12 Stages Of Emotional Healing That Will Help You Move On

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Emotional trauma can be caused by a long list of factors, and at this time, your mental health should be your biggest priority.

What you’re experiencing in this emotional state is a crisis.

A crisis is a turning point in your life where you have to rebuild yourself, even if it seems like it won’t go well.

I would love to tell you that not everyone goes through this, that there are people who are safe from going through crises, but I would be lying to you.

There isn’t a person out there who hasn’t gone through a crisis at least once in their life.

Sometimes it’s hard to reach out to people, especially our loved ones, because we don’t want to burden them with our traumatic experiences.

Everyone has this desire to just be done with it. Do you know what I mean? To just make the pain and the hurt go away, but it takes so much time.

The stages of emotional healing

Everyone goes through these different experiences and some can pinpoint when they went from one stage to another.

They don’t know when they’re moving from one stage to the next and they don’t know when or how they’ve healed their emotional wounds.

When you’re trying to heal emotionally, it’s always easier to go to a professional because they can help you navigate through your emotions and heal faster.

Let’s start by defining all the stages of emotional healing, so you can better understand your emotional experience.

1. Denial
In this stage, you can’t determine the exact emotions that you’re feeling, because it’s all very confusing for you.

2. Grief
It doesn’t matter whether you say that you didn’t love him that much anyway or that he was bad for you, you will still experience grief.

3. Anger
This is another reason to visit a therapist. It’s really the best option, as they can help you go through these stages of emotional healing much more easily.

They will teach you how to express these emotions properly without hurting yourself or anyone around you.

4. Confrontation
You may try to come up with reasons for your behavior and confront yourself about what went wrong.

5. Bargaining
A lot of people say that when they hit this stage of emotional healing, they went back to their ex saying things like: “I’m ready to forgive you if we go to therapy together,” or, “I’ll never hurt you again, just please come back.”

6. Depression
When you look at all the stages of emotional healing, this is probably the most severe one but the good thing about it is that it’s not the final stage, so it will get better.

7. Regulation
You might not be able to be as socially active as you were before or you still can’t say that you’re happy, but you’re getting there.

8. Reflection
It’s going to help you understand the emotions you’ve gone through, without putting you back into a depressive state.

9. Emptiness
Even after crying, you’ll go back into this state of emptiness that will at times feel uncomfortable. However, it is very much needed.

10. Acceptance
It can bring about a feeling of sadness once you realize that you’ve actually lost this person forever.

11. Forgiveness
Forgive yourself for everything.

Forgive yourself for all the times you forgot your own worth, forgive yourself for all the things that have happened, and prepare yourself for a new life.

He doesn’t deserve to be a constant part of your thought process, that’s why you need to forgive him as well.

Forgive him for not knowing how to treat you right, forgive him for all the painful emotions.

12. Transformation
You will be able to correct your negative emotional patterns.

Your transformation will take place and with all the new experiences that you will gather, your entire past will just be a huge lesson you had to learn.

Transformations like these don’t come easily to any of us, but you’ll make it there. Slowly but surely.

This is your moment to shine. As the final stage of emotional healing, it will make you shine the most.

You need to validate your own emotional state, work through these things, and transform yourself into the best version of yourself.

Even if things seem undeniably bad right now, you’re not the only person in the world going through it. You’re not alone, even if you think that no one understands you.

Just please, don’t give up on yourself. Don’t throw in the towel because the pain in your chest is unbearable.

You’ll get through this just like you have gone through a million other issues.

There is someone out there waiting for you.


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