How Gary Brecka Fixed Dana White's Health

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Taken from JRE #2060 w/Gary Brecka:
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I've been as sick as a dog for almost 10 years. I've had surgeries, countless medications, misdiagnosed and denied denied any assistance whatsoever. My new doctor found a severe b1 deficiency and a gene mutation. Prescribed B1 vitamins and I'm currently going on two months without any major symptoms. 5xstronger and capable of being a person again.


The more I listen to Gary Brecka talk about health the more I realize we have a whole medical system that is a combination of incompetent and corrupt.


Shout-out to Dana for allowing the public to view his health. It really helps others.


My father was told he had Parkinsons by Multiple docs, put on to find out it was SIDE EFFECTS of another drug he was another doctor seemed to think it was something else, cut a certain Med, and magically all the symptoms were gone. The crazy part is everything happened over a Long period of months....there was No reason to suspect the medication, until we started researching severe side effects....i was so angry and lost all faith in medicine after that....but just glad my dad was normal again! But its so crazy to think this happened, and it was real.


High blood pressure runs in my family, but so does obesity. My blood pressure topped out at 150+/90+. Medication brought it down, but this year I decided to get my health in order. Dropped 70 lbs, exercise 1 hour+ daily, eating more whole food based and less sodium, and I consume beet juice. Blood pressure now hovering around 120/65, and completely off medication. Genetics matter, but it seems in my case BMI and V02 max were the big thing. This has been a huge motivator to stay extremely fit.


This guy does an incredible job of explaining things, but man - I feel like my blood pressure is rising just listening to him describe what raises blood pressure


For those who aren't sure of the definition of homocysteine, it's when Tony Hinchcliffe tours the Sistine Chapel.


I was about to be put on blood pressure meds until one of the more experienced nurses used a properly sized cuff for a bigger dude with a manual device, and found my pressure was completely normal, when physician offices can barely measure blood pressure accurately, imagine figuring out you have some genetic disorder lol


I started taking TMG due to this podcast… it lowered my blood pressure dramatically !
All my life I had high blood pressure. Life changing.


I am a Nutritionist and I approve of the message. 👍
This is the almost the same exact things I have been telling my clients for years. I would tell them, "Most of our ailments are a result of something we are not getting enough of or something we are getting too much of."


He just lowered his TRT Dose by tri fold 🤣, He was becoming Dana Red


I also had hypertension with a BP of 140s/mid 90s. My doc wanted to put me on medication and statins. I went on keto, but added greens and keto approved veggies. I am now in the high 110s/over high 70s. Diet is very much a part of blood pressure. Cut back on the booze and eat better. It's not crazy science and easier to do than people think.


Day 155 carnivore diet here. Brecka isn't kidding about nutritious diets. I'm off all meds. Inflammation healed. Lost over 50 lbs. No more coffee/alcohol dependance. Chronic dizziness and migraines gone. Eosinophilic esophagitis gone. GERD gone. Chronic tennis elbows gone. Chest and back acne cleared up. More stuff has healed than I can even remember. Everything is healing. Every health problem I've had for a decade or more was idiopathic.... until I stopped eating that NON food in the stores. Now I know what caused it.


This guy is a genius in his ability to communicate relatively complex concepts as simple and relatable. I want that in my life.


This is very interesting, I am a disabled combat veteran currently seeking medical attention through the VA Administration. One of the things I am currently being treated for is high blood pressure which is normally running between 170-190 and all they keep doing is increasing my dosage of lisinopril. Constant headaches, severe ringing in my ears and most days my lips and face tingle and I can feel my heart beating throughout my face. Evidently they are not treating me as they should.


My doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure a few years ago. I'm extremely healthy, I eat very clean, and work out almost every day. His only answer to why I have high blood pressure is it's 'genetic'. I've never accepted that answer, something has to be causing it! I'm going to get tested for the possibility of a genetic mutation such as this, thank you!


I'm happy Dana received help.
He used to look like he checked his blood pressure with the tire gauge at Jiffy Lube.


I hate thinking about shit like this. I don't have access to top notch doctors. Mine are like, "you have high blood pressure, here try some psychiatric medication."


Hello Joe, I’m a research immunotoxicologist specialized in autoimmunity. I was disabled by 7 autoimmune diseases for 15 years but now I’m healed… the same way Gary Burka is helping people. I’m a warrior like him getting the message out that people are not stuck in severe illness. By using the new sciences of cellular regeneration, epigenetics, nutrigenomics, longevity and metabolic biogenetic. I’d love to share my story with you. Please help us get the truth into the hands of people.


I am blown away by this guest. It’s 4am and I can’t stop watching and taking notes
