No One Ever Talks About Bruce Lee's FIRST Kung Fu Teacher

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Bruce Lee's First Kung Fu Teacher was not Yip Man.
What I'm saying is that when Bruce Lee started learning Wing Chun Kung Fu from Yip Man, he had already been studying kungfu with someone else.

Now some Bruce Lee fans say that Bruce Lee's first art was Taijiquan, and I talked about this in a previous video about Bruce Lee's long history with Taiji, but I'm not talking about Taiji either -- Bruce studied some other kungfu when he was younger, and I think knowing this about Bruce Lee could shed some light on some of the things Bruce looked to accomplish and why he left such a lasting impression on the world after he passed at the early age of 32

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Autodidact (self taught) as a kid, sneaking on set and watching the martial art performed, then going home and practicing in his room is yet ANOTHER HUGE FACT of how DEDICATED AND GREAT Bruce Lee really was.

The part of his life where he was involved in a gang and he was kind of a bully temporarily, EVERYONE has SOMETHING negative they did in their past at some point in childhood and / or as a teen.

The IMPORTANT THING is he did NOT stay that way. GOOD people do NOT stay that way. Growing up is a learning process and sometimes one ends up with the wrong crowd to try to be cool or try to fit in.

That's happened at least to some degree or extent TEMPORARILY to ALL of us, whether sibling rivalry or picking on and teasing at school, or being the one being picked on, and in some cases, both.

It's sad that people will hold such things over someone's head that happened when they were young, in a helpless and hopeless attempt at trying to discredit, ruin, or tarnish someone's character and reputation later in life.

People who do that are pathetic human beings, and the people who hold that over Bruce Lee's head to try to discredit him or other people for what they did when they were young, if those naysayers are honest, they ALL have something they did wrong, too, when they were young.

We ALL have WHEN we were young. That's part of growing up and learning. That's NOT condoning what he and everyone did when they were young, the point is you learned from it and did NOT stay that way, which is COMMENDABLE!

So, IF this is an attempt at trying to destroy, discredit, and ruin Bruce Lee's legacy of how GREAT he REALLY and TRULY was just because you naysayers and haters are jealous and have NEVER accomplished or achieved anything, you FAILED MISERABLY.

The things people do to people out of jealousy or just because someone's not liked, people will dig and dig and dig until they find something bad, negative, and wrong, then they'll say, "see!"

There's a saying, "if and when you look for something wrong with someone long enough, you're going to find it."

We've ALL done something wrong when we were young.

The GREATNESS AND LEGACY of Bruce Lee will NEVER be forgotten or tarnished, and this video shows yet ANOTHER ASPECT of just how GREAT he was.

So, if this was a helpless and hopeless attempt at trying to destroy and discredit Bruce Lee, it FAILED MISERABLY and back fired, and did the EXACT OPPOSITE.

THANK YOU for that! 😁

ALL the Bruce Lee loser haters can kick dirt! 😂


I love how your channel is so accurate and actually facts keep it up bro 💪🏾


I always enjoy your videos. I was in college when Bruce died (yeah, I'm old) and read everything that came out in the ensuing years, including Linda's book. This leads to great frustration when things misrepresent truths... Dragon, the Bruce Lee story was particularly bad with chronology and facts, such as how Bruce hurt his back.

Your channel really corroborates the things that I read in the 1970s.

Oh yeah, RIP Leo T Fong. I had two of his books from the '70s, weight training and Choi Li Fut. He lived a long life.


Omg Leo Fong has died, RIP. Really love your thoughtful and insightful content brother. I began martial arts at age 12 because like Bruce I was moderately out of control in Los Angeles so my Pop enrolled me down the street at Okinawan Shorin Ryu from sensei Ikeda on Olympic and Crenshaw in 1967 changed my life forever and gave me discipline to think.


Spiritually, Bruce Lee did everything right by creating his own style of Martial Arts . A person Soul is to learn and create on Earth . That's actually what Bruce Lee did .


Bruce Lee as the new Wong Fei Hung!! Wow!! Very interesting insight. Your comment regarding Bruce sneaking onto the movie set and watching all these practitioners executing their Kung Fu moves and then he himself going home "shutting the door" and practicing what he saw...well...isn't that what we were doing watching Bruce Lee movies and Shaw Brothers movies..Lol!! Going home and practicing those moves we saw on the big screen. I mean how many of went home and practiced Snake Fist or White Crane because we saw it on the big screen!! Great video, great insight!! 👍


I believe you are correct about Bruce mimicking what he saw till he got it right ...and then made it great.
I am the same when it comes to seeing physical movement ...once I see any move in movies I can nail it by the 3rd try.


It doesn't matter what kind of kung fu Bruce Lee did it was all great and I still enjoy his movies. Bruce Lee passed away at age 32 😭😭😭 The world is unfair because a dictatorship lives longer. Bruce Lee was a legend a father and will never hurt anyone for no reason. I miss Bruce Lee and I would have given him a beautiful life and all the happiness in the world and in the movie world to. Bruce Lee ❤ for ever


I'm impressed not just with your knowledge of Bruce Lee, but also with Chinese folktale characters and culture!


