MTHFR Gene Mutation Explained: How to Know If You Have It and What To Do About It with Gary Brecka

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Do you go to bed physically exhausted but have trouble sleeping because your mind races all night? Do you ever feel like you have food allergies but the symptoms are inconsistent? Gary Brecka is diving into the common gene mutation MTHFR and how it can lead to anxiety, gut issues, and mood problems for up to 44% of the population! We’re diving into the steps you can take to combat it and the supplements to help your body perform at it’s best!

00:10 - What is the MTHFR Gene Mutation? ( Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase )
01:00 - How do you know if you have the MTHFR gene mutation?
03:00 - Top symptoms of MTHFR.
04:30 - What are the best supplements to treat it?
06:40 - What it means when you’re waking up bloated in the morning.
08:50 - The BIGGEST STEP EVERY PARENT should take to see a difference in their kid’s behavior.


The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions.
Рекомендации по теме

My granddaughter has this gene, I had a test done. I told her doctor and she dismissed it and said she knows nothing about the gene. She was diagnosed with anxiety and depression at 15. She is now on zoloft. I've also talked to my granddaughter about her diet instead of taking zoloft and she thinks I'm crazy. She told me that she will not stop eating the way she does because it would be embarrassing when she is at school and around her friends. She said she trusts her doctor more than me since I'm not a doctor and I'm crazy for taking things out of my diet. She also has stomach issues, bad enough were I need to go get her from school once in a while. And, she won't eat meals because she says her stomach hurts. The doctor put her on an anti acid pill that doesn't work. I'm seriously thinking of sending this video to her doctor. However, I have a huge feeling nothing I do will help since noone wants to listen to me. It kills me to watch her life go down the drain!😢


I recently found out I have the most problematic form of this mutation. I had never heard of it, and didn't even know I was getting tested for it, among other things. Started on 10 mg of methylfolate along with b12 and b6, it has changed my life. I'm 50 years old, and I never knew my days could be like this. I have reduced all my medicines to half the dose I was taking and have some faint hope of being able to drop them altogether. I am eternally grateful to the NP who ordered it for me.


I started on 1000mcg of Methylfolate and Methylated Multivitamin about a month and a half ago and have never felt better.
I started after listening to you on Joe Rogan.


19/08/24 🇮🇪
This decribes me to a T. I'm going to try 5 Methylfolate, Hydroycobalamin(b12), D3 + k2 and Magnesium Glycinate. Anyone who is suffering just like me (mine is very severe) I will let you know how I get on in afew weeks. Ive had severe insomnia since 2020, very strong social anxiety that has led to chronic anxiety. As of this my work, gym, relationship and social life has seriously been affected. Ive tried pharmaceuticals, stress and sleep hygiene, changed to a carnivore and then now a animal based diet. Stopped smoking, drinking alcohol and smoking weed (smoked at night to sleep, did not help) Everything. Im going to buy the gene mutation test in the next few weeks to see exactly what i have. But for now I will start off on one supplement then add in more throughout, as I cant cope any longer it feels like im dying slowly and im only 24. Wish me luck 🙏 💛


I am so happy that I homeschool my daughter to better control her diet.


Bravo...I do have MHTFR mutation and everything you are saying is 100% right!!! Thank you very much !!!


This is definitely true. I did a little experiment with my son. I gave him lucky charms for breakfast, and he transformed to the hulk! The next day i made him scrambled organic egg mixed with organic whites, organic blueberries mixed with organic greek yogurt all with some decaf blk tea. What a difference!!!


I've only supplemented based on these videos, no gene testing yet, and can honestly say after 2-3 weeks of supplementing with 3 versions of B12, methylfolate multi vitamin, SAMe, and homocysteine I feel much much better. Less brain fog, less anxiety, better sleep, and more energy throughout the day.


I did the gene test and have a partial break mthfr. I've noticed a lot of ingredient labels don't say "enriched" or "fortified" but will list folic acid and some other Ingredients in parentheses.


My massage therapist just told me about this. I’m convinced that I have this gene mutation. I’m gonna get tested. Thank you!


Wow everything clicked in my head while watching this! I randomly saw a chiropractor last year who is all clued up about MTHFR, he prescribed said supplements for which i used but didn’t believe in….. i wasn’t consistent with taking them but you’ve literally gone through everything he told me. Been taking the advice seriously the last 2 weeks and can feel a difference, an watching this video reaffirms everything the chiropractor advised (i felt he was just trying to sell (referring with code) the supplements as a side hustle.


I’m MTHFR positive but I have no history of ANXIETY however I’m super food sensitive and super external/ chemical etc sensitive….


Saw you on the Dan Bongino show and was blown away by your life hacks. You've gained a fan.


I have this and just found out yesterday that I'm pregnant. Thank you for all this information- I'll be cutting out all fortified/enriched foods immediately. I also ordered a prenatal with folate instead of folic acid (had to get it online as every single one in the store had folic acid).


This information is so valuable... when you said on and off anxiety and gut motility issues, it clicked! I recommend that besides taking methyl folate and a b-complex, people consider taking digestive enzymes. It helped me so much with food sensitivities.


Only learned about this yesterday from my Naturopath. He suggested to watch YOU, explain all of this. I'll be giving it a go!


Why not just pretend like you have the mutation skip the test and order all the supplements that you would want if you did have the mutation. And then take them for a while to see if it makes you feel better. You can avoid the cost of the mutation test. Eventually it would be good to get tested but I would say see if these supplements make you feel better first I dont see the harm in taking them if you don't have the mutation?


We have it in my bloodlines as well. It explains many health isssues throughout the family and of course, info like this helps a million percent.

Thanks Gary !


This f sounds just like me !! Ugh I’ve been following this guy on YouTube. He’s phenomenal and I’ve never spoke to him he’s a god send !!!!


Thank you ! I have wondered why I always struggled with vit B 1 & B12 deficiency ! I checked so many symptoms wow ! Thank you ! 💜
