No One Talks About About Bruce Lee's Wing Chun Skills

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I think it's time we have a serious conversation about Bruce Lee and his Wing Chun skills.

Because some of y'all in these comments are making it clear to me why Beerdy and the Bruce Lee Real Fight Channel are getting so many views from telling their fake stories, or stretching the truth.

I already know that some of y'all will receive what I'm about to say the same way people acted after Dominick Izzo posted his "Why I Hate Bruce Lee" video about 7 years ago.

#BruceLee #WingChun #GoldenbellTraining
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What's funny is, you don't have to believe Bruce Lee was a _Wing Chun master_ in order to believe he was an unbelievable martial artist. He doesn't have to be superhuman in order to be great, or inspiring. He doesn't have to be a *God* for you to like him 💯


To me, Bruce was more than just a great martial artist. He inspired me to research fitness, philosophy, as well as psychological, subjects. In my opinion, his approach to life in general was multidimensional with a focus on martial arts and developing his physical attributes which he chose to display in movies. Many other individuals alive during the time Bruce lived in Hong Kong and in the states could've also made a huge impact in the world of martial arts. We just weren't made aware of them on a higher level at the time if they did. But something, perhaps the universe, nudged Bruce to make an appearance on 'the world stage' and share his human experience during various periods of his life and he took advantage of that opportunity to "put on a good show". I agree he didn't master Wing Chun, and my guess is he would agree as well. For various reasons he chose a different path of expressing himself and making an impact on many of us in the world of martial arts even to this day. Those who personally shared time with him were no doubt impacted in positive ways as well, perhaps even more. I believe he mastered himself. In my opinion, his energy was so strong and so bright that his candle burned out quicker than most and that is why we continue to be inspired by him and to talk about him long after his passing.


From what I found, he knew only the first & second form, basic chi sau, & basic trapping hands. What he did was he took what worked for him in every martial art discipline & trained them to the fullest.


Bro once again you hit the nail on the head with that statement, "he was a normal dude that worked hard" and that's my take away regarding Bruce Lee. I came across a book by Krishnamurti and it is interesting so far. People don't want to really explore facts and truth because it's easier to build an image to fit their perception. Bruce aside from his martial arts was an amazing person to learn from to be the best version of yourself you can be!! Thanks Bro!! Great video!!


Asé 🙏 💯 The points on Internal NeiGong are priceless. Bodybuilders spend 10, 15, 20 years developing their physique, its the same thing with internal martial arts; its just that most people want the instant flashy obvious gratifications... when realistically those are byproducts of many years of developping Gong. Everything else is like a shortcut to give the appearance of skill, but rarely actually possessing any true skills. Its like the old saying goes "Empty pots make the most noise". I pray everyone enjoy your journey of Adding/Subtracting; the way Bruce taught us. Stay real with ourselves and keep growing and simply injoying new inner heights, the world needs happier healthier people, not bigger egos. Asé 🙏


Well said mate. I met Wong Shun Leung who said that Bruce wasn't WC in his later years. In America he had to find anyone to share and gain knowledge. These were Koreans, Japanese, Westerners whatever, if they had something to share, he wanted it. Also a lot of first generation WC students under Ip Man didn't learn the full system. Bruce was and IS an inspiration. Through him I learned to love all Asian cultures, not just martial arts. My own Sifu in I Liq Chuan for me is untouchable, just as it must've been for Bruce and Ip Man. Knowledge, skill, hard work, those are the only secrets to seek. Deepest respect my friend, let us one day drink tea together


‘Nobody ever trained as hard as Bruce did’ Chuck Norris.
I think that’s the real gift to envy and admire and try to emulate. The shear will.
Great video man.


As a bit of a Bruce Lee historian myself (and a huge fan), I have no problem whatsoever with this video and feel it is well presented.


