Why Ip Man stopped teaching Bruce Lee

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The movies always show a Bruce Lee coming to Ip Man as a kid to learn Wing Chun, but they never show how Ip Man stopped teaching Wing Chun to Bruce Lee, or how Bruce Lee had to stop taking lessons at Ip Man's school.

So let's take a dive into how Bruce started studying Wing Chun under Ip Man and what led to him being asked to leave the school.

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Looked up to Bruce best quote is “ don not pray for an easy life but pray for the strength to endure a difficult one”


48 years after, and we still excited hearing stories about bruce. 👍


As a teacher it is a beautiful thing to see your student grow beyond your teaching. Sadder still is realizing you have nothing more to offer your student.


after so many years since his death, we are still obsessed with this guy. I don't know what more to say.


He was a bad boy but developed into a good man. People seem to slander him because of how he was before, but humans aren’t one or the other. He learned and became better, not just physically. Humans change, and are not just evil or just good.


Very interesting! Nobody wants to say anything bad about Bruce, but I find it more inspiring that he started out as a bad kid who then made himself into a great man.


I remember in 9th grade wrestling, there was a kid in my weight class that we all had a problem with. We would spar extra hard on him, and as a group wear him down and basically beat him up on the mat. It didn't last that long though. He got better at a rate much faster than the rest of us and by the end of the season he could consistently go match by match with each of us with no rest and he would beat us all. This story reminded me and think it is so interesting about Bruce Lees fast development.


One thing that stood out to me and was relatable in this video about Bruce's youth is how confusing and difficult it is for a young man to grow up with a mixed background. Wherever that place is in the world and whatever the mixed race background is, it's a difficult environment to navigate for a young person. A lot of internal conflict as well as external.


I was in hong kong during the 1960s and everyone knew that wong sheung leung was a great master and bruce owed so much to him too.


Great information…I’m impressed with the historical data. For me, being a practitioner I admired how Bruce approach was deliberate and precise. It definitely makes an attacker think twice or stops them completely.


I read years ago that William Cheung was given the task by Ip Man to help Bruce. Ip Man never taught any of his students directly but used his more accomplished practicioners to teach the others, as pointed out in the video. Apparently Ip Man did have a soft spot for Bruce because he knew having Bruce who was already famous as a child actor learn Wing Chun would be good PR for their art and good for Ip Man. I read that Bruce didn't know some of the upper levels of Wing Chun because those were closely guarded secrets by Ip Man's inner circle. I read Bruce would sometimes try to get William to divulge some of the moves to a level but instead William would help by getting Bruce to a certain point in a maneuver and then instead of showing him the rest of it, he would stop and try to get Bruce to use his brain(logic) and common sense to complete the rest. This over time frustrated Bruce but I think that situation is what gave rise to Bruce's Jeet Kune Do. I believe that JKD was Bruce's answer to not having access to some of those upper levels of WC that he so desperately wanted but could not have. Maybe in time he could've but knowing Bruce I wouldn't be surprised if he was in a race against time and so the thought of waiting years if not decades wasn't an option. I read that when he became famous in America he told William to get himself ready for a one on one at some point in the immediate future. That day never came because not long after Bruce died.


I had the honour of training under grandmaster Cheung, can’t put a price on the things I learnt from that man I owe him much. Pure blessed to have his school in my city


The “be water” philosophy comes from Chinese philosophy and Daoism, not Ip Man. Bruce was well read in Chinese philosophy. His major in university in US was philosophy.


It's inspiring every time I hear someone say they are on a journey to help people. Doesn't matter what capacity. Good on you mate.


As someone who was trained with Dan Inosanto and his students for over 20 years and also know many of SiGung’s original students, it’s rare to find someone who knows the truth about Bruce Lee!


Thank you for laying down No BS when it comes to Bruce Lee. You Seem to be a Honest Truthful Man. its a Pleasure to listen to you and makes me want to learn more from you.


He added the fluidity of wing chun to the rigid styles that existed to create a better style that focused on ending conflict as soon as possible. His attacks were rigid and powerful while his defense and movement was fluid and hard to predict.


Ip man was one of Bruce Lee’s teachers not his only. Bruce understood that to be the best martial arts you needed to learn as many things as possible from as many sources as possible. Bruce is the innovator of Mixed Martial Arts.


I really enjoyed this my friend! Thank you for setting more of the record straight. Bruce is such an inspiration and it’s good to know there are people like you that care enough to put this really great truth out there!


I’ve been involved in the martial arts for fifty years or more, worked eight hours a day teaching…500 push-ups a day, 500 sit ups a day, and most important was running through Forested areas, where you run a path sort of like par core this day and age, sparing hours a day, and meditation…it’s so cool how training changes as we get older and wiser, I remember looking back to year five and wondering why I was so silly, then lookin back at year ten and same, again and again as long as you keep training doors open, and after forty years you look back and can see your achievements, and your failures…

I’ve watched Bruce lee at first five years, he was an inspiration, but I noticed that to many people had to always through Bruce lee in the mix..
Even myself I thought why put so much energy into some one else when you should be concentrating on yourself and what you need to be faster and stronger..
You can be the best in the world, but you have to look at what your body needs….my body is not like yours, yours is not like mine, we are all very different, the techniques that work for him, might not fit your body type…and so forth..you have to find what works for you….Find techniques in long length, short length, soft techniques, hard techniques, weapons training for your wrists and areas you can find without training a few weapons, again a long weapon, short weapon, double hand weapons…I taught a weapon form at a club little ways away, it was the first staff form from Tam Tiu. I found out later they are driving with the staff in backseat of car, if trouble they bring out their staff, I was furious….never taught weapons to another school ever again…you know it’s funny how much I hated tai chi also, but was made to train it or else…but I was more into Ba Gwa, Ying Yee, and Luk hup but fut, going on seventy, and you brought back a lot of memories, like running out of the theatre after watching Enter The Dragon, every one doing flying kicks play fights all down the street, and that week we hear on the news our hero was gone, I couldn’t understand finding something so precious, and loosing it as fast….

Thank you sir,
Really appreciate your honesty, boy oh boy did you bring back memories….

Thank you
