The Worst Shark Attacks Of 2023

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With 2024 fast approaching, I thought it was only fitting that I make this video featuring 2023's most notable shark attacks, ones that have made national headlines, as well as some lesser-known cases, all of which are tragic, stark reminders of the dangers of venturing unprepared into the territories of these formidable ancient marine predators.
Chapters 🕘
00:00 - Shark Attacks 2023
00:33 - Important Note
01:09 - Egypt Shark Attacks
06:34 - Dahab Shark Attack
08:52 - Catamaran Attack
11:32 - Streaky Bay Attack
15:48 - Port Noarlunga Attack
20:07 - Bahamas Shark Attack
24:30 - Mexico Shark Attack
27:46 - 1770 Beach Attack
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There's no way I would go swimming in the ocean anymore. It's like voluntarily walking into a meat grinder.


This attack wasn’t listed on here but in January 2023 a man in Mexico who was diving without a tank collecting oysters or mollusks was completely decapitated in one bite by a 19 foot great white. That one really messed me up. Not sure why it didn’t get a lot of publicity


I am an avid Scuba diver. As an instuctor/divemaster, I have done thousands of dives over my lifetime. I think, of all water activities, Scuba is the safest when it comes to sharks. You are in their environment in a more natural way. Swimmers and surfers look much more like prey. We know that Scuba divers do get attacked. Particularly when spearing fish. But it’s less frequent, and we are usually diving in clearer waters where we are much more aware. When I dive, I often carry a “shark stick”. About a 2.5 foot pole just to “re-direct” a shark. I have never had to use it. Yes, we see sharks sometimes when we dive, but not always. In all my dives, I have only twice felt that I had best get out of the water. I have dove with Great Hammer heads, really big ones the passed by us completely ignoring us. I avoid diving in murky water.


The shark that attacked Vlad Popov was both heavily pregnant and starving. She had nothing except him in her digestive tract when they cut her open. Over fishing in the area definitely played a role. She couldn't eat normal she ate what she could. In this case, a young man on holiday. People, it is THIER domain. Swim, eat fish, etc. But the over-fishing done by or for big markets has to end. Half the fish get tossed out anyway for going bad before they can be sold. Maybe try just taking what we need to eat and stop being greedy.


Who would go in the middle of the ocean on an inflatable craft, ridiclous😮


Simon Nellist and the Russian chap in Egypt will be the ones who stuck with me the most this year, especially as they were caught on camera.


The attack in Egypt will always haunt me 😢 I can’t imagine witnessing such a horrible death of a loved one.


Putting a inflatable jump castle out on the water has to be the stupidest idea ever🤔.


Im sorry but seriously... Open water sailing with a bloody blow up boat ☠️ what the hell did you think would happen?


My God that rescue ship that came for the 3 guys on the catamaran is GINORMOUS!
Being attacked is terrifying itself but seeing the sharks mouth open and come down on your head! Oh my God! Lifelong nightmares, PTSD and obvious disfiguring scars . I hope that she doesn’t have injuries that can’t be repaired and recovers with little to no scarring and long term issues.


I hope you realize when you`re saying that shark attack are rare is simply not true. Just watch your own video, this video 😉😊


The other big factor with the 1's in Egypt is that the shelf is very close to shore and it drops down like a cliff to really deep seas which makes it very easy for sharks to swim in from deep water and be right there near the shore


I have zero chance of being attacked by a shark because I will not be in the water.


One day people might get a clue. I've fished my whole life and some need to learn: The Ocean is the pond and you are the topwater lure.


The biggest lie ever told by scientists is that Sharks mistake you for their natural Prey. Sharks don't make mistakes. They see you as slow moving meat and go to get a free meal. And your arm or leg is the perfect snack.


The thing about the Aussies in the catamaran heading to Vanuatu was it turned out to be Cookie Cutter sharks! I think it's the only known case of an attack by a school (swarm?) of Cookie Cutters. They believe that the sharks thought the inflatable catamaran was the carcass of a dead whale, but that doesn't explain why they kept attacking it after it had to be clear to them that it was not food. Terrifying!


Back in the 80s my friends and I lived close to South Padre Island in South Texas on the Gulf of Mexico. We were stupid teens back then.
We were there a lot every summer. We would swim out to the second sand bar and stay out there for a long time. Luckily we never had anything nibble on us.

In 2004 my husband, 3 year old and I moved to Seadrift, TX.
It’s a coastal town where the majority of people had their own boats for shrimping and grabbing oysters. My husband’s family lived there.
Still not worried about what was in the water. God we were so stupid.
We must have swam in the bay about a dozen times when we got there.
Went to a friend’s house about 3 months later. He takes us to down to the bay at the end of his yard. And feeds marshmallows to a freaking Saltwater Crocodile.
Yup that’s when I swore never again. It’s hard to believe how lucky we were that my son was never attacked by something in the water.
So my stupidity about the ocean lasted until I was 33 years old.


Thanks for all your hard work, Al! And my newly adopted attitude regarding swimming in the ocean is
"Just because you can doesn't mean you should! 🦈


The movie Jaws was all it took for me to never swim in the ocean. I don't know how some can take the risk. Sharks can swim almost up to the shore in very shallow waters. These tragedies are preventable.


my son was bitten by a shark a bull shark. His arm was all torn to shreds by the thing, from elbow down, and especially his hand, it really tore it up. Luckily he wasnt pulled off his surfboard was somehow was able to ride a wave back in to the beach. The shark kept trying to pull or knock him off his board This was in Florida, east coast