Always get a big kick out of your videos. Especially when I see some of the martial arts I learned in them. Today it was Uncle Soo doing Bung po, which is the second form I learned (way back when I was in high school) attending Seven Star Mantis School in NYC, where my Sifu's Si Hing was Shi Kien ( there were pictures of the two of them together all over the Kwoon). I always appreciate your thorough research, and commitment to telling the truth!


“I can not teach, only show you.” -Bruce Lee
Self-Improvement, Self-Development, Self-Taught.


Brother, I really enjoy your videos especially about Bruce Lee. This one about his first teacher and the one about his training methods are my favorites. I think I’ve watched them all and I am looking forward to more. This is one of my favorite channels overall. Bruce Lee is certainly one of the heroes in my life ever since childhood. Even if in reality he isn’t the greatest martial artist of all time, at least to me he is the most inspirational. Not just as a martial artist, but as an actor as well. The world and the film industry owes a debt to him on so many levels—cultural, artistic, etc. What inspires me the most about him is how he continued to work on himself, physically, mentally, spiritually, philosophically and more. He was indeed a flawed individual as much as he was a pioneer in cinema. What human being isn’t flawed? I feel you have a great respect and admiration for Mr. Lee and his journey. Yes, often the reality is far more interesting than the myth and not just with Bruce Lee. I also feel he would have continued to try better himself and his as time progressed. I also feel that his true vision of Game Of Death would have been more powerful than Enter The Dragon, which is my favorite film of all time, at least the one that is most entertaining. Btw, I rarely have perused the Beerdy channel as it didn’t interest me that much when I viewed a few of the videos. I think at this point, your great videos stand strong and sincerely on their own. No further need to keep bringing Beerdy up, just focus more on all the cool and informative, interesting content you yourself are bringing, which seems quite well researched. I love Bruce Lee’s screen work from The Green Hornet through Longstreet and of course his Hong Kong cinema. Let’s not forget he was husband, father, dancer and fight choreographer. I would love to see a video of your analysis of some of his fight choreography that set him and his films apart from most of the martial arts films of his era and even today.


Bruce didn’t start Wing Chun until 15, not 13. 13 was an incorrect age spread by William Cheung. Many other people confirm that Bruce started at age 15 - which makes sense since he himself said he only trained with Yip Man for 3 years - and he left for America at 18. Jesse Glover also confirms this.

Awesome video!


Yes, very well researched. Bruce studied Taiji from his father, Wing Chun from Yip Man, Boxing from Brother Edward of his school St. Francis Xavier's, and Chin Woo Athletic Association syllabus from Siu Hong Shan 邵漢生 (1900-1994) who was student of Huo Dong-Ge 霍東閣, son of Chin Woo Athletic Association founder Huo Yuan Jia 霍元甲。Shih Kien 石堅 (1913-2009) was an orphan and very weak, and his father's concubine send him to study various Northern Kung Fu such as Praying Mantis and Luo Han Chuan. They were good friends of Bruce's father. Cantonese Opera has adopted Peking Opera's fighting choreography, and hence Bruce's father as a famous 武丑 Kung Fu comedian learned various Northern Kung Fu including Taiji.


I myself studied Wing Chun under Jayson Lau in Flatbush Brooklyn in the 1970's. Then I studied Jujitsu under Moses Powell in Brooklyn. Then a friend of mine taught me some White Crane kung Fu. He had studied under Wai Hung, down Chinatown, Manhattan. I think it is good to incorporate the best, from different fighting forms/styles. I made my fighting style my own.


Sorry to hear about the passing of Leo Fong. My JKD instructor Lamar Davis hosted him for a seminar in Birmingham Alabama back in the 1990. Class act!


I had the honour of training under grandmaster Cheung, can’t put a price on the things I learnt from that man I owe him much


Bruce was the main reason I started training wing chun decades ago in NYC. It had to work. I gravitated to Ving Tsun because of its practical efficiency for street combat. In reflection, it is the same reason for Bruce Lee. Essentially what you do, must work. For him, it must work. Bruce Lee was results orientated. He was a great example of the term ""Effort (hard work) over time is "gung-fu skill" success. Even though he took an old wine and poured it in a new bottle, it was still the old wine. However, as time passes, the wine ages and matures. It can become concentrated. However, it can also become more diluted if you add diluting ingredients. Yip man was his 1st formal teacher according to the Chinese tradition.


Truly a legend, one of a kind . He had taken marital art to a spiritual level. Imagine, if he had an extra 10yrs!? Totally unimaginable.


Great video, lots of info. AFAIK Jing Wu generally had a standard curriculum of northern styles like Tan Tui, Zhaquan or Gu Ruzhang's Bei Shaolin, some form of mantis and some of the internals. At 8:52 you can see Uncle Siu doing some Praying Mantis (7 Star I think) and at 9:12 looks like some of the other northern styles I mentioned. This explains why Bruce was so fond (and good at) of high kicks and jumping kicks and all that, which are not really present in Wing Chun. He had a northern styles background. Again, thanks for your research. It's good to see an analysis of Bruce that's not coming from a fanboy.