Do This EVERY Day | NO More Low Back Pain! (30 SECS)

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If you suffer from occasional or even chronic low back pain, you are definitely going to want to watch this video. I’m going to show you a single exercise that you can do anywhere, every single day, that won’t take you more than 30 seconds to do and will help you to get rid of that low back pain forever. Understanding the selection of the exercise however requires a brief discussion of the reasons for your lower back pain in the first place.

In general, pain the low back can be categorized into one of two categories; neurogenic or muscular/joint related. The nerve related pain is almost always due to an issue with a lumbar disc or the nerve roots that exit the spine and travel to distant regions of the body. When you have nerve related pain it is always best to get examined by a doctor to confirm and then form a treatment plan specific to resolving the issue.

When the issue is muscular in nature however, or has had consequences on the joints of the low back because of the tight and weak muscles, then it is time to take matters into your own hands and do something about it.

The irony of low back pain is that most of the time the pain you feel is simply a symptom of a bigger issue somewhere else. For instance, the lower back should be a stable area of the body. The joints should provide very little movement in the form of rotation or side bending and the muscles should be capable of providing rigid, almost girder-like support, of this region.

This is usually the case however, when the muscles of the hips below get weak…they often look to the muscles of the low back to assist. This places a demand on the lumbar paraspinals that they are simply not equipped to handle. It is then that you are likely to experience tightness or spasm that provides the stability that was compromised but in a very unhealthy and unpleasant way.

Likewise, when the hips do not maintain the mobility they need given their ball and socket structure, then the low back is often the area that is asked to pitch in and lend mobility. As discussed earlier, this is a problem since this area of the body is designed to be stable. The key to changing the course of your low back pain is learning how and how often to intervene before any of this happens.

This is where the reverse hyperextension exercise comes in. This is incredibly powerful because it is driven from the ground up as the kinetic chain desires. The glutes are the muscles that drive the low back instead of the other way around. Additionally, this is an exercise that can be done virtually anywhere that you can lay down and let your feet hang off the edge. I show it on a bench, a glute ham raise and even reference how you can easily do this on your bed each morning.

The key is initiating the contraction in the glutes as opposed to trying to lift the legs with your low back. While the hyperextension is another great way to strengthen the lower back, it is one that is likely to be more difficult (especially for those suffering from lower back pain or weakness at the moment) and less likely to be able to be performed without modifications.

Try this once or twice a day, aiming for 10-12 high quality repetitions. Don’t worry about racking up more and more reps here. The key is that you only do ones that you can control and be sure you are initiating the right way with the glutes rather than the low back muscles.

For more videos on how to fix low back pain instantly and the best way to treat a disc issue if you have one, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at the link below and turn on your notifications so you never miss a video when it’s published.
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Can we please appreciate the fact that Jeff puts a massive description under every single one of his videos? Thanks!


"Honey, please just get in bed."

*Jeff silently doing reverse hyperextensions on the edge of the bed.*


Thank you so much! I’ve suffered from lower back pain for about 25 years. It goes out from lifting something or driving. When it goes out I can’t walk and am bed ridden for a week or two. This has absolutely helped me. I have been pain free for over two years doing this every morning, over my kitchen counter. One set of 20. This is the only thing that has helped completely! I never wrote a comment before. I just had to thank you. 🙏


Listen up! I had a bike accident when I was 18, broke my tibia, fibula and femur in both legs, pelvis, all my ribs, both feet crushed, six months on my back in hospital..blah, worked very hard indeed on my recovery but by the time I was thirty ish I had a pain in my back that would keep me awake at night for the next 30 years. The pain always seemed to intensify when I was lying down trying to sleep. So, I’ve been doing these exercises twice a day for two weeks and I swear I am almost pain can’t believe it, I had given up and resigned myself to a lifetime of back pain.
Can’t thank you enough.


