Oly Lifter with Hip Pain

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When we work with our clients, we look at the bigger picture of how the body works. Not just how your (whatever you’re dealing with) works 🤔.

What that means, is that we take the time to assess how everything works off each other by testing, re-testing and implementing a gameplan that is designed to be inclusive of the whole body.

Here we are working with an Oly Lifter who’s coming to us for hip pain. And while the pain is at the hip, we have to address things above, below and around the hip. Or else, we’re not going to get to the root cause. Where your pain is cannot always be linked to where the problem is.

Your body is a system of systems. If one is not functioning as best as it can, it could be the reason(s) why something doesn’t feel quite right or is getting better.

Evolve to Perform

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