Coping With Grief: Losing My Dad...

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Grief is hard, but it's also inevitable.

Whether we lose someone we love, or we lose someone through ill-health, grief is common but very hard to talk about.

In this video I wanted to change that, to talk openly about my experiences with grief, from the shame I felt to the day to day things I do now to deal with it.

I really hope this video helps you cope with your grief.

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I hope my honesty in this video helps you on your journey.


Lost my dad 3 weeks after my birthday in june and what makes it worse is my mom had a stroke that same month before he passed away im 26 and its the hardest time of my life i had to leave my job of 4 years to take care of her and i cry everyday


My dad was 73 years old. He had just beat prostate cancer and was making plans with my mom about the near future. Buying another home, buying land, and building their dream home.

He and my mom had just gone to the local furniture store and bought new bedroom furniture to replace the ones they had for quite sometime. They also bought new living furniture (my dad chose the couches and tables, my mom loved his taste in furnishings)

July 5 2023 came and my dad gave my mom a hug and a kiss, something he doesn't usually get to do, due to my mom waking up usually later than him, but that day she was up aswell.

Later that day, the furniture was delivered and properly placed. My mom couldn't wait for him to get home and see the new furniture.

Unfortunately he would never make it home. He died from an accident at work... he was only a fucking hour away from clocking out. It's not fair. He was all alone.

He was probably so scared.. I just can't believe it.


I lost my dad this morning and i am devastated it is so sad and hard. I haven't talked to him in few weeks now i regret it so much i wish i could talk to him one last time.


I lost my dad on December 7, 2008. He died unexpectedly at 49 years old. I was 22 at the time. He died from years of drinking and smoking. It was very sudden, and it still hurts that he’s gone. Even 14 years after his death, I still feel very sad that he’s not here. I was a daddy’s girl and I was his only daughter, nothing can take that away from me. It still hurts that he’s not here, but I try to think of the good memories and his jokes! He had a good sense of humor. I can definitely relate to your story, and I am so sorry for your loss as well.


I lost my Dad suddenly in September of 2018. A congenital heart defect took him out. It absolutely destroyed me where I have struggled to recover emotionally physically. I am now a hermit. He wouldn’t want this for me. I definitely need an outlet. Thank you for this inspiration


I tragically lost my dad on 11/25/2023 in a house fire ; he saved my mom brother and i some days are easier than others . I try to not stop doing things we did together just because he isnt phyiscally here anymore . Im glad that we were able to celebrate his 57th birthday before he passed.


I lost my dad on the 23th of august last month to cancer. He was 75 and wanted to let go.. me and my three brothers stayed at his place in another Town 4 hrs away for two weeks.. and it brought us closer together. All in all something good came out of a very difficult time. Stay strong people


I lost my dad 2 weeks ago, all the while we thought he was healthy and one night he had a suspected ruptured brain aneurysm, it was an extreme roller coaster ride for the whole family, with my dad being at the hospital for over a month.. semi-vegetative state and had some other complications. On March 14, 2024 my Dad passed away at 68. The pain just wouldn’t stop.. This is the biggest heartbreak I’ve ever experienced in my whole life. I love you so much Papa…


I feel it. I Lost my dad 9 years ago the day of my birthday and im in my 40 and i still cry damn it hurts. Rip Dad


I lost my father to covid and I've not been quite the same since. Its been 2 years. I cry almost daily. It hurts.


Thanks for this video Paul. I lost my dad almost 2 months ago (May 17). He left very fast as he was sick for just 2 weeks before passing. And I live over 4000 km’s from my family, so I didn’t get to say him goodbye. I know it will take time grief, but I miss him so much and I’m trying to make him proud.


My dad passed away 3 weeks ago, he walked me down bolyston st and told me one day I would run the Boston marathon when I was a kid, he watched me cross the Boston finish line 8 times. Thank you for this. Running has become so incredibly hard without him.


Lost my father, I think 3yrs ago..when I was half way around the world. I knew it would happen, part of life..but I never thought I have to watch it over the screen of my phone.. I never felt so helpless bec I could not do anything, I could not even fly (covid).

I just searched YouTube and ended up here..maybe I’ll feel better


I lost my father 2 months ago and losing is the toughest thing💔 I’m going through because him and me we’re very close, so losing him had made me very devastated and depressed💔.


I lost my dad 3 days ago. September 12, 2024 is the darkest day of my life. He was my best friend. We talked almost everyday and I used to call him and talk about whatever. 2 hours before he passed away we talked and I was lucky enough to tell him I love him before ending the call. I'm still in shock. Never felt pain like this and it'll probably be with me for the rest of my life. He was the kindest man I know and I take comfort knowing heaven got another angel on September 12. I wish everyone here who has lost their dad or mom all the best. You are not alone. Much love to you all ❤


Thank you my best friend/father passed away this morning and I’m very glad I found your video


I found out yesterday afternoon (Friday) following work from a cousin that my Dad died of pneumonia a few days ago at age 75. The loss hasn't sunk in yet but it is devastating primarily because my Dad and I had a falling out many years ago. We spoke probably 3 times in 25 years and things between us was never quite the same. Both he and I have/had a stubborn trait and the guilt and regret of not reconciling is tremendous and overwhelming. :-(


I’m the eldest and only girl. My dad passed away Feb. 2011. I moved 70o miles away and it is my biggest regret. I temper going home Christmas 2010. It was an odd Christmas. On my way back to my new home state I started crying for no reason. My husband asked me what was wrong? I said that I was the last time we will see my dad alive. I just knew it.
How did Il know. Why did I leave him again is what I ask myself daily . It has been a a 12 year beating I give myself. I’ll never forgive m my self for moving away.. no matter how good it was my kids and husband . They will never know the pain I feel on a daily basis. I try to be so strong and put on this front. But is exhausting.. I miss him and need him still.


I lost my mom and brother Young. Obviously, I clung to my father and became my everything. Now he is at the end of his cancer battle. I feel so alone. I don’t have a family. I don’t have anyone to spend holidays with or come to my kids school plays or graduations. I don’t have anybody who has known me my whole life. I also don’t know how to live without my dad. He is the first person I call for any good or bad news. The person who I go to for advice. I’m just so sad.
