My Depression: The Up and Down and Up of it (HBO Documentary Films)

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My Depression: The Up and Down and Up of it premieres Monday, July 13 at 9pm, only on HBO.

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Watching this now...I'm thinking... "Holy shit, she's telling my story."  I have battled, fought with, tried to explain, my depression.  I've tried to pass myself off as "normal", since I was a child..  Depression is hell, and to those that say "Just snap out of it."  Depression and "Being Depressed" is not the same thing.. There is no control over it, it comes like a dark intruder in the night with the skill to evade all your security, your locks, he picks them, your alarms, he disarms them, your traps, he evades them, and there is nothing you can do to stop him...

However, if you know someone with depression and their depression has an affect on your relationship, please, understand, it's not you, and it's not something they can control.  I am fortunate, I have a partner that knows my issues, what I battle with, it's not his fault.. Thank goodness for dogs as well.. My dog, my kid, my partner, they've gotten me through so much..


Great video to share with individuals who don't understand Depression and don't know how to express depression to others.


I enjoyed this documentary a lot. It's hard to explain depression to people sometimes and this was simple and direct. I relate to the character, and so great she has a loyal dog like me ❤️


every human being on this planet should take 30 minutes out of their day to watch, learn and be enlightened from this HBO Documentary Films!!! i watched it on HBO the other day and truly appreciate Elizabeth Swados and her work! WAY not necessary to ridicule or be cruel to human beings that can't "snap outta it"...    
thank you, jj 


Wow, had to show it to my family so they understand


Where can I see this I’m bipolar but besides that Dan golfer is one of my favorite actors Steve Buscemi too


Depression and stigma around it & its treatment is must be dealt with good knowledge & de stigmatising mental illness


Can I know where the country of origin at ?


I watched this once... utterly mediocre and kind of twatty.
