5 Signs of a Dark Empath - The Most Dangerous Personality Type

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Have you heard of the dark empath? When you hear that someone is an empath, you may think it a good thing. But, what if someone possessed cognitive empathy and displayed traits of a dark personality type? Would they use your feelings against you? Know exactly how to behave and act to appear ‘kind’ and ‘normal’ while hiding their true intentions? In this video, we'll be discussing what a dark empath is and the warning signs.

Writer: Michal Mitchell
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Sam Rain
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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moral of the video: dont trust anybody with an orange scarf


As a dark empath this video helped me hide my true intentions better, thanks


*as a dark empath* i feel the need to nuance this; even though we are capable of the things mentioned in this video, we can still be very functioning. Eg. my parents gave me a VERY strong moral compass, that always guides me back whenever me instincs are malicious. So for me I have the thoughts and understand humans very well, but i dont misuse it since I know its wrong. A big part of me wants to, but I hold back. Im married and have kids and never let my shadows affect those around me. Im also fully transparent with my wife about how my mind works, but she knows that i shut that part down and do what i KNOW is right. and therefore you can still make it work as a dark empath


People have called me a narcissist before

I knew they were wrong!


Ah, the typical personality found in high school students.


Every sensitive person that had an evil feeling once after watching this:
"Maybe i am a monster"


"If you notice at the end of every argument or discussion that only their needs are met, they may be manipulating you." -> that's powerful!
Fake kindness, manipulation, guilt seeding, malicious humor (to belittle you), spreading rumors.
Other than the last one, I've seen the other 4 in some people who I know...


I am VERY empathical (or however you say it) and will cry at anything remotely sad. I am also very good with knowing emotions and how people respond to different things. I don't abuse these powers in the way a dark empath does, but it is a useful tool to pursade.

Edit: The craziest part is that I'm in introvert yet I know more about socializing than some extroverts I know. Please if someone could tell me why that is


" 5 Signs of a Dark Empath"

Me, an empathic African American: *nervous sweating*


Empathy means you can understand people. What you do with that ability is whole different story.


I think this video has helped me understand my own internal workings just a bit better, not to say that I am a dark empath but to say I am not unfamiliar with any of these red flags in my own behaviour even among my best moments, in spite of my constant attempts to be better than I have been.


I had a friend who was a dark empath, I realized this later on, and I don’t talk to him anymore. I feel a lot better now.


“They love malicious humor”

my inner voice: *sweats aggressively*


I suppose if you’re worried about being a dark empath then you can’t be. Because you genuinely care


thanks to this video i just realized i dated a dark empath for almost 2 years of pure hell.


I believe I used to be a bit of a dark empath. I could easily read other's emotions, their feelings, and used it to my own advantage to get at them. Worked like a charm, got extremely close, really got to know them deep down. Some people just can't resist spilling a few secrets to a close friend, you know? I used everything I gained from them, lying, deception, manipulation, the works. Nothing extremely serious, just rumor spreading and relationship troubles, no lives in danger. Couple years later, started to see how bad that was. It was pretty harsh sometimes which seemed to be entertaining for me back then. I've emotionally matured a lot more, and now I'm just trying to make some close friends, I strive to be that friend that you can talk to about anything, they'll comfort you the best way they can, the kind of friends that your grateful for and make you happy. I realized that makes me more happy inside then the other stuff. I'm doing a lot of stuff I used to do for bad things, getting close to people, knowing their emotions, etc. But I just want to genuinely be close to them in a good way now. Might make up for all the bad stuff too. interesting video :>


the main way how to recognize dark empath is that he/she wears a scarf everywhere


If your fake kindness feels fake to others, you’re not doing it right.


I knew this was going to make me think of myself and I still felt sick when it did haha. But I can watch in retrospect my empathetic self turn more and more defensive due to familial (and some friendships) abuse. I always had a slapstick trickster sense of humor but only as far as nobody actually getting hurt. As soon as it looked actually painful or the person was in real distress I'd flip right over to crying with them. I've had to commit to choosing sincerity at the expense of a preferred outcome in many situations, but if I'm not on top of myself I can be too strategic to be genuine and I never respect myself when I act that way - I'm always ashamed when I guilt trip or choose my needs over the greater good. Confessing and apologizing outright and then getting to watch people learn to trust you is a very empowering experience because you realize integrity is so much more meaningful. Self-assuring tactics leave you in lonely, strained relationships - you might as well just be alone at that point, or admit blatantly what you're really looking for is help/attention/validation/etc


This video is gonna help me out alot, thanks for posting it
