Depression with OCD and what to do about it!

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OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) and depression are two distinct mental health conditions that can coexist and often present significant challenges for individuals. While they are separate disorders, they can frequently occur together, leading to a more complex and difficult experience for those affected.

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For information purposes only. Does not constitute clinical advice. Consult your local medical authority for advice.
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OCD definitely contributes to depression. When my OCD is not as bad, my depression generally gets better too.


I got completely better and now I am at my worse fase possible of ocd again. I thought it was buried away in my brain and it is making me so upset that the thoughts and impulsions have returned. Even more with depression involved
.. I hate it. I hope you all and I overcome it. Let us be strong. Thanks for the video.


the combination of depression and ocd gives me so much anxiety i am scared to never come out of it


The last thing you said stood out to me in particular, about just trying to enjoy life even if you don't feel like it, and I've heard this a few times before but never really understood it, so maybe you could make a video about it? For me it's not even thoughts that prevent me from engaging in activities, it's the emotions. Like I can think playing a game or doing some other activity is very meaningful, but at the same time I won't do it just because I can't find enjoyment in it anymore. Anxiety especially, just drains all the fun out of it and I don't know how to enjoy myself so long as it's there.


Edit: I work with a virtual therapist through NOCD and she has helped immensely. I highly recommend it, even just the app alone is great for OCD (it's free.) If you struggle, its a great resource. I don't feel alone and powerless anymore 💕

I'm literally struggling so badly, waiting to get a new psychiatrist. I've had to explain OCD to everyone because people just don't get it. They have so many stereotypical ideas. My OCD is significantly more internal.
I feel absolutely paralyzed by it. No one knows how to talk to me. I'm trying, but right now I feel completely powerless.
I also struggle with agoraphobia and I know that this is really triggering that in me. If I didn't have a job, I'd be home. When I'm at my job, I feel a small panic that I should need to go home. It's a rough loop.


Its been a year i m watchng your videos and Allahmdullilah it helps me alot.thank u for your sincere efforts. This chanel is highly recomended for ocd sufferers


You are great ...thank so much you dont know how much you help us those who cant afford going to a therapist .... may allah bless you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I don’t have a support system, most people in my life trigger my mental health by being rude, passive aggressive, etc. healthy minded people are so rare in my life, so I tend to cut off lots of people from my life to protect myself and my mental health, I also find myself the reason why people treat me like this, because I’m too naive and appreciate everything and everyone and never bother to set boundaries cuz I trust everyone that they will never cross their line, but they always do, I always brush it off like nothing happened which makes me feel so bad about myself and it really effects my mental health and my OCD starts telling me that I’m weak and submissive for not standing for myself, then I get into a loop. So to avoid all this I isolate myself from harmful people, which left me without anyone beside me


Sir I am suffering because of repetitive phrases in my mind and that phrases are so distressing which makes me anxious instantly.. I am watching your videos from 15 days in search of help....
Thank you for this content❤
And please suggest me a solution
Love from India❤


I started with ADHD, then bipolar, then OCD, then another 3 mental disordes along the way and I also got other physical diseases. I really do my best every day, I stay possitive and I improve little by little.


25 years stuck in a thought loop. Im so tired... and when i finally get the anxiety down the depression comes.. it like an onion


The information really helps. Thank you so much!😀


I needed this video yesterday haha thanks for the info I definitely need to force myself to exercise more


Several months back I was struggling with the same .... Now I am completely cured


Thank You So Much For This And All Of Your Videos Nathan They Really Are Very Good And Very Well Made ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Usually depression comes before having a panic attack for me. I had one at university and took me 2 years to go back and finish my career because i couldn't stand the place.


Is it possible to have depression that triggered off my OCD again? There's been a lot of personal issues in my life which have made me feel trapped and my self esteem has been low, and I think I slipped into high functioning depression. Then I tried to do something to get out of it, this then triggered off the intensity of my OCD. Anytime I've tried to do anything that is a big change for me, it's been rough. Now they're both together, it's the most out of control its ever been.


Hi Nate, can you please recommend some good books to overcome OCD and Anxiety?

Thank you so much for all the great work you are doing ❤


I’d prefer to have more depression but less ocd. I just hate ocd


The problem with OCD, at least in my case is not that my thoughts tell me to do a compulsive action or else blank will happen, it's the coincidences associated with OCD, for example I don't do this compulsive action which means, I or this will have infinite blanks, because of that I've been seeing infinity symbol.
