Top 3 ETF Portfolio to Get Rich (Ultimate Beginner Guide)

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✅ LIVE TUESDAY! I want to learn how to earn money trading! One simple strategy.

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I'm your host, Felix. My journey took me from being a novice investor to an investment banker, a corporate lawyer, and an entrepreneur. Investing was my key to early retirement at 40. My goal? To empower YOU to navigate the financial market with ease and transparency, free from the conventional financial system's noise. Let's embark on this journey to financial freedom together!

The content in this video is for informational and educational purposes only. It does not constitute and should not be construed as financial or investment advice or an offer to purchase or sell securities. The content is not personalized or tailored to a specific person or group of persons, nor to their personal investment or financial needs. You should consult a financial adviser or other investment professional authorized to provide investment advice. Investing comes with risks, including the risk of loss. Presentations of trades made by Goat Academy Ltd or its personnel are not a guarantee that any investment decision made by a student will be successful. Past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

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✅ LIVE TUESDAY! I want to learn how to earn money trading! One simple strategy.


Thanks Felix. Another great start to my day. Rgds


Nice! I'll have to research the effects of adding something like one of the Russell indexes.


Given you say the S&P is overweight tech, it might be better find a quality value ETF like CALF (Russell Value Stocks with FCF) as a way to diversify. This would probably be better for older people whereas growth stocks would be better for younger.

Another option would be to take a 60/40 stocks (be it S&P or MSCI World) to gold (or other commodity baskets) portfolio for the prepper types out there. I know many say gold doesn't have a yield, but it retains purchasing power and should perform better than government debt during the volatile/inflationary decade or two ahead as we pivot to fiscal policy.

Regardless, your point about having 2 or 3 diversified ETF's is painless for those who don't want to think.


I go into the S&P 500 (VUAG) and VWRP in the UK. Been doing me well so far.


Great video I’m starting to understand this a bit better now.

So now I have picked 3 etfs. A foundational ETF, Dividend etf & growth. What’s the recommended percentage of the 2K that should be invested into each? Thank you.


What about adding a REIT like Realty Income to have some more diversification with good div yield if you need some more secure income?


This is actually my Roth IRA allocation right now.


Maestro Felix. - Should one not include a sector-specific ETF, such as SMH, if you have conviction that the sector in question has a good runway for the next decade or so...? You seem to agree to AI having a staircase to heaven...


SCHD, SCHG, SPLG my three right now 👌🏽


What about SPHQ that you recommended yesterday? I already bought for 500 dollars today 😂. Is that considered Foundational or Dividend one?


Hi Felix and co 🐶🐱. Always great to see your usual options trading content and stock overviews - value you sharing your knowledge with the world!

Appreciate you mixing it up with varied content for people getting started with investing as well as your general life advice. Keep up the great work and future success. All the best


My aunt passed and I inherited some of her portfolio and cash savings, I’m 28 with about 400k cash in savings and as usual everybody’s preaching invest, so what stocks are a good long term buy, only major purchase I intend to make is buying a home in 5years from my returns
