My Thoughts on The Current State of Star Trek

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Roddenberry gave me hope for a better future. Discovery destroyed my hope for a better Star Trek.


The thing is back in the 90s when an episode touched upon a sensitive, pc or political subject you were presented with views from both sides. This actually made you think about the problems discussed. But now we have progressive writers feeding you their ''morally superior'' views without presenting the other side of the problem.


Original Trek: Optimistic Future

STD: Nihilistic Future


JJ "Trek" and STD can rot. I fear Star Trek will never return to the greatness of the 90's.


The one thing I always credit Voyager with even though I'm not its biggest fan is that Janeway being a woman never even had to be brought up in the show or even the advertising. She was just The Captain.


Discovery will NEVER be Star Trek. It's plagiarized from an indie game from 2014 called Tardigrades. NOT Star Trek.


I have an idea ... drop the SJW bull shit give us a a good story and your profits will go up or keep on this path and watch the slow death of every movie studio.


You're right: Trek certainly has lost it's way, and it'll take a lot to bring it back in the eyes of most fans


Star Trek was a product of better times and it should have died with them.


Strangely, the larger the budget, the worse Star Trek becomes. Today's writers, unable to tell a good story to save their lives, fill the screen with ever more space explosions. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. It's boring.

The Original Series, The Next Generation, and even Deep Space Nine were chronically under-funded. The writers made up for it with good storytelling! That's why they endure, decades later, and why this JJ Trek garbage will fade into oblivion.

It also helps, that the writing staffs, left-leaning though they were, prized good storytelling above all else. They'd only occasionally cross the line, and even then, it was largely inoffensive. They wanted to entertain the entire audience. Today's writers just want to stroke the ego of only half their viewers. Get woke, go broke, as they say.

Until this culture of SJW, virtue-signaling trash is eradicated from Hollywood, (which will happen when they start losing too much money) there cannot be, and will not be any good Star Trek stories to be seen and heard.


Galaxy Quest was the last best Star Trek movie and The Orville is the best Star Trek show on TV.


Honestly, I want nothing to do with any of it. I love Star Trek. I'm currently still finding time to play a favorite game of mine, Star Trek Online, and I'm also rewatching DS9 (just finished season 3), and my opinions haven't changed. Star Trek has lost its way, as have many other fantastic media franchises in the past few years. When I think of Star Trek, I think of a five year mission, exploration of new worlds and civilization, a crew's desperate attempts to return home, a war in which the entire alpha quadrant is at stake, and battles that changed the course of time itself. Hell, I even see the TNG movies that most people don't like for whatever reason. What I don't see is the lens-flare ridden JJ Trek Abramsverse. I don't see the SJWs' abomination known as Discovery. I certainly don't see all of the idiots calling themselves the "true" Trek fans just because they love everything with the name attached without giving it a moment of thought. With Discovery continuing, Picard coming back likely for an equally politically correct series, and even Star Trek Online getting a Discovery focused expansion, I'm just giving up. I'm cutting all contact, right here. Like so many other franchises I once loved so very dearly, I'm quitting while I can still remember the good parts fondly.


If they're going to focus only on Picard, I have a really bad feeling about this. TNG was never about Picard as an individual, and when you get right down to it he isn't that interesting a character on his own. That's because TNG was about him and his crew, it was just as much about him as it was everyone else. To go from that to focusing on a single character shows they don't quite understand TNG.
They're going to focus on Picard, his PTSD about the Borg, his emotions, rather than focusing on the actual sci-fi and politics and space combat Star Trek is known for.


I used to joke that Enterprise existed to make Voyager look good.
Now I say Discovery exists to make Enterprise look good.


Undomesticated equines couldn't drag me back to STD.


so the Movie industry is doing the same thing as the gaming industry does? "Well it didn't sell like COD so I guess its a failure" "Well it didn't make over a billion dollars so I guess its a failure"

And this is how we lose good franchises and IPs. In the words of Jim Sterling "They don't want to make money, they want to make ALL the money."


Jim, I'm a doctor not a social justice warrior!


The 90s were a decade of "advent" so to speak.
Cold war over, Yugoslavian war over, no real "hot zone" except irak, when they let hussein rattle his sabre when clinton was cought with another trainee ;)
Technological development acceleratred 5 times normal, upcoming internet... We were all optimisticly walking with fast paces into a good future. We had our problems, but we - back then - had the chance of overcoming them...
And this development found its way into series.
But what do we have today?
Some weird "new world order" bullshit, PC, genderidsm, "inclusivity by exclusion"...
Ask the youth - they don't have a big hope for the future; there's war, terrorism, petting the cellphone more important then petting the GF (appart from it being illegal for a man having feelings for women, affirmative action aso)... Todays future is dark and full of SJW and feminist deseases... wonder new movies and series suck, right?


STD is exactly that, an std to the entire ST universe and should be deleted from our memories. I mean come on, how desperate are they that in all of the 50+yrs we find out now Spock had a black sister? W T F


CGI is about the worst thing that could have happened to the movies. It has made them lazy, going for flash and dazzle, annoying slow-mo effects to show off all the little CGI bits, the characters jumping (a lot), etc., while story telling, character development, and all the important things have fallen away. That CGI stuff was impressive at first, but it's old hat now.