Here’s a fact I’m certain Bruce & Ip Man would agree with, it is impossible to master any art. To master an art you must be as old as the art as well as be trained under every master/teacher of that art. You can however, master yourself in any art that you dedicate yourself to. So many wannabe Bruce vs deciding to train and learn with a similar dedication! 100% agree with every thing you said!


I always viewed Bruce as a smart fighter who knew how to use his tools well. I also admired him for breaking tradition and the martial art status quo. He set into motion a new innovated way to practice martial arts that was more reality base. He definitely made rank and status in martial less important.


Good video and an honest appraisal of his Wing Chun. It takes years of development to master the soft side of Wing Chun and internal arts.


I find your videos informative, reflective, honesty striving and humorous. I started learning when I was 10 by a man who worked a bit with Bruce and studied all styles he could. I am his only student. Your inside speculation and reasoning with facts seems genuine and spot on. Your disecting of the foibles of Seagal are hilarious. Please keep doing your thing. It is appreciated


"Life itself is your teacher, and you are in a state of constant learning." He didn't see himself as a master. He saw himself as always the student. "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own." He believed in staying true to one's self not trying to duplicate the feats of others because we each have our own strengths and weaknesses. He was an evolving student of martial arts with a productive philosophy to reach his goal of honest self expression through various arts. Mastery is something he didn't feel was a destination that could be reached but one worth striving for. "A goal is not always meant to be reached. It often serves simply as something to aim at.” His compiling of philosophies that he valued and teaching how to empty the mind to become an empty cup is probably a greater contribution to the world than his filmography.


I never thought of Bruce as superhuman. I never believed he could actually walk into a dojo and take on everyone in the room at once and win. Honestly, I don't think most Bruce Lee fans ever thought that way, either. (I think most of Bruce's detractors today very much want to paint us that way.) That being said, I DID always think he was an amazing, amazing martial artist.


Awesome video! I think everything you said makes sense. Sure, there will be some that will take offense at the implication that Bruce Lee wasn't the yardstick that we should all strive for but, I think, you put him in perfect context.


(In my DJ Khaled voYce)

Man, you're spot on with your videos on Lee Xiǎo Lóng. I can tell you're researching and sharing the truth.

Much respect, Prince. 🙏🏾👊🏽☯️👊🏽


Thank you so much! Finally somebody had the courage and the mind to reveal that Bruce Lee's allegedly unique wisdom based big time on Krishnamurti. When I was a kid there were no DVDs and there wasn't even Betamax or VHS. Whenever our local cinema showed once again the already old Bruce Lee movies, the cinema was crowded with Bruce Lee fans. All these guys believed that Bruce Lee had somehow managed ti unleash the beast and that his cryptic slogans were proof for his unique mind. Me, I was at that time very interested in theosophy and that was considered gay and therefore the opposite of Bruce Lee's enhanced masculinity... Like all little boys at that time I was bullied by the older guys who tried to re-enact the scenes of their favourite action films on us, enjoying our confusion about their seemingly unexplicably wickedness... when we the saw how Bruce Lee was beating up bigger guy he was of course our Jesus... because as yous said: he succeeded against guys above his weight class... Today Bruce Lee's appeal seems to decrease... young boys rather take to former kickboxer Andrew Tate who also show that controlled anger Bruce Lee talked about as the secret of power... when I watch Bruce Lee's old interviews I perceive him more and more as a predecessor of today's macho idol Adrew Tate...


About the wooden dummy, I think Bruce Lee knew it pretty well. In fact while living at Ruby Chow's, he practiced the wooden dummy very often and made such a loud noise that caused a conflict with the Chow household.


A really down to earth and honest look at a martial legend. Thanks for your input.👍


Wonderful ❤️
Bruce wasn't done becoming! I can appreciate that just like I can understand there's a difference between rigid forms and fluid adaptation to the moment without getting in your own way ❤️ I love watching his special energy in action! Probably better than being a master! Certainly inspiring ❤️❤️❤️
