What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? | GotQuestions.org

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In what way are we baptized by the Holy Spirit? What is the Spirit baptism? In this video, Pastor Nelson answers your question: What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? In this video, Pastor Nelson answers your question: What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

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Until the 18th century there was no talk about a second holy spirit experience like the baptism of the holy spirit. You get the holy spirit when you a born again.


Thank you very much for sharing. May God Bless you, your loved ones, and everyone who hears this message. Maranatha!


Acts 5:42
And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

This verse is now my next favorite verse in the Scriptures today believers amen and amen to it.


I have experience the baptism of the holy spirit within me. Amen.👋🏿


Paul: “Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?” Paul acknowledged their faith, was already there, so why did he have to ask the question if they had received? Just because a gift is offered doesn’t mean that the recipient has received. What was there to receive? Power. So every believer (even the ignorant and unlearned) to do signs and wonders to the glory of the Father.


Baptized into Christ is united into Him after the Cross and the infilling of Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the gift with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Water Baptism, is your testimony of what Christ did in the inside of a believer


They began to speak with TONGUES as the spirit gave them utterance . When you speak with TONGUES your SPIRIT prays . When you speak with TONGUES you speak mysteries NO man UNDERSTANDS YOU


SEEK spiritual gifts and desire to prophesy


Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a separate experience from the New Birth. The Baptism by the Holy Spirit been a contention in the Body for a very long time. Most important and above this disagreement is the salvation of a soul. So if there is disagreement about the Baptism of Holy Spirit, it's not a salvation issue. Regardless of missing (imo) it on this subject, I really enjoy your work with Got Questions Ministries overall. Shalom


Every believer has the Holy Spirit. But it doesn’t mean that every believer has been baptised by the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit could be you speaking in tounges, beginning to prophesy or whatever else the Spirit has in mind. It’s just simply you first being filled with the Spirit


The Apostle Peter when asked how to respond to the preaching of Christ crucified and resurrected replied repent and be baptized for the remission of your sins and you will receive the gift (of the Holy Spirit). This is what we must do. A response (by God/Jesus) to our acting by faith is receiving the gift. So many say we are saved before baptism but Acts 2:38 clearly says the opposite. Jesus himself said this same thing to Nicodemus when he was (pre-) converting Nicodemus ... You must be born again. You must be born of water and of the spirit. Is the spirit important? Yes. Is water important? Yes. Why water? Because it is our act of faith without which we cannot be saved. We are saved by grace through (our) faith (in God). But aren't we saved by professing Jesus? Yes. Wait, isn't it repentance? Yes. That which saves us is what the scriptures say saves us in whole and in part. What is made clear in the scriptures is that faith is irrelevant if it does not result in obedience just as obedience apart from faith is also irrelevant. The gift of the Holy Spirit is to those who have obeyed the Gospel by faith.


There is a difference between having the Holy Spirit come upon you, and being filled with the Spirit, and being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is how the believer recieves the Holy Spirit. This must be prayed for after belief, repentance, and water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ.
Once prayed for and filled with the Spirit the believer must surrender to the Holy Spirit the one member of their body they can't tame, their tongue.
Once the Holy Spirit enables the believer to speak in tongues( one spiritual language) it is the scripture backed proof that the Spirit has joined with their spirit and they have recieved the Holy Spirit.
It is too easy to believe or be convinced that you have recieved the Holy Spirit when you are filled, thus the scriptural sign to confirm it.


Do we ask for the Holy Spirit after being baptized?


Romans 8:9
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.


Peter literally speaking about water: “Baptism now saves you”

Heretics: “water baptism isn’t required”


Martyn Lloyd-Jones goes into MUCH depth on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He goes much detail and Scripture explaining all this. It is a separate from salvation. I used to think what you’re saying, but noticed it did not align with Scripture. Please read MLJ book (“Joy Unspeakable”) and multiple sermons on his app (John 1 ) before saying all this.


Why is the baptism of the Spirit not taught in the OT? Do you have any articles ?


I did not get, according to you guys, are we baptize with the Holy spirit as soon as we receive Jesus or do, we receive the baptism of the holy spirit afterwards?


Why did Jesus ask the disciples to wait on the Holy Spirit?


when and UNLEARN or an UNBELIEVER comes into a chuch the UNBELEVER will say your mad
