Treat constipation and bloating (irritable bowel) on keto or low carb by avoiding FODMAPs and fibre.

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Dr Paul Mason explains common causes of bloating on low carb or ketogenic diets. FODMAPs and fibre are both poorly digestable and can be fermented by our gut bacteria producing gas, which leads to bloating. Some of the gases produced, such as methane, can also reduce intestinal activity, causing a degree of constipation. This can be further exacerbated by fibre, which by increasing faecal bulk, makes them more difficult to pass.
To add insult to injury, FODMAPs can attract water, causing a combination of constipation and diarrhoea. This is why irritable bowel syndrome often has features of both constipation and diarrhoea.
Dr Paul Mason describes how ketogenic diets are often high in foods containing both fibre and FODMAPs and reducing their quantities often leads to significant improvements.
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Great interview doc! Keep up the great work.


Brilliant man. Thank you from Melbourne.


Thanks for the excellent content Paul, it's greatly appreciated :)


This must also be somehow related to IBS. Great video.


Can anyone pls tell me what program was this?
I’d like to watch the full version. Thank you.


No nuts, nut butters, broccoli, cauliflower, ? Why not just say that keto isn't ideal and go to a carnivore diet? It sounds like keto is trending in that direction anyways with all the complications that come up.


I found avocado that is highly suggested in keto and high in F causes me bad symptoms and hence I agree. but things like egg and wild salmon that aren't high in F and also suggested on keto are fine.

good points.
summary: when u go on keto, try to also go low FODMAP.

Can u please speak about garlic? garlic is suggested to be great for sibo .. but is said to be very high in F. so what to do finally!!!


You are already eating poorly on keto, if you avoid vegies and fiber, you are basically running on blocks of cheese, eggs and meat every day. I started keto 3 weeks ago and had to give up to start over, keto triggered a chronic IBS on me, something I have never had before. This las week was horrible, so much bloating, pain and diarrhea, a slow endless torture for hours that even death was becoming a good option. I don´t know it was because I started cold turkey and this was withdrawal symptoms, I just know I don´t wanna feel it ever again. Also, very hard to hit your caloric macro on keto, you basically have to munch on pure fat, that becomes gross after a couple of days. You enter in ketosis and you don´t even feel hungry, you have to force feed fat, after a minute or two you already start getting nauseated. I could barely reach 1500 cal per day. I got back to my standard diet and immediately got better, now I am gonna try a low carb approach like 100 - 150g of carbs per day in the 1st month, and then start decreasing each month til I get to 20g carbs again.


Blueberries and raspberries are low FODMAP in small servings. You can eat vegetables that grow above ground. Just don't eat them raw. I've never had any problem with steamed broccoli. Eating too much red meat isn't a good alternative either.


PAUL..2 yr diarrhea..on simple zercarb carnivore. Many free consulting from the biggies like you..they said..only eat steak, burger, a little broil in.drop, eggs, cheese, liver, salt, i dont like supplements or electrolytes, , salt, supplements..urgently need your advice.ruined my life daily diarrhea..thank you Sir Paul..plese help.


Most keto focus on high fatty meats. With ibs doctors always say lean meats. So with ibs on keto should a person go fatty meats or lean meats?? I would think fatty cuts


My friend healed himself from all going on potato diet. How does that work ?


Doctor, i followed your interview with Ivor Cummings June 2019 and iam trying to find out why my doctor has me on statins after my stent of 2014..! Ive being doing keto 8 months and reversed my type 2 diabetes and all my ldl /Tri chol are bang on.. BP normal. Lost 17kilos and feel half my age at 60. She tells me the ROSUVASTATIN iam taking is to stabilize my plaque.! My question is why and how does it and should i keep taking 10mg every second day..? Could you PLEASE HELP . South coast n.s.w.


Thanks dr .but if tout Can arabic subtitle
