Baptism of the Holy Spirit | Reuben A Torrey | Free Christian Audiobook

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~ Audiobook Description ~
Scripture clearly separates being born again, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and being filled with the Holy Spirit. These three are not lumped together as one in Scripture. Instead, they are presented as separate experiences for the Lord's people.

Today, however, few people know exactly what the Scriptures say regarding the Holy Spirit, and the consequence is men trying to do things in their own strength. Sadder still is how one group denies the power of the Holy Spirit, while another group pursues the things of the Spirit more than they pursue Christ Himself. Somewhere in the middle is the truth. This book takes a close look at Scripture to see what the Lord Himself tells us regarding His Holy Spirit and how it relates to us today.

Jubilee Bible text. Used by permission. Narrated by Lyle Blaker.
Updated and Annotated.
Copyright © 2019 by Aneko Press, 203 E Birch St., Abbotsford, WI 54405

~ Contents ~
Opening Credits...00:00
Ch. 1: What Is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit?...02:04
Ch. 2: The Baptism with the Holy Spirit Is Necessary...24:20
Ch. 3: How to Obtain the Baptism with the Holy Spirit...40:49
Ch. 4: The Refilling with the Holy Spirit...01:22:31
Ch. 5: How to Keep Spiritual Power...01:27:03
R. A. Torrey – A Short Biography...01:46:42


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Lord Jesus I surrender to your Holy Spirit, take full control of my life and all my faculties and baptise me in the Holy Spirit Amen 💙🙏


Thank you Aneko Press that we can be blessed by a book written by a person born in 1856 and this is 2023.Wonders of God, may he continue using you spreading the word through these books to generations and the world over.


Oh Lord Great is thy Unto thee do I lift up my soul!!!! All my desire is before thee!!! My soul followeth hard after


I'm seeking. Thanks for this book. It provides a clear path for seeking. I believe I have met these requirements before but never received the manifestation of the baptism. I'm going to search my heart again today. Try again. Sadly, I'm dealing with chronic pain these days from unexplained cauaes. This makes my need even greater, but also tramples on my faith. If you read this, please pray for me.


This is an excellent narrator! Right speed and tempo, and clarity of words. Thank you!


He came upon me on the night of Oct 8, 2020 and I had no idea this happened to ppl so super naturally as it did. I am a new creature, who walks in power of the Holy Spirit, spreading the gospel and repentance to anyone who will listen, something I could never do before!

My whole life is Jesus and leading souls to Him! My family and friend thought I went crazy and think I act too “holy” & nobody understands me, that once did ! I don’t fit in this world anymore! This world is not my home. I hate what He hates and love what He loves. I hate sin!
I have not personally met anyone that this has happened to, even the people to proclaim to be Christians! The narrow road is not easy, but i would not trade this gift for all of the money, riches or treasures in this whole world and thank Him everyday for choosing me out of this world, to do His work, and for lifting the veil off of my eyes! With out the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you are still in death! Seek Him with ALL of your heart and you will find Him! ✨✨✨


Lord, I surrendermy life to you .
Take control of my life and teach me to do your will.
Show me Thy wayOlord, teach me Thy path, lead me in Thy truth and teach me.


We serve a God that understands our weaknesses. Its incredible to know that even when I grieve the Holy Spirit, I can confess my weaknesses and God is always faithful to restore me with His power... with a fresh anointing of His Holy Spirit. Chapter 5 is a powerful chapter. I must participate daily in "stirring up" my relationship with The Holy Spirit...and chapter 5 teaches me how to do this. Living without power in this day and age is not a good option. I needed this clarity. I must confirm my relationship daily. I must take "responsibility" for my own...self imposed dilemma...if I am lacking in His power...and to take responsibility to do what God requires of me to be restored to His power.
God is happy to restore us and comfort us all in these uncertain times...even as I am willing to yield to Him in the moment that I am in. Amen! :)
Thank you Jesus for R.A. Torrey.


This is a good confirmation to my personal experiences with the Holy Spirit when I was baptised several years ago.


Wow, beautiful this has answered my prayers concerning the Holy Spirit and the pressure by Christians to go out there and win souls without first being given the power and direction to do so. Thank you. I will continue to pray and wait on the almighty Lord to anoint me with his power and direct me in what’s so ever work he wants me to do. Thanks again. This has been very encouraging 🌹❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Amen! All believers need the baptism with the Holy Spirit in order to effectively evangelize and serve our Lord Jesus. Thank you Aneko Press for putting this great book into print and an audio version.


Finally, I’ve received what I’ve been seeking: Clear and concise guidelines to receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for your servant R A Torrey and this YouTube channel. I am confident in God’s promises that I too will receive the blessing of Baptism of the Holy Spirit equipping me to God’s service and Christ’s glory. Where there was once failure there will now be victory. Hallelujah!


This the 1st Ive finished listening into. I listen intently every chapters. I am blessed! I thank God for this page. I thank God for the life of R. A. Torrey. God bless all staff! 🙏🙏🙏


The Holy Spirit is undeniable!

When you receive the Holy Spirit you will see a positive change your life & be focused on taking out negative forces out of your life!

You need to keep Jesus close to your heart daily and keep his commandments if you truly love him!



Holy Spirit fill me and use me for your Glory!


The Holy Spirit came down on Jesus by the river Jordan and remained. Jesus said I must leave you now and will send another The Holy Spirit (Comforter) and He will teach you into all Truth. As those called for ministry we must continually seek the indwelling even after our first encounter through baptism of the Holy Spirit. This will keep us humbled and conscientious that without Jesus, we can do nothing. Spiritual pride will lead to a fall, and we need the Holy Spirit through our earthly journey and eventual second coming of Jesus Christ. Amen


A Christian Literature every believer must listen for more than thrice.
I'm made better Christian, and in God's Service.
#God will reward U in Heaven, R. A. Torrey


Trust the Lord he will baptize you in His Holy Spirit.


Thanks you so much for liking my comment thanks you so much God I believe in you Holly spirit and God bless me with my family and Holl spirit 🙏 amen 🙏 amen 🙏 amen 🙏 amen
