How I was baptized in the Holy Spirit (TESTIMONY)

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Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit important? In this video, I share my personal experience with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how it completely changed my life and my walk with Jesus.

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This is rad, Kap. Thanks for posting!

3:07 That's huge, dude! So good.
9:38 🧨 BOOM 💥
11:14 Christ in you, the hope of glory.
17:05 "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the game changer." 🙌


I just want to encourage you all, if you have been seeking the Holy Spirit but haven't yet received, do not give up. I've been a Christian for years, been seeking the baptism for years. Finally, on February 22nd, I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. It happened while in prayer at home alone, while I was interceding on behalf of others. All of a sudden the Holy Spirit started praying through me in another language. I was speaking in tongues. It was intense, it was a powerful, it was not me, it was fully God. I don't know what I was saying but I believe I was battling in the spirit for salvations. Since then, the Holy Spirit often prays through me for others, and when I read the Bible also.




In 12 and am trying to get with the lord this really help thank you and amen


I was recently filled with the Holy Spirit and I've never felt such peace of mind in my life. It's only been 2 weeks and it has been the best 2 weeks of my life, I am not alone for He is with me.


“The baptism of The Holy Spirit is the Game Changer.” Amen!❤️🔥🕊


I'm struggling so hard right now trying to get the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is coming soon and I dont want him to cast me aside as a worker of iniquities. I dont want eternal separation. I could use every prayer possible on this matter. I want Jesus to lead my life mind, body, and spirit.


I am 75 yrs old. I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit at a summer Church Conference in college. A couple of speakers told about the
baptism and then prayed with anyone who wanted to receive. It did not even occur to me that I would not receive when I went forward to have them lay hands on me…..and I immediately was baptized, and began speaking in tongues. My life was changed that day . I knew Jesus prior to this….but He became real to me through the Holy Spirit. All of my family members and many of my friends also received the Spirit in the months that followed. I can attest to the fact that my immediate family was never the same. My parents and a sister are in heaven now…but they lived wonderful lives loving the Lord, as I (and now my husband and children, other siblings and their children) are doing. Praise God that we can all receive the Holy Spirit and all that God has for us. It is available for every believer.


I was also taken into outer space in my Holy Spirit Baptism experience! He was showing me he is the God of the entire Universe!


I had no church upbringing and at the invite of a friend i went to his parents church.
I became aware of a powerful loving presence when i went back to visit their prayer room. No one was withun ten feet of me but i became aware of this presence.
The next night my friend had me picked up and taken to a church like his. As soon as i stepoed in their i felt this wonderful presence again.
The people were kind and greeted my as i entered and i found a seat and sat down. As the service was in progress i saw sone of the same people who greeted me shouting, dancing, and running the aisles
I remember thinking that i just spoken to a few of them and they struck me as sane, solid people.
Then i remember thinking that the presence i have around me they must have in them( I really didn't understand what expressing joy was).
I wanted that too.
I realized years later theat the prophets of the old testament had the Spirit upon them and in them but hadn't recieved the Holy Spirit on a permanent basus because God had not yet alowed man to be born again yet.
That came when i was baptized with the Holy Spirit in their prayer room.
When He baptized my with the Spirit i immediately began speaking in tongues.
I didn't know what it was and didn't know that i was speaking it until i heard myself.


This is an amazing testimony...the first time that I felt God's power within me was when I was living in a men's homeless shelter and during that time I had already been saved and baptized several yrs prior, but at the time while staying there I was under such heavy spiritual warfare that I had never been under attack from. One nite while all the guys had laid down and I was doin a study at the time on my phone and I heard thru the guys sleeping the manifestation of demonic spirits start speaking to me thru them while they rested. Of course it unsettled me so all I knew was to start praying out loud and the moment I started to pray, I felt this feeling that started in my chest, then ran from head to toe, and I felt as if I had this strength that I'd never felt b4 and I don't remember everything that had happened bc it came in bits and pieces as a memory to me now. As I prayed though, it felt as I was within my body but not in my body if that makes sense!?!?! At the time I could hear exactly what my body was saying but it wasn't me speaking the words but it felt as if God himself was talkin to these demonic spirits and telling them what to do. Vaguely I remember 3 spirits that had manifested within 3 different men and they all submitted to the words that was being spoken from my body as I was in the background in awe of what was happening!!! I couldn't believe what I was witnessing from a view that I had never seen from b4. It's like I said I was within my body feeling this power that I'd never felt b4 but also outside watching this phenomenon take place at the same time!!! As soon as the spirit left my body all I could do was immediately hit my knees and I began to pray and weep uncontrollably for myself and all the men that where living there in that place!!! From that moment in life, I've not looked back and I've been chasing our heavenly father everyday relentlessly thru YouTube creators and much more thru reading God's word so much more than I use too...Thank u brother for ur testimony and I'm thankful to have been able to share apart of mine that means so much to me and I pray that whoever takes the time to read this and even those who do not, that just know ur so blessed beyond measure and our lord and savior is waiting on u to take his hand and walk the narrow path that only he can guide!!! God bless u all and much love from me to u!!! All glory be to father Abba!!! Amen.


Please pray for me! I have been very distant from God for years now. For the last several weeks I have been feeling God trying to awake me or shake me from the spiritual sleep I have been in from demonic oppression that I am now realizing I have been under. I can relate so much to your experience you are talking about In this video. I was saved 20 years ago after the loss of my son. I had so much zeal for the Lord for several years after and then it faded away over the years. I came across your videos a few days ago and can’t get enough of them! They are truly helping me with my journey to get my walk back right with Jesus!


Thank you Kap for the prayer. I was Water baptised on the 02/07/23 and it was a bizarre experience. I deemed myself a critical thinker and I was sceptical. Until I started going to church and met a group of awesome Christian’s that suggested a water baptism. My first time in church and during the Baptism I had tingles. I felt feelings that I’ve never experienced before… I feel whole.


Thank you- I am hungry, seeking the fire from the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Thank you making this video
I receive your prayer in the name of Jesus 🙏🏻🔥🔥


I've been seeking the Holy Spirit for a while and I've been asking God. I received this prayer in Jesus Name!!! 🙌🤲


I love you !!!my sweet Beloved by God !! I’m a grandma of 9 grandchildren I just found you on YouTube you Bless me to share Gods . Keep going !!!


I was delivered of religious anxiety, the Holy Spirit of Christ has been transforming my life since I was batized.


Jesus met me in a place of desperation too. Thanks for sharing Kap. God bless you and your ministry


I enjoy Christs testimony through you. Thanks Kap


I also had the experience of laughing and crying in the Holy Spirit when I came the the knowledge that the Father did love me and will provide for me 🔥
The lie that He didn't was broken off me.
