Does Leighton Flowers Misrepresent Calvinism?

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In this video I interact with Leighton Flowers on misrepresentation. I did not include the video link for Leighton's video because I play his entire video.
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I want to encourage you by saying that these videos are very helpful. I imagine that they are time consuming but please continue. The way a trained pastor is able to clearly refute false teaching is so good.
Thank you and God bless you and keep you.


Was Jeremiah inconsistent in bemoaning the fall to Assyria and the evils of that while also saying it was by God’s decree…?


Brilliant work. Thank you for getting into the weeds on this issue.


If God decrees all things, then all things are done following the will of the Father. In Matt 7:21 Jesus says he does the will of God inherits heaven. Therefore, under Calvinism, everyone is saved because everyone is doing the will of the Father.


Leighton equivocates on the decree. And he does it so often and has been corrected so often but ignores it as though he doesn’t even hear it.


What if God’s plan/decree is relational rather than circumstantial? Could His decree not be something like, ‘I’m going to have real personal [bc God is a Person] relationship with my image-bearers. I’m going to save everyone who comes to me in faith.’ That may make God look like a ‘bigger more powerful person, ’ but it has enormous explanatory scope and power. The idea that God has prescripted every single event in history creates more problems than it solves.


The exact nature of the putative decree of God is a point of confusion. It might be good if both sides explained exactly what the decree is and what verses support their claim.


Brother Chris,
Read Jeremiah 7. What do you see? Do you not see God intervening WHEN he so desires and NOT intervening where he has chosen not to? That's Sovereignty! That's the Master Chess player Leighton refers too. A God unafraid to give men free will. A God horrified by child sacrifice that He did not bring about in any way whatsoever. And a God that will vindicate evil when and how he chooses. 7:32-34
Which in these latter days, He has chosen to reveal to us a Son through whom is wrath is being restrained until He returns as the Lion of Judah!

Jeremiah 7: 31 31 And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart.

I don't understand how Calvinists can't see that the Jew is being dealt with one way by God and the Body of Christ another way!
The power of the blood! The blood and the Holy Spirit are powerful and able to work with fallen men . In your language, God has DETERMINED that the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit will accomplish His will in the Church Age.

P.S.Thanks for slowing the playback down.

P.S.S. Did you get a chance to listen to this ?


To a non-Calvinist, ‘freedom and contingency’ are meaningless in a determined world. It seems to me that what you are calling freedom and contingency would not be recognized as such by virtually any person except a Calvinist. If I can only will what God wills me to will and could not will otherwise, the word ‘freedom’ is misleading. It is unfree free will. The same applies to contingency.
