When does a narcissist get their karma | The Narcissists' Code 711

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karma for the narcissist comes eventually. You might not get to see the karma happen and you should not try to rush the karma for them.

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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Their personality disorder is their karma. We are able to love, trust, feel content and be vulnerable they won't.


I left and never looked back. It hurt like hell but I knew I didn’t deserve to be lied to, cheated on, used, etc. I’m nearly 3 years out, still healing, still single and advancing in my career. When I catch myself thinking about the good times, I remind myself that it was real to me but he was faking all of it.


Karma to me is running out of supply, having no one else that falls for the manipulation and lies and being forced to look at themselves for what they really are! Hopefully then they would be inspired to seek help


Honestly Lee, I don’t care what happens to him. I don’t wish anything bad on my ex-husband, but he is no longer my focus…I am. I am just grateful that I learned about NPD and was able to leave him safely. He is blocked on everything and if I never hear from or see him ever again, I’m good. I am so happy with my life now. I could care less about him getting Karma or anything else really.🤷🏽‍♀️😊Life with him is no longer my circus and he is no longer my monkey.😂🤣


My Narc had set me up to break up with him. Then he rode his prized Harley 8hrs away to reconnect with his x. I decided to pray for him one day. A few days later I found out he got in an accident. Wrote off his bike. Broke ankle, rib etc. Now he is stuck up there with his X who is as crazy acting as he. Lol. I thanked God for allowing me more time to heal while he is 8hrs away. I heard through the grapevine he is so miserable with her, giving him time to revaluate his choices!!


Karma to me is when everyone sees him for who he really is and no longer enables his behavior. Everybody leaves him so he has nobody else to blame but himself. When he finally faces himself instead of running away from the truth.


Their karma should be meeting someone like themselves


I totally agree with you…..Narcissists live their karma every day…..Don’t wish karma on them…..It may come back and bite you in the a$$…..Forgive them and move on…..Don’t waste your time being bitter and wishing them ill will…..Be the bigger person…. Let go and let God…..And yes I know all about narcissistic abuse…..I was married to one for ten years…..


A comforting message indeed! Thanks Lee. To me, the narcissist's karma would mean that they will experience the same pain as they inflicted on others. However, if we revenge we are no better than them. Somewhere, somehow, we all reap what we sow. We might not witness the narcissist's karma but that does not mean it will not happen.


I went no contact and karma got him within 6 months, it was all his own doing, I didn't need to do a thing except wait..


Not taking certain actions or speaking out when involved with a narcissistic person only encourages them to harm you further. Taking action has nothing to do with revenge but protecting yourself against their evil schemes against you.


Karma for me would be for him to experience the same pain I felt when he embraced me in front of 100’s of people. For him to feel the same pain I felt when he woke up one day and decided he didn’t like or love me anymore. For him to know what it feels like to treated badly then told it’s your fault


I told my narcissist before I left that I was the best thing to ever happen to him.


Not sure 🤔 that I agree that a lifetime of boredom or chasing happiness equates to the absolute devastation that being in a relationship with a narcissist does.
Many of us have paid a very high price; homelessness, financial loss, career impacted, autoimmune disorders, CPTSD, feeling suicidal due to the abuse. Some lose their lives at the hands of the narcissist.
I’m not looking for revenge, I walked away after 34 years I was finally done, he obviously wasn’t as he assaulted me after I left, it was relentless !


The narcissist counted me out and underestimated me. His loss.


Good job, Lee! The Bible says “He who digs a pit for another will fall into it himself, and a stone will come back on him who starts it rolling”. Proverbs 26 : 27


I think their Karma should be to get whatever they gave out back.


I put this one on Quora and got tons of thumbs up, lol: They get their Karma the minute they make a stupid move by discarding YOU, a precious supply they don't deserve!


It is okay to expose the narcissistic person that has tarnished your name so that you can fix the damage they caused you through false accusations they made against you. Sometimes people need to know the evil someone did to you that made you leave them or take certain actions.


Narcs pretend, even when suffering, you might not know when karma hits them, theyre good actors.
