Why vitamin D deficiency is ruining your sleep
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We usually think of vitamin D as the “sunlight vitamin.” And while vitamin D is critical to our bodies, it is ALSO critical to your sleep. Some of the latest research suggests that vitamin D influences both your sleep quality AND and your sleep quantity.
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that helps control how cells and organs function. It’s produced in the kidneys and controls blood calcium levels and the immune system. Adequate levels of vitamin D contributes to strong bones and teeth, prevents, the body from breaking down, and supports the immune system, nervous system, and muscles.
Studies show that adults and children with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have things like delayed bedtimes, less time asleep each night, low quality sleep, and frequent nighttime wakings. They are also at a higher risk for developing a sleep disorder.
So join Dr. Michael Breus as he explains how vitamin D actually works in your body, and why it's one of the essential vitamins you need to get your best sleep.
0:00 What is vitamin D?
1:08 The two types of vitamin D
1:44 How to get vitamin D
2:26 How much vitamin D should we get?
3:30 How can I tell if I have a lack of vitamin D?
3:55 Vitamin D and sleep
4:54 Can vitamin D prevent sleep problems?
5:52 A patient story from Dr. Breus
😴 Michael Breus, Ph.D., is a double board-certified clinical psychologist and sleep expert. He's been in practice since 1999 and helped thousands of patients improve their sleep. Dr. Breus has written five books on sleep and conducted over 1,000 interviews to the press and public.
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