3 things you missed in #China | Xi to Europe, South China Sea Tensions, Bulls beware

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- Xi Jinping in Europe
- South China Sea tensions with the Philippines
- Bulls beware
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🇨🇳 Xi came to Europe to beg for leniency and forgiveness.


It takes punishment to change the Chinese🇨🇳 regime's behavior. Diplomacy won't.


The International Court of Arbitration in the Hague ruled that China's presence and activities inside the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone was in violation of international law. China ignored the ruling in defiance of the rules-based global order and was diverting the blame for the conflict it started by gaslighting the country whose EEZ boundaries it violated. The "agreement" it was using for an excuse to violate UNCLOS was at face value highly contentious. If true, the "evidence" presented by China proved that China broke diplomatic protocol by directly talking with an officer of the Philippine military who was not authorized by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs to represent the Philippines in matters related to the state EEZ. China claimed also that the alleged evidence of the agreement was the result of China's wiretapping of Philippine phones, which if true proved that China broke the Philippines anti-wiretapping law. The content of the alleged agreement was non-binding because it was not an official state document that was signed by the proper authorities, and it violated Philippine and international laws. China had been dealing in bad faith with the Philippines and the international community by illegally intruding into another country's territory, according to the international court. China should remove its ships from Philippine waters and abide with UNCLOS.


I would not shake xi hand. This man has no good energy.


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