How to STOP being the victim | Seth Godin

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How To GET STARTED, GET UNSTUCK & SHARE Your Best Work | Seth Godin

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"No one is coming, you have to save yourself." Thank you for that message. Means a lot


"No one is coming" I learned and accepted this lesson at 12 years of age...but found the universe is always there for those who show up x


Thanks for all the love on this video, it means the world to me that you took a few minutes to be part of my channel.


The thought of being as strong as him of sharing and holding in his tears made me cry. While in front of an audience ?
That’s strength.


i never actually paid much attention to you, the interviewer... and I was expecting Seth to be the one talking. But all I can say is... thank you for sharing such a personal story with us. It gives sooo much context to what you're doing. I think it's brave of you to reveal such a thing. I wish you all the best going forward. And keep up the excellent work. Thank you for doing this.


I almost cried when he told that story. Brave and strong guy to share such a personal experience. Nice message


During a dark night of the soul experience last year, sobbing for hours, it hit me that no one is coming, l am all alone and as l hung out in this depressive, victim state of mind, with feelings of abandonment, a voice, from deep within me rose up saying - your IT, your all there is and that's enough. Talk about an awakening, l have come to accept I AM my life. Cheers.


“There’s no Prince Charming. There’s no rescue boats. No one’s coming. I need to save myself.” Thank you




The story just teared me up... Thank you for sharing something so personal and for giving this advice. That's so true! No one is coming, it's you and on you. Stand up straight and keep pushing, we can do this :D


I cannot understand what woman could deny her son’s cry or ignore him reaching out to her. Even if she has her reasons, the least his biological mother could do is tell him and his family why she doesn’t want to meet them. Of course, things (humans) are more complexed than that, but I just sat there crying when he told me she denied him like that. But luckily he’s got an amazing family of his own and his children will never have to feel that alone ever. I hope he’s in peace with his mother still being absent. Much love ❤️❤️❤️


I'm immediately reminded of "Choose Yourself" by James Altucher. The last decade of my life has been all about not playing the victim and taking charge of my life. It isn't easy, but it's the only thing that works.


Your story had me in tears Bryan. I could feel your emotions when you were talking about being rejected by your mother, to my core. I also searched for my dad for many years and when I found him I also got rejected. I met with him 3 times in the hope to forget what happened in the past and build on having a normal father and daughter relationship unfortunately reality kicked in and I realized he wanted money from me and nothing else. He broke my heart. I learnt a hard raw lesson : Finding out about him at the age of 10 he became my driving force and idol until I met him at 22, I put all my energy and hope into him for all those years even knowing that my whole life was based on a lie. Going against my family's wishes just to prove to myself that some how something must of happened and he does love me. Even tho they were right and I was wrong at the end of it all, my family I know still supported me emotionally and I managed to find closure and move on with my life. It was very hard. I became strong and I did what I did for myself to move forward with or without the perfect ending. I am loved and its isn't the end of the world that the love isn't coming from him. Thank you for your message ....and just know YOU are loved! Sending mountains of hugs all the way from South Africa ;)


A mom who doesn’t want to meet her son is not well. You do not want your family to be around someone like that. Some people weren’t meant to be parents. The parents that adopted you and chose you over anyone else are your real parents. I can just imagine they fell in love with you on first sight! 💗


Fantastic story. Good for you man! I was also adopted and came from a tough background to a self made millionaire so I respect and understand the grind. Keep grinding!


As a former children's home product. "No one is coming" eventually becomes your liberation! I learned this at 12 yrs old!


Bryan, WOW. What a great show. I had an experience quite similar to your experience of finding your birth mother. My story is almost unbelievable, and if I didn't have a witness, I would probably doubt my own memory of it. I found out when I was about 15 that the person I thought was my father, was not my biological father after all. My parent's did not willing disclose this information to me, so when I asked them about it, they were taken by surprise and it really upset my mother, she spent the whole night crying in her bedroom. Needless to say I didn't get any answers that night. But, it upset me that I upset her, and the next day we just went on with our lives like nothing had even happened, I didn't dare to bring up the subject again. I mean when is a good time to make your mom cry? NEVER.

