How To Practice Self Compassion

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Self compassion, Self love, self care, self reflection - all of these are wonderful terms that are synonymous with maintaining your personal wellbeing! However, there are times where it can be difficult to take care of ourselves. We tend to blame ourselves for every little mistake, every little thing we don’t know, or even disciplining or punishing ourselves in our everyday lives. But, the greatest kindness and pampering that you might feel you need, may just come from you, out of all people! So here are a few tips on how to practice self compassion.

Writer: Max Cabrera
Script editor: Vanessa Tao
Script manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over: Drew Baillie
Animator: Aury
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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We are so honoured to be able to serve many of you around the world, that we posted 4 videos in the last 24 hours. People say don't post too many content at once, but what if one video at the right time helps the right person?


1. Go for a walk and clear your head 0:40
2. Identifiying what you need and following through 1:20
3. Food, drink and rest 2:05
4. Taking breaks from stressful events 2:41
5. Rewarding yourself for a job well done 3:29
6. Forgiving yourself and moving forward 4:25


Being kind to myself is something I have really had to learn recently. I was in a cycle of setting high expectations and then being angry and upset at myself for not meeting those expectations. With a chronic condition and what I now know is ADHD I have slowly allowed myself to have flexibility day to day and task to task. I even have a guilt free hour to lay down and rest or nap. These tips are awesome! Thank you. It is so important to be gentle and understanding with ourselves.


Thanks!💕 Self-compassion, self-love, self-care, and self-reflection are essential for our overall well-being and happiness. It's important to remember that we're only human, and it's okay to make mistakes and not know everything. Instead of blaming ourselves, let's treat ourselves with kindness and understanding. It's amazing how much comfort and care we can provide ourselves when we take the time to practice self-compassion. So let's make self-love a priority and give ourselves the love and attention we deserve! 🌟


I know it’s hard guys. Self love is one of the most difficult things to achieve. But I know you people can do it! You are all very strong, simply for trying your best.


I had to forgive myself for past mistakes and others as well because I needed to let go of people that have hurt me especially Christians. Forgiveness was my theme last year but then letting go of friendships that weren't healthy. It has been a relief for me mentally and physically and also spiritually. It was hard but with God's help and truly leaving people behind was a struggle due to not keeping friendships for what I wanted. I've also hurt the people I had to let go of and they weren't the right fit for me. It was a season of suffering I had to go through in order to recuperate from past hurts. I'm in the best place in my life with new friendships and goals through the year and beyond as well.


Second! Hi Psych2Go!!!❤❤❤I love your channel!

1. Go for a walk and clear your head 0:41
2. Identifying what you need and following through 1:21
3. Food drink and rest 2:06
4. Taking breaks from stressful events 2:43
5. Rewarding yourself for a job well done 3:30
6. Forgiving yourself and moving forward 4:26

I hope this helps someone, have a wonderful day! 😁


These are the things that actually I am trying to do right now. I just felt like I need a break from everything and just move on with doing little things which bring peace and calm to my mind, such as reading a book and writing down my thoughts. I wish if I could go for a walk too. I decided to forgive myself for ignoring a duty just for two days. Thank you for your right timing. This video lightened my mind. ❤


I know this will probably not get seen among the thousands of comments, but it would be nice to have a video going over how to deal with touch and intimacy starvation.
Thank you for what you do. Have a lovely day.


When life leaves us blind, love keeps us kind- Chester Bennington


This video is very helpful especially after being diagnosed with mdd and PTSD the other day. Thank you guys!


Thank you for the last tip. I made a mistake the other day and I still feel horrible about it, but I’ll try to take your advice and tell myself everyone makes mistakes and that I’m only human. Thank you guys for all you do :’)


Forgiving oneself is near impossible, especially being responsible for ruining a life, finding out that you are a terrible parent, and realizing no one wants to be friends with you, and they only want to use you for you for their gain, but could care less if you died. I quit trying years ago with trying to be the prim and proper church going "good guy" I found it was keeping me from being happy, in fact it made my depression worse. I was so tired of being told I was worthless, I do that enough every moment of my life, I don't need a church or it's congregation telling me that too.


I don't know who said this, but it has been rightfully said that if we talked to others the way we talked to ourselves, we would have no one. Every person, including myself, has a set of high expectations for themselves. The problem arises because we often expect more from ourselves than we can realistically achieve then or ever. Nevertheless, we mercilessly push ourselves toward the end goal, disregarding the joyful moments we might experience along the journey if we would just slow down and give it some time. I do not believe and despise the 'everything happens for a reason' reasoning, which is why I never console anything by saying it. But what I do tell others (and often try to tell myself as well) is that you don't have to whip yourself like a metaphorical ringmaster to constantly keep running. It is okay to live life at a slow and steady pace while enjoying everything it has to offer. Keep calm, and accept yourself with all your flaws and strengths. You are stronger than you believe and smarter than you think. 😊❤


Thank you Psych2Go. These days I’ve been trying to improve, by doing meditation and having a morning routine but I know I don’t like myself very much and I always feel bad about myself and think I don’t deserve compliments.
So thank you for posting this video. It reminded me that doing mistakes is normal and that I shouldn’t blame myself every time, everyday.
Thank you so much.


3 powerful affirmations: I am enough, just as I am. I am lovable. I am good enough❤


Thanks, this video has proven quite helpful! I understood and started practicing some of these self compassion techniques already, yet I learned new aspects and even new concepts I hadn't considered yet. The biggest one I learned so far was finding forgiveness from within, as I've been having to use that on several occasions already to process and resolve repressed emotions and memories that often manifest as intrusive thoughts.

The biggest takeaway from this video was learning of the spacing effect, and how it can be applied to handling a looming deadline better. I remember this particular test I forgot about until the night prior, then outright cracking under the pressure and going fully apathetic after several hours of cramming. If I had simply taken a break or two throughout the night, I probably would have passed the test. At least I know better now.


Thank you so much for everyone who works on and with this channel! It's been a massive help for me (and many others I'm very sure!) over the past year. It's definitely been a difficult journey for all of us but this channel really has been a great assistance in reminding us we are never alone!


Im always hard on myself but im trying to be nicer to myself. ❤


Idk what it is about the timing of vids like these... but this one came at just the right time ^_^
