Do narcissists EVER get their karma?

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It looks as if the narcissist is dancing off into the sunset with their new supply suffering no repercussion for all the awful things they did to you.

Does the narcissist ever get their karma? You might not have to wait as long as you think...

Mel 🦋
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Even if they receive karma every day it would be nice to see it. 😅


Happiness isn't a place or a thing
It's a state of mind


They are empty shells and they are empty inside that's why they collect people and things. They are chronically empty and thus use action discharge modes of functioning- jump in the car and go to escape the emptiness. Their supply only lasts so long. Then they need more. They can't work on themselves. You are so much stronger than the narcissist who can't stand to be alone. The hate rejection. Which we tolerate daily.


Sometimes it's on their deathbed when it manifests. But I believe they do. But even after what my first ex did to me, and how she weaponized her grandson against me, when I found out she died last July, I didn't "jump up and down in celebration" like I thought I would. Instead, I was saddened for her eternal soul, being made to answer for what she did and allowed. Because it's that uncertainty we all will face. Only God can judge.


Just started NARP, I'm so overjoyed as I am working on my inner being. Thank you Melanie you are a life saver! I am 21 from the US. You saved me from a lifetime of perpetual codependency. I've realized my inner programming that brought me down to my knees and I am gaining my true self finally. You are one of the most inspiring people and role models I have ever met! I can't thank you enough.


Whether they are narcissist or not karma affects everyone. So, yes narcissist will receive their karma 💯


I am coming to realize this. My past six months I've been receiving lessons on trusting God for my needs. Thank you for the see ahead and the message that the road will even out as time moves on.


My ex did, it was a three year gap.Did not expect this .l wished them well and moved on .l actually prayed they get all the jobs they want so that child support will collect😁.l heard about it and it was on the news, biggest karma ever.Now l believe in letting the universe take care of things.


The narcissist I knew had the lord call him home last summer. Karma enough for me.


You can’t live your life waiting, hoping and wanting to see evidence of bad Karma fall upon the empty soul who hurt you!

That in and of itself is negative energy which will hurt you far more than it will the narcissist.

After 5 or so years of hate, anger, thoughts of revenge, wanting to see karma punish her etc., which got me nowhere, I had an epiphany a month ago and forgave myself and my narcissist ex! All the feelings of hate, anger, revenge and karma left my body and good things are starting to happen! Lots of work went into it but she no longer lives in my head and rules my every waking thought. Those feelings have been replaced by high vibrational feelings of Peace, Love, Joy, Forgiveness and Gratitude!


This is such a great turn around and perspective!
So true that they’re the ones who are and will forever suffer. Sad that they were subjects of abuse themselves. Who knows what happened to them.
With that they have no right to inflict abuse and trauma onto anyone. And we have every right to stop it.
Thank you🙏🏻❤️


I blocked him exactly 4 weeks ago and the anxiety and head fuck stopped within days. I hardly ever think of him, where was before he was on my mind morning, moon and night.


Every second of every day, I love this ❣️❣️❣️


Thank you so much for this. They tried to hurt my one and only child. I shouldn’t care about them getting their karma but sometimes I can’t help it. This helps! Thank you so much 😊


I was looking at my narcissist and thinking the other day what it would be like to never have felt the love that I feel for my kids/dogs (I haven't been able to have babies but dogs, u bet, I've got 5 lol) and to only be imitating what I perceive love to be from others and just how awful that would be. As much as love can hurt at times, especially when we lose what we love, it's also one of the best feelings in the world. So he claims to love and care for our dogs but his actions say otherwise and I'm banging my head against the wall trying to understand the ignorance he displays and I just have to remind myself he'll never get it!! He isn't physically abusive or anything awful like that he is just very neglectful and downright stupid about some of the things he does with them (feeding them excessively or taking them places without a leash) and these things infuriate me and I don't understand how u can be so neglectful if u truly care and then I remember, oh yeah, he doesn't and he never will. This is so so sad and heartbreaking but doesn't change the fact that I hope he rots in hell 😉😊 Just a few thoughts ✌️❤✌️❤


My narc had a binder he called his “I love me book”. 😳 it was full of all of his awards, certificates, degrees, etc. I always found it so odd, but now it makes sense. It’s where he found his self worth, and was so sad.


They do get their fair share of karma I promise you 🙌


I hope my fake christian ex wife and her blaming mother better get their Karma, and to the Baptist Pastor from Bainbridge Island along with her 5 sons, There turning you into narcissists like them!


