Cardio vs. strength training: What you need to know

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Cardio and strength training affect your body differently, and both are essential to your health and well being. Watch this video to learn how.

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For beginners out there. I'm talking about real beginner's, no experience in cardio or weight training. My best advice is to not follow any advice. Test your own body out, test your form of cardio, each person responds differently than others. Test different exercises and see which ones work and get you the best results, drop the ones that don't and keep the ones that do. Only thing you should always do is keep the form of any exercise you do, that's universal. Good luck to you new beginner's out there.


Strength-training has been shown to improve psychological health as well, by increasing self-esteem, confidence and self-worth.


I've been running on and off nine years. And since November 2017 running now three years straight five miles on the treadmill for one hour non-stop. I stopped losing weight after my 2018 year of just running and nothing but running. Then on June 10th, 2019. I stepped out my comfort zone, and started lifting weights at the gym along with still my cardio running workout everyday. I gotta say, ever since I started lifting weights, the fat has come right off me at 4x the rate of just running alone. I was 335lb in November 2017, with a health scare of high liver enzymes by my blood test results from my primary health doctor. Now I'm 264lb pounds. And liver enzymes are perfect. I'm not going to die. The next step was fatty liver then liver failure. And no I don't drink any alcohol at all. It's amazing when you take care of your body. How it takes care of you and rewards you back with feeling great everyday.


I started working out 3 weeks ago. Cardio thrice a week, same with strength training. Obviously no visible results yet, but I feel so great and I have been able to switch from 2kg weights to 5kg ones. It ain't much, but those 5kg dumbells were IMPOSSIBLE at the beginning


I just love my abs so much that I protect them with an extra thick layer of fat.


I do 30 minutes of weight training followed by 30 minutes of running, 5 days a week and it works for me.


I used to think exercise was just exercise, and by that you could achieve anything. But this video makes me understand how to get my fitness back the correct way


I do both..and now my weight is quite hard to increase..then i can feel my fat is getting lose and my muscle getting bigger...


Thanks for the concise info on this topic! The bite-size length made the decision of whether to watch it now or "maybe later" (= possibly never) very easy, and it's clear enough on what to do.


Short video with clear articulation of what are all cardio and muscle strengthening exercises benifits.
This is one of the video I came across. These kinds of video need to watch before getting rigorous gym workout.
Thanks for the video. It cleared my doubts which I had from long back.


Tip for beginners like me: Pick a cardio workout you can see yourself doing multiple times a week and won't burn out on quickly. Moving at all is better than not moving, and eat your protein or you won't have the energy to keep up with it.


I can’t do strength training without being super anxious about it. All these gyms always promote the “no judgment zone” but no matter where I go I never feel comfortable. I just wish I could do things without thinking about how I look. Anxiety is so hard.


Sprinting/Sprint Cycling and punching the punching bag are my favorite forms of cardio


Thank you for this clear information. 😊 Now, I can make my workout plan routine.


This is a great video. A balance between cardio and weights. Makes perfect sense.


Loved this video and I'm glad I came across it today helped a lot my life is slowly improving one day at a time ❤


That was such a nice video. I didn’t how to exercise correctly.Thank you!


I'm a serious runner (marathons & half marathons) who switched from bodybuilding (I was a 95kg bodybuilder in college and did zero cardio like most bodybuilders). So I have about 10 years of bodybuilding, followed by about 10 years of pure cardio. Here is what I will say. Running/cardio will lead to high endurance and being shredded. Though you always look somewhat skinny-fat because that is the body optimised for running (some fat reserves. It's not good to be without fat as a runner/cardio athlete). So the fact is I simply looked more masculine & better as a bodybuilder. However as a runner I feel lighter and more fit, I could not run up a flight of stairs before and was always out of breath (due to heavy muscles), now I can. But truth absolutely be told, I will say that I feel the bodybuilding lifestyle & training (I'm not talking about PED users of course) is superior to being a runner. I felt more jacked, powerful, and had less injuries and problems being a bodybuilder than being a runner. I run with perfect form and am lean like a skeleton, but I feel I am impacting my joints and bones, I often have pain from running though I am careful and stretch well after runs. I also don't think my heart is healthier than before, it's more endurant but also more used. You might ask why I am not going back to bodybuilding? Because frankly I'm now addicted to being a runner. It's hard to go back.


Don't forget that walking is also great cardio! A walk a day goes a long way!


Currently I am doing both everyday, a combination of bench press and curls along with weighted squats and lots of ab exercises, then I run for 20 mins, definitely seeing results
