What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? | Mini-Teaching

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If you or someone you know has ever had questions about the baptism of the Holy Spirit or speaking in tongues, this video is for you!

Listen to Andrew explain why the baptism of the Holy Spirit is for every Christian and how to receive it in this mini-teaching video.
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Lesson learned, I need to stop trying to do the impossible on my own power.


Your last quote was so powerful. It’s absolutely true, God really wants to give the Holly Spirit to us more than we want to receive it. That’s why we should seek the Holy Spirit every day of our entire lives.


This is what the majority of believers are missing out on today. I could be wrong, but I think it’s impossible to be a disciple without it. It took me at least a year to renew my mind after I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Once I converted the knowledge of this into understanding, and really received the revelation on what I had, it revolutionized my life. Thank you Andrew for helping the body grow disciples


I have been baptised I haven't received mine yet, I become my personal walk with God 5 months before baptism


Ok, I'm ready. How do I receive? Been born-again for 39 years, but the church I attended did not teach this. We were taught that it all passed away when the apostles There are no churches in my area that teach this. We don't attend church anymore because there's no power. Can I receive the Baptism on my own - at home? How? I have asked the Lord numerous times, but nothing happened. Please advise.


Can a Christian go their entire life without the baptism of the holy spirit?


Correction. the correct verse is this Acts:1:8- But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. You receive power when HolySpirit come upon you . Not first power, please correct your verse.


Baptism of The Holy Spirit to me is taking on Gods nature in persona.


Dear Andrew, I am reaching out, asking for your guidance and direction, in an area that you may not have heard people asking for much, if at all. I am asking you, as someone that I truly respect and have listened to over the past 28 years and know to be a servant of God, with fruit (signs following). First let me put a little meat on the bones. I got born again, Labor Day 1991, baptized in water a year later, when I recognized and understood this significance. Then in about 1995, I recognized the need for and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with signs following: many being born again and a number of miraculous healings. I even would lay in bed at night and sometimes I'd be trying to sleep, but would hear my spirit man praising God and would even ask him to hush, so the flesh could rest (right now, if you have no idea, nor experience in hearing your spirit man worshipping, then you might find my statement a bit crazy. My hope is that you know what I've said from your own personal experiences).
Then, in mid '96, due to my failures in the flesh, as a single man and with no Godly men, to which I felt I could hold myself accountable, I fell into some sin. Even after I repented, I still (in myself) felt that I did not deserve His empowerment and have not walked in that constant state of miracles, seeing others born again, and healed, as I once experienced. However, I have increasingly pursued the heart of God and have had a deepening and much more mature love and appreciation for my Lord and Savior. Now, here's my ask: I long to walk in a renewed in-filling (like a renewed baptism in the Holy Spirit) and I am asking for your guidance. Can you help me in this renewing? Thank you for your guidance


Great teaching. Pray Acts 2:39. Ask God for exactly same thing, Peter said that all that are AFAR OF and all the ARE CALLED would receive = the Promise = Holy Spirit. Since God is no respecter of persons, you can expect exactly what the 120 received ... and what all the Jews from all the nations received = as Peter said they would receive in Acts 2:39. Yes, Acts 1.8. You will receive power after Holy Spirit come UPON you = just like acts 2:1-4.


The Holy Spirit of da Bible is the energy of the Universe, the Universe being what we call


The baptism of the Holy Spirit is how the believer recieves the Holy Spirit.


God knows from the beginning who are his and only he will grant them with the Holy Spirit, sad reality is that not all Christians will receive, hence they never change and wonder why they continue to repeat sin over and over after Christ has given us the victory, but like I said only God knows our hearts and only those faithful loving obedient followers of the truth will be saved at the end. Out hearts are evil and deceitful among all our only God changes it when we obey him, Fear God and keep his commandments in Holiness and he will bless us with whatever we ask for according to his Will, your will de done Lord and not mine. Gods longs for our faithfulness obedience and Holiness, and as he sees us surrender our will to his, he sees our hearts and knows we are dead serious, then we ask him for the Holy Spirit and he will grant us our desire, coz only he knows our hearts. GB


When you speak in tongues do you just start praising him and babbling and then your speaking in tongues or is it something that blurts outta you from nowhere? It's confusing


Roman's ch.10 says that if we confess with our mouth Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you shall be saved. But Romans10: 10 says " For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."
The Word " unto" is the Greek word eis which is a preposition indicating movement toward a goal. Believing with our heart and confessing with our mouth is only the beginning of the born again process that saves us.
Look at the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts ch. 8:35-38 Philip tells the Ethiopian about Jesus. Obviously the Ethiopian believed but he didn't just say he did he showed he did by saying, " Here is water what hindered me from being baptized ? And he showed he believed by being water baptized .
The same was true with the disciples that Paul encountered in Acts ch.19. Paul told them that John the Baptist said to believe on the one to come after him Jesus Christ. The Word says that upon hearing this they went down into the water and were baptized. Paul then layed hands on them to recieve the Holy Spirit and when they did they spoke in tongues as the first evidence that it had happened and Paul stopped praying for them.
We believe by obeying to gospel plan of salvation first spoken of by Peter in Acts ch.2. Not to do so is just to mentally assent to something being true not salvation.


I believe I have received tongues but I don’t believe I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. I’m not sure what it needs to look like but I want Him to offend my understanding of it


As Jesus told Nicodemus, you must be born again. Born from above. Born of water(refers to the Holy Spirit, not water baptism) even the word.
Hen one is born again, he is baptised by the Holy Spirit. There is not a second work of the Holy Spirit coming and going after one is born again. One is sealed by the Holy Spirit at salvation.
If one does not hae the Holy Spirit he is not saved, as Romans 8:9 says: "The Spirit Of God Dwell In You; Now If Any Man Have Not The Spirit Of Christ, He Is None Of His"
If saved, you have all of the Holy Spirit


Por favor en español de nada sirve q esto lo publiquen si medio mundo se pierde estas grandes enseñansas por alguien q los traduzca gracias y de lo contrario sea esto como un tesoro q nunca sera descubierto porq no se toman la molestia de traducirlo


This teaching is not accurate. A person receives the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation, the moment you and I placed our faith alone in Jesus Christ for our forgiveness. The reason why the disciples and all the other people who believed in Jesus didn't receive the Spirit at their moment of salvation was because Jesus had not been glorified yet and He had not ascended back to the Father yet. Once that happened, the Spirit could be poured out. John 7:37-39 and Ephesians 1:13


Baptism of the Holy Spirit is called a gift in Acts, so the gentiles receive it as a gift and Peter retelling the event notes the words of the Lord that came to him (Peter) regarding the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the time the gentiles received the gift of the Holy Spirit. So the gift of the Holy Spirit and baptism of the Holy Spirit are the same. At the gentiles house the gift/baptism came before water baptism: This was a change and was new. In Ephesians the Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance that comes after believing the Gospel (Do you see any indication that it happens at a later time in the following quote from the Epistle to the Ephesians?). Eph 1:13 In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who[d] is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory. (end quote)