Religious congregations are behind car mobbing. Car mobbing is not your karma. The reason that they car mob me is that I come from a community that has polygamists. I lived a block from an extremely active polygamist group and I used to walk Decker Lake Park everyday. There is a bridge that goes down the road, and they would cat call off the bridge when walked everyday.
The reason that they are car mobbing my car is because they are saying that if you leave the religion, no one will accept you. They want victims to believe that everyone hates them and the outside world is full of evil people. Victims are then taught when people act as flying monkies that it is proof that the world is fully of evil. It is a mental trick played on abuse victims to direct them back because your abuser cares more than this outsider agreeing to shun you, so you may as well go back. They do it entirely to threaten people leaving and to convince them that the abusers loves them more and no one else even likes them. Think of it this way? You got out of a DV shelter. If you saw the people outside mobbing your car, wouldn't you go back to the abuse? Which is worse? You would think everyone in the entire world hates you and that your abuser was right all along that you should have just accepted the beatings. That is WHY they do it. It is NOT your karma to be car mobbed. It is an extremely cruel practice to shun people from congregations. It is unfathomable cruel. To beat your wife and shun her talking back is unacceptable; it is also illegal. It stalking and harassment of an innocent person.
My husband went to jail for domestic violence. He slammed my head into the floor. Another time he fractured my hand. The group is saying that domestic violence is caused by females who do not accept polygamy. My husband hit me because I suggested that we break up. Domestic violence is not because the female is annoying her husband and he hits her. It is a mate retention strategy. He does it because they think hitting will stop you from leaving. That group is saying that men hit women because they are unhappy with their poor performance as wives, and one reason is because men do not sleep with just one woman. They can have more than one wife. (Females in Utah have the most serious domestic violence situation in the United States, and many are not even 18. They are heroes hitting their wives). So, the wife is foolish, in their view, because she thinks that she is enough. You are not enough; all men want more than woman, so your insistence on monogamy is why your husband beats you. That is what they are saying. It is not his fault; it is a wife's fault because she not accepting other wives. The males in the community have to convince women that all males are abusive. So, they car mob to say that you cannot get a man who will date you if you leave (it is because of catcalling) because a wife and divorce and date someone else. The only way to stop you from leaving is to ruin your career, convince other people not to date you, or make hassels everywhere so people can't hang out with you. That is why he does it. Thankfully, it really doesn't work entirely. The idea is to tell them never to report DV. They never harass my husband and he is currently in jail for punching while I was pregnant with identical twins in my face. (He is not breaking up with the narcissist; he is in jail, heading to prison, for beating his wife thanks to their emphasis on not complying with laws outside the church group). They are not disaplining him correctly; they are disaplining the wife saying that she is causing it because she is rejecting polygamy and because the girls are calling the police now and making reports.
My mother grew up in a religious community. She claims that violence against women should be decriminalized because it removes a male from the community. Even if her own daughter is hit or raped, she doesn't want the male put in jail because it removes the male who is appreciated in the community from it, and it leaves the female who did not reflect on how she caused the rape or beating to happen to herself because she was annoying or, in the case of rape, they don't actually teach that you caused, they teach it doesn't matter enough to police. All men will hit women and all men rape, is what the group is teaching. Then they are teaching that women leaving or saying no are terrible people and fools because all men agree that males should have more than one wife and, if he hits her, she needs to improve. She is not a good enough wife, so he is hitting her. It is passed off as a wisdom that everyone knows. They are extremely manipulative malignant narcissist who run the groups, and the mock their victims so no one listens to them, and they have a kinds mind control tactics that they use to convince victims that they caused it to happen to themselves. That is what you are enjoying on your ride? They have to shun because you will date someone else and leave, so they car mob so that the rest of the outside world reject females who leave and won't accept them into their groups. It she has a good support system, she will leave. It is 100% to destory support systems for victims.
It bothers me when I turn these videos on because a lot of people think that shunning is stonewalling narcissists and it is a win for abuse victims. Shunning is rejection of abuse victims by congregations that want charges dropped on offenders. They do it because they want custody of the kids. They want the charges dropped. And they want the victim to return. If victims do not return, they want to destroy their lives, or even drive their victims to suicide. They want their victims to commit suicide if they do not go back to the church. All over the mid-west people leaving these toxic groups are committing suicide. A 10 year old black girl killed herself in Utah this year (it is the same group harassing her). She was 10 years old. It is not discarding the victims; and it is certainly not getting revenge on the narc. It is to reorient people leaving back to their abusers by damaging their ability to go elsewhere. And they do this by using smear campaigns that imply bad things about fleeing members. They are not heroes warning others about narcissists. They are narcissists. In nearly every case of shunning, they have phyisically hit or raped the victim before they shun. I have not come across one victim yet who was not hit before leaving and then told that their rebeling was abusive to the members staying --or mostly not abusive--ridiculous and a sin. It is poison for your mind; they hit their victims and then tell the victims leaving that their perception of group being bad is abusive because it hurts their feelings. They make nonsensical cases for how the real victim is hurting the group by rejecting God. It is toxic, it is extremely selfish on the part of these groups, it unacceptable, and it is monsterously cruel. They are violent criminals shunning women's cars and they need their karma. Not only do they need it, but they are going to get it.


Something you really have to come to terms with is that the high functioning guru-type narcissists will ALWAYS be able to find a new cult following. Why? Because those people are impressed with the materialistic facade; just like we once were. Of course we all now know that it was ridiculous and fake, just like them but we believed it at the time. Recovery really is about realizing all of that crap just doesn’t matter at all. Living a nice, peaceful quiet life surrounded by beauty (not extravagance) and love is what really brings true life satisfaction. And that is something the narcissist will NEVER have. Is that karma? Yes, I believe it truly is.