Anyway, life went on, and I never did ask her directly for more information. However, she would bring it up to my best friend, almost every time she had the chance to speak with her privately. I think it was just too hard for her to talk to ME about it . Gotta love her, she handled it the best we she knew how at the time. Out of this, I was able to get his full name, he lived in the east somewhere, he had been in the military .(We lived in a town next to a huge military base) This was back in the 80s, before, like you said, the internet and information a was so readily and easily available, So I didn't spend much time trying find him, although there was a lot I wanted to know, especially health information, as in my childhood I had some health "scares" that could have been genetically related.

Although they never legally changed my name, and I was never adopted by my "step-father", they enrolled me in kindergarten with his last name.??? I guess things were different then than they are now... So for most of my life I had used one name while all my documentation was under another name. It wasn't a problem until I wanted a driver's license and my required Drivers Education class was under a different name than my birth certificate. When I turned 18, I hired a lawyer and legally changed my name to officially be who I was raised as, and took my step-fathers name.

Anyway fast forward a couple of years, I worked at a telemarketing company, and we marketed wholesome family films. We received all of our referrals from clients who had purchased films from us. Every morning the managers would count out a specified number of lead cards and distribute them amongst our team. I'm sure you know where this is headed. I ended up with a card in my pile, of a woman who's last name matched my biological father and it was an eastern time zone phone number. It caught my attention, because it wasn't a common name in the small northern Utah town I was from, and I had never come across that name anywhere else. I thought it was interesting and it piqued my curiosity but, it didn't really have my heart racing because, I mean, what would the odds be? Right? But I was for Damn sure going to do my best to sell her some movies and see what information I could glean from the call. So I did that. I closed the sale, but couldn't figure out a way to ask her what her husbands name was without it sounding suspicious.
My head was spinning with remorse as I thought of what I should have said and done, and trying to think of a way I could get the information. I told the guy sitting next to me what was going on and he said, "let me see the card, I'll call and say I am your manager and I need to verify the information since the sell is on credit." He asked for her husbands name and she gave it up without any hesitation. Sure enough, the name matched. HOLY CRAP! What now? The news spread through our office, I mean after all, 7 billion people in the world, 325 million in the U.S. and I would get that card? There was still a chance it wasn't THAT The**** I'm sure there's more than one person with that name in the world. At this point, word spread through the office, no one was working, everyone was gathering around me and asking me what I was going to do. I had no idea. Everyone wanted me to call right then, but I couldn't, I needed time to think. The managers caught on to what was going on, and we could have been fired for what we did, and they could have refused to let me copy the information down to call back, but, the odds of that happening were so un-freakin-believable I think it would have started a riot at this point.

To sum up an already long story (I hope you made t this far), it was him!!! He confirmed he knew my mother and confirmed he knew I existed. I asked him if I caught him at a bad time, as I could her his wife and kids in the background, and he said quietly " yes." I asked if he would like me to call back at a better time and he said "No." I asked if he wanted to call back at a time more convenient for him and he simply said "no". There was complete silence on the line. He didn't hang up and I couldn't breathe much less figure out what to say after that. Those were the last words we ever spoke. We sat there silent for probably a good minute and a half. Eventually I just hung up, because I couldn't hold back the tears any longer and I was NOT going to let HIM hear me cry.

So as incredibly "meant to be" as that was, it was a valuable lesson to me, on things, that are not "meant to be". It taught me to recognize how important it is to recognize the value of the things you already have in your life, that you take for granted. My step-father was after all for all means and puroses my "dad". He stepped up to the plate when no one else did, he took me under his wing and raised me as his own. And, as mad as I was for my parent's lying to me for all of those years, Now, I understood why. Life is tricky, isn't it?

I too am trying to learn how to navigate my trials and failures in life, (boy do I have a lot of them). I too am at a point in my life, where the pressure to sink or swim is incredible. I really enjoyed your interview, it inspired me to continue to try and find a way to turn my ideas into reality. I'm looking forward to seeing more Behind the Brand for ideas and inspiration.
Thank you


I watched the whole thing which I rarely do on youtube. Very touched and what an incredible storyteller you are. Thanks


A very profound message. Whoever did rear you has done a very good job. They and you should be very proud. Jxxx
