When is Ox Bile a Bad Idea

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If you’ve been researching ox bile, or purified bile salts, you may be wondering when is ox bile a bad idea. There are many bile salts benefits but supplementing with ox bile should not be taken lightly. It’s crucial to understand how to use ox bile the right way. If you’re having digestive symptoms, or you’ve had your gallbladder removal surgery and you’re wondering about supplements to use when your gallbladder is removed, this video will help answer your question of should I take ox bile. Even if you’re just looking to learn how to improve gallbladder function, this video can help you find your answers.

Chapters 3 & 4 of this book explain the digestive process and how to improve it when aspects aren’t working correctly.

➤ Other Helpful Digestion Videos:

Disclaimer - T.C. Hale is not a doctor and does not claim to be a doctor or licensed in any type of medical field. Any information found in any of T.C. Hale's books, videos, newsletters, or websites are intended for educational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice. You should contact your doctor for any medical advice.Video hashtags: #TCHale #KickItNaturally #UsingOxBile
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Let us know if you've been using ox bile and what benefits or magnified symptoms you've experienced.


I had my gallbladder removed many years ago. I also have been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I have suffered from terrible bouts of diarrhea at random times, and gas and bloating daily. About a month ago I started taking a digestive enzyme supplement which included ox bile. This has been life changing for me. My digestive problems have almost completely disappeared. I wish I had known about this years ago.


I'm new to your channel, subscribed not too long ago after watching this video first and then followed the rest of your videos. What a treasure of information!

My gallbladder was removed 30 years ago and I have not been the same since. I learned about 8 years ago that I needed to take ox bile for the rest of my life and, while it did help for about 5 years, I started a couple 2-3 yrs ago with the bloating, gas, it took hours, literally, for my food to digest. I gained a good 20 lbs. and at normal weight of around 125 carrying that extra was tiring, and I knew I wasn't absorbing fat vitamins as I could feel and tell my body was lacking them.

About 2 weeks ago I came across this video and realized just what my problem has been. 1. taking ox bile WITH food and 2. Because I was taking ox bile with food I developed very low stomach acid. Wow! What a mess it did on my body! More importantly, though, what a relief adding HCL before and during a meal and taking ox bile an hour after eating has helped me so, so much!!

In the past 2 weeks, I know I lost a good 5-8 pounds, my stomach is no longer bloated, my food digests in the normal one hour window. I feel lighter in my body and weight. Eating healthy has become the norm for me since having my gallbladder removed, which has helped a huge amount in having somewhat healthier bowls, and, now, my bowls and digestion are spot on. I am so looking forward to finally reaping the benefits of all fat vitamins, my exercising finally paying off, getting rid of the rest of this fat and, I have you to thank. If I could reach through the computer to hug you I would!

Thank you so much for the wonderful information! I also want to say I enjoy your comedic side when explaining things. It sure makes for great entertainment while learning at the same time.


No one on youtube has mentioned this about taking ox bile and how to take it properly. I took it with food the other day and vomited really bad as well as cold sweat along with a fever, I didn't have pain tho. I do have very small stones I was told from the ultrasound that I had done recently. Definitely will try my bile salts at least an hour and a half after eating and see how that makes me feel. I do take betaine and digestive enzymes and so far so good with those. Thank you so much for this valuable information I just subscribed to you and I am so happy that I found your channel, much love from Australia :) xx


Great presentation, I have cirrhosis and gut issues, 3 days of Tudca . I'm seeing real physical improvements


So hopefully this isnt too graphic. I had instant intestinal paralysis after taking Shingrix dose 1. For 4 months I suffered w chronic constipation. I do not have a gb. I tried Metamucil, Epsom salt and no long lasting fix. Enter ox bile every 3rd day, 1-2 tabs on that day, 1-3 hours before eating. Problem solved. Lincoln logs and relief!! I go for colonoscopy in 2 days to be sure everything is ok. lets hope things are ok.


I have a non alcoholic liver cirrhosis and issues with my digestion.. is it possible that my liver doesn't produce enough bile and I could benefit from ox bile as well even I have a gallbladder? Started with tudca but it did not change much?


Wow, ive been taking ox bile with my food and couldn't figure out why i was burping and getting acid reflux. Great information, thanks so much.


I've been on a low fat diet due to H pilory. It has been 6 months with it and I was having shoulder and neck pain. I went from 196 to 163. I went ahead and I took some bile salts this past Friday when I saw your video. It turns out being on a low fat diet for a while has its downside and the doctor didn't tell me anything about it. I now understand why I've been feeling tired and dizzy, none of my food nutrients were breaking down. Thanks for the info 😎🤙.


