Some good acting by Shatner in those two scenes


I love all the “human” charms of this film. The scene where Kirk is on the bridge with his uniform shirt open talking to the admiral is really great. Kind of a slice of life film that wanted to be more akin to the motion picture but there wasn’t enough time to hone the script to a razors edge. Every aspect of production was set against shatner and his crew.


The scene with Sybok and McCoy regarding his father's death was quite emotional and well done.


My uncle commented last night: Star Trek V would've fit perfectly as a TOS episode.

It's definitely a flawed film and definitely could've used a lot of various things: suits being very strict being one of those things that could've been removed. They should've delayed the film and altered a lot of things, such as the Enterprise breaking down should've been removed. If the film focused on family, mortality, faith, and belief, it could've had a solid structure.

As you and many others have said; it's better than Bad Reboot Trek. I recommend looking up fan edits. Given Shatner's views on the past is the past, can't change it, I don't see a proper Director's Cut anytime soon.


One redeeming feature of the movie was the relationship between the trio of kirk, bones and spock.
That part I did love as their bond not even sybok could break apart.

As we know kirk would die alone in generations as predicted.
Spock would visit bones before bones died and then head off to Romulus for trying to help unification.


I love the line from McCoy "you want me to hold him Jim?" I agree it wasn't a great film. But I will watch this a hundred times before I subject my family to Discovery or Picard.


Jerry Goldsmith did his absolute best soundtrack work on this one.
Also- There's a fan theory that states that the film was actually a dream that Kirk had. Interesting fact: The last track on the soundtrack is titled, "Life is a dream".


This movie grew on me more and more as I got older and could appreciate what worked about it.

In talking about the strength of the Kirk/Bones/Spock relationship and as a perfect call-back to Kirk's assertion that he knows he'll die alone... when the Klingon ship beams Kirk up and it's revealed that Spock was the gunner, Kirk says he thought he was going to die. Spock says, "Not possible. You were never alone." Kirk is overcome with emotion, you can even see a glint of a tear in his eye, and he goes to hug Spock. Spock says, "Please, Captain. Not in front of the Klingons." That little scene is the perfect encapsulation of what worked in this film. We see how far they've come as characters, both individually and their relationship with each other. It's a beautiful blend of heartfelt emotion and playful humor. I kinda wish McCoy had been in that scene but I'm actually settled on it being perfect as was.

On a slight side note, I know Shatner is often given hell about his acting, but I honestly always thought he was a great actor, even in the earlier days of Trek. He has a unique cadence and definitely sported the slightly over-the-top style of acting that was more popular back then, but if you watch his expressions and eyes, he communicates the emotions really well and he could even be quite subtle to great effect sometimes. Going back to the afore-mentioned scene, when Spock spun around in that gunner's chair, the look on his face was so genuine. And then again when Spock said he was never alone. Shatner's acting in that scene was superb.


My first impression of the movie, when I saw it in the theater, was that they were trying to capitalize on the success of STIV by inserting as much humor as they could. The problem, of course, was that the humor worked in STIV because it was a "fish out of water" story - Sulu accidentally turns on the windshield wipers in the helicopter, because he doesn't usually pilot a helicopter. Scotty says that he's come "millions of miles" from Scotland, because he's used to thinking relative to the vast distances of space, and so on. Those things were appropriate for the situation they were in. The humor in STV was out of place, because it was often inappropriate for what we were used to from the crew when in the 23rd Centruy. I'll join the chorus and agree that it was still better than anything 2009 and since.


I've always felt this film was underrated. There are some great character moments and interesting philosophical ideas here.


Star Trek V is unironically one of my favorite Trek movies. It's basically a longer TOS episode. DeForest Kelley delivers one of his best performances in that scene with Bones and his father.


I liked it! The camp fire scene in Yosemite was pure charm. In comparison to more recent Trek efforts, this movie is golden...


Star Trek V has always been entertaining, regardless of its numerous issues. It’s greatest crime is kicking off the trend of constantly rewriting Spock’s childhood. Imagine trying to reconcile Star Trek V’s Spock with Discovery’s Spock. Spock grows up with two siblings, neither ever mentioned, both oblivious and unseen to one another as well. Must have been a *huge* house Sarek bought on that Ambassador’s salary.


I believe this movie was written during a writers strike, so that's probably the reasons for the weak story line. But still, not really THAT bad. The friendship of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, was really heart warming. They've acted like that all along, but this time, they actually said it out loud.


Not a bad movie. Very flawed to be sure. I love Kirk's outburst of him needing his pain. Not the worst trek or not the best. Just somewhere in the middle.


Loved the scene where Kirk refuses to let go of his pain " I NEED my pain!" peak Shatner as peak Kirk. Our pain helps make us who we are, if we can rise above it.


I genuinely love this film, Def in my top 3 trek movies. The light hearted tone, soundtrack and script are all stelar to me. Don't get the hate for it.


I did very much like this movie. Compared to ST Discovery, Star Trek V is a masterpiece.
One thing that Dave said, about Kirk losing a brother once, he states Kirk meant Spock, when Spock died in Wrath of Khan. Actually, on the original television series, Kirk did have a brother, Sam Kirk, who died on an episode of the original Star Trek series