I have had lower back pain for years. Started doing this 3 months ago and it has eliminated my issues, thank you Athlean-X


Jeff, thank you for removing all my pain . i have scoliosis all my life i've been in pain. when sitting, walking, sleeping whatever. chiropractors, physical therapy, orthopedic doctors since, I was 17, now i'm the young age of 79, and out of pain for the first. From my neck to my toes you have stabilized my spine, and i don't have to were arch supports any longer. thankyou.
I have sent you videos to everyone, i even stop people in stores and tell them about you.


Watching all the *Do this everyday* workouts now got 28 hours a day workout plan


75 years old and I do what Jeff says. Changed my life as a professor (brain health)
and dancer (athletic health). Muscles, balance, energy, mental acuity all improved because of Jeff...His combination of training, education, and science has led to the best, safest and healthiest results. I am almost ready for the next 25 years.


The only back pain Jeff has ever had, is from carrying the YouTube fitness community.


This guy knows what he’s talking about, he owns a bone person.


I did so much deadlift, my lower back started hurting due to my muscles pulling my whole upper body back. I started doing abs exersises again, to balance it out and i got it fixed. Thanks Jeff.


Jeff, thank you so much. I feel like you’ve saved my life. i’m 14 years old, i lift for about 1.5 year now and my back pain was horrible for about 4 months. I’m doing this exercise for 3 weeks now and i feel lot better, i can finally run, jump and get up from bed without any pain in my back. Your videos also helped me with knee pain, shoulder pain and technique. Thank you Jeff❤


Great exercise! 45 yrs old, suffered lower back pain for years, this movement, daily, has made a huge difference, very minor discomfort on occasion, but feel much better otherwise, thanks so much!


*Jeff giving a tour of his home*

Jeff: And this is where the magic happens
Jeff: And by magic I mean reverse hyperextensions on the edge of the bed


My lower back pain: **enjoys it's 24/7 existence**
My lower back: **sweats nervously**


Single greatest exercise I've found when it comes to chronic low back pain / tightness.

Have had low back pain for about 3 years which was really beginning to bug me when at my desk or driving. Experienced 2 bad spasms which had me out of commission for a couple of weeks each time. I've tried physios, massages, lots of different routines from youtube but this one exercise has had the greatest impact on my wellbeing of everything I've tried.

I no longer dread long drives, or wake up with a back and hips feeling awful. The day after I tried a few sets of reverse hypers I immediately noticed a reduction in my back discomfort and a big improvement in my ability to sit still in a car for 1 hour plus. Even the feeling of tightness which I had put down to shortened muscles is improving too. The whole problem was a weak low back and this is the cure.

Thank you Jeff. You may well have saved my life.


I had lowerback pain for 2 years i quited gym and almost my job because of this issue. Started this exercise 4 months ago thank you jeff for chaning my life i can live normal again.


This video changed my life and I'm forever grateful to you! I had extreme pain every single morning for 2 years that made it nearly impossible to get out of bed in the morning. After an hour, it would fade and by the afternoon it was gone. It made it so I didn't want to sleep anymore because I knew I'd wake up in pain. Doing these exercises 3x per day (over a large exercise ball and holding onto the bottom of my couch) and my pain is gone completely! I saw results after literally 1 day. I can't thank you enough!!!


I've been using Jeff's routines for a few months now... WOW! He KNOWS HIS STUFF! By treating the causes rather than dealing with symptoms is the difference. Whether it's getting bigger biceps or wider deltoids or stopping low back pain, Jeff's advice is priceless!!!


Jeff… I've had 2 lumbar microdiscectomy surgeries for an L5 S1 herniation that put pressure on my sciatic nerve and caused unbearable pain.
I wasn't even 40 yet.
I am now almost 41, still have some low back pain and nerve issues due to the 2nd herniated disc.
I have to say, I have been at my wits' end not knowing what to do to get rid of this pain - not to mention the psychological trauma from having a repeat surgery and fearing even worse later down the line.
Your videos, especially this one, have given me hope and I am already feeling a difference just from 1 or 2 times of performing these types of exercises.
Keep up the good work, and God-bless!