I still have my GB and a recent CT scan says I have no sludge or stones. I had The Gastric Sleeve 3.5 years ago and had multiple stones on Ultrasound just prior, so I used Organic Beet Root Powder and Ox Bile to get rid of them AND prevent new ones to ensure massive weight loss didn’t cause me to need a Cholecystectomy (like 80% of bariatric surgery patients usually do). Thankfully, my Naturopath told me about these 2 supplements. I’m done losing weight now and don’t have Acid Reflux because my Naturopath also told me about Betaine HCL.

I stopped the HCL about 3 months after having The Sleeve bc it fixed the Acid Reflux caused by The Sleeve. I stopped the 2 gallstone dissolving supplements about 2.5 years after The Sleeve surgery.

But for the past few months I’ve had the symptoms of Bile Acid Malabsorption with D (esp. in the early part of the day, which is typical of BAM). I thought maybe I should re-start the Ox Bile, but it only made the D worse (although it’s a more normal color). Am I a person who should NOT take Ox Bile for D?

BTW what’s ur recommendation for BAM, OTHER than taking a prescription?


Awesome. Thank you for the information. I've had great results using a moderate ox bile supplement, but this gives me a better context for timing. In the future I will NOT take it close to consuming food and see if it works even better than it currently seems to. FYI - I have my gall bladder, but have been experiencing what so far seems to be sluggish bile as described in the video. My experience is just one analogy and other people's experiences will probably be different, but, again, good information! Thank you.


Im so glad I watched this video, i was taking ox bile when I eat fatty foods since I lost my gall bladder I been doing it wrong for years


It makes so much sense to take ox bile away from meals. My ox bile bottle says to take it with fat consuming meal😳 This is crazy! I will take it an hr or so after meal.


First time seeing you and I already love everything. Thanks for being so thorough ❤️


You explained all of this very well! Thank you!


Hey T.C Hale! I have been experiencing pale stool AND constipation (constipation now largely relieved since around 2-3 months ago) as well as some terrible skin issues with daily clear liquid discharge from lumps on my scalp (with accompanying hair loss) and acne on the neck and chest. I've been on a very high fat diet for the last 3 years with loads of raw A2 milk, raw butter, fatty meats, 10 eggs a day and raw cheeses etc. which I wonder if might have damaged my liver or overwhelmed my ability to digest fat. The stools have also been somewhat greasy too, and watching your content on bile flow made me think I probably have issues with bile/gallbladder (and possible stones). I have now consumed two bottles of beet flow and a pack of xenoplex in the last 4 weeks and yet still the issues with pale stool and skin complaints persist. I have also recently ordered ox bile, which I hope arrives soon, and have started doing coffee enemas. Do you have an opinion on this situation I'm in? Would love to hear your take on it and perhaps what would you might do in my position. Thanks for you great work, as always.


I’m so glad I found this !! I bought ancestral supplements that has gallbladder ox bile and liver . I had diarrhea.


Great information on your videos, Thanks! I had Gastric Bypass (Roux-en-Y) 13years ago and lost over 100 lbs and have kept it off. I also had my Gallbladder removed years ago. In the past 3 months I developed gastritis and it has been very painful. Bloated and also should mention i suffered from Gerd before the Gastritis. They put me on Omeprezole and now changed to 40 mg of Famotidine twice daily. I explicitly mentioned to the doctor I want to heal my gut and not be on pills to medicate just the pain and bloating. I watched your video as well as many others on the subject of OxBile and Tudca (for my fatty liver) and I started taking both a week ago. I t has helped tremendously. I cut back on Famotidine 40 mg to only once a day and in another week I hope to go tthree times a week, weaning of it weekly. Hopefully in a month not taking it at all. Thank you for the great advice. I take the Ox Bile 1 hour after my big meal of the day. Im not finding a lot of information on taking Ox Bile having had a gastric by pass so if you could share some information it would be greatly appreciated.


I had my GB out about 5 years ago. I had really bad bowls for years and a lot weight gain. I would work out and could never lose the weight. Also have become deficient in so many vitamins. Last March I started getting really bad burning pains in stomach. I was referred to a GI who put me on acid reducers. I didn’t take them because I’ve read all the bad things about being on them long term. Recently began seeing a Naturopath who has helped me a lot and I’ve been able to lose a lot of weight. Back to my normal size at about 140 lbs however I still suffer from gas, bloating, acid reflux that comes and goes. Currently dealing with a flare up. I take digestive enzymes with every meal, Vitamin D, tinctures to help with Adrenal function, bowl function and a GB tonic. My question is you talk about taking Ox bile but if you are dealing with reflux not to take? When would be the right time to take? When the reflux has cleared up? Anything you suggest I do? I eat really clean with a minor slip up once in awhile. Any tips would really help and be greatly appreciated.


I've had my Galbladder removed (advice from Dr in my 30s) I'm now 74 and have been diagnosed with PBC.
So am on a med. Ursidiol.
So this oxbile. hopefully will help supplement the Ursodiol will not be nessesssry...ID much rather be on a natural product. Thank you Dr.
